The Transmigrated Author-Chapter 43 Shopping (3)

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Chapter 43 Shopping (3)

I was tracing the path to the platinum room above. Every fibre of my being hummed with anticipation as I strode towards the twin staircases.

Reaching the top two imposing figures flanked the ascent, their black tuxedos blending seamlessly with the surroundings.

Shining black glasses masked their eyes, but I felt the weight of their scrutiny as I approached. With a practised flick of my wrist, I presented the Platinum ticket to the two.

"Platinum access, eh?" One of the guards, a woman with a voice like polished steel, tilted her head, assessing me. "Don't look like a platinum holder. You sure you're in the right place, buddy?"

"I'm precisely where I need to be," I replied, my voice firm.

The other guard, a man with a scar slicing across his cheek, grunted. "Listen if this ticket is a fake we will detain you on sight" The guard took the ticket off my hands verifying it with his phone.

I watched them go through stupid procedures for a few minutes and the woman her eyes boring into mine through the dark glass.

"We apologise for the inconvenience we've fully verified your ticket you may proceed" a hint of respect in her voice. "Welcome to Dawn's Platinum Floor Sir."

The guards stepped aside, the heavy doors humming open as I passed through many rooms from what I could smell was food being prepared in one room and the moving and transportation of artifacts through the other rooms. Walking down the hallway it felt unnecessarily long to walk down and I wondered if I was closer to the exit than the actual door.

But I had to admire the many display cases lining against the walls housed with many golden luxuries of Dawn's adventures.

Then after the 5-minute walk down the hallway, the double doors could be seen at the end, labelled "Platinum Auction Hall" in a swirling, holographic screen.

Inside, the murmurs of many wealthy customers, decked in fancy dresses and suits sipping glowing cocktails and eyed each other with a mix of desire and suspicion.

The auctioneer, a flamboyant man who looked to be in his 40s with eyes like polished gemstones, held the room spellbound as he unveiled the evening's pièce de résistance

I settled into my plush seat in the Platinum Ring. Diamond-encrusted booths, each housing a patron more glittering than the last, surrounded me like polished islands in a sea of velvet darkness.

Across the space, the stage shimmered like a holographic oasis, bathed in cascading light that played upon a velvet-draped pedestal like a spotlight on a forgotten god.

"Welcome, distinguished patrons, to the Golden Horizon's Auction! Today, we unveil treasures from Dawn's collection!"

His words whipped the crowd into a frenzy. A bored hairless man with a punctured eyebrow raised a bored hand. "Five million dollars for the first artifact,"

Basically, the auction house was just for filthy rich people who had nothing to spend their money on.

The auctioneer chuckled. "The helmet of Alexander?" he held aloft a Golden Corinthian helmet that looked like the helmet of Alexander but I'll be the judge of that.


[Item: Helmet Of Parmenio [Grade 2] - Condition: Very Good - Enchantments: None]

Helmet of Parmenio? I think he was Alexander's second in command during his conquest of Persia. But the helmet was overall good in terms of grading and condition so whoever buys this is going to get scammed for its overpriced name.

The first few Bids flew like butterflies. "Seven million!" boomed a voice from a man dressed in a golden tuxedo suit.

"Ten million!" shouted a group of black-coated men. With no voices cutting through the crowd's chatters, the Auctioneer spoke up once more.

"Ten Million!... Going once... Going twice... Sold to the group of black coats over in the top right section!" The auctioneer shouted as he signalled the workers to bring the next item to auction.

As ten minutes turned into 30 I saw some pretty good artifacts go up for sale but none were to my liking, to say the least.

I came across some interesting items, such as the Colada sword, a Grade 1 wood material Mahogany, and the Ancient Spell Book of Jafar. But for the spell book to come to me I was as close to a swordsman as to a mage, so I was hesitant to buy it just to keep them away from others. I wondered if it was worth the trouble if those items had no use for me. Probably not.

After the constant appraisal for items watching each authentic high-tier item being sold at such high prices even I couldn't stand a chance at the hands of rich people so I was left with my sighs.

Disappointment bit me, but before I could slip away, the auctioneer's voice, dripping with drama, cut through the air.

"And now, the crown jewel of Dawn's expedition in the towers, it's an artifact whispered of in legends, sought by our very government and the board of heroes for hundreds of years…" He paused, letting the anticipation stretch like a cobweb across the room. "The Dragon's Tear!"

Velvet robes sank away, revealing a teardrop-shaped gem, liquid fire trapped within its facets.

My breath hitched. Could it be… The Dragon's Tear? My fingers itched to see if this was the dragon tier I wrote.

"System," I whispered my voice tight with anticipation. "Analyze the item on stage."


[Sure! Mr Axel :D]

[Analyzing Item... Analyzing complete!]

[Item: Tier Of Mother Wyvern [Grade 2] - Condition: Perfect - enchantments: None]

Another fake, another waste of my time and hope. What were these so-called appraisers even thinking? Frustration bubbled within me, Tier of Mother Wyvern... such a scam artist.

"Fifty million to start!" the auctioneer roared, echoing through the hall.

A bored voice cut through the air, laced with disdain. "Sixty million," drawled a woman draped in emerald silks, her diamond-encrusted fingers tapping impatiently.

A gruff chuckle from the opposite side. "Seventy million! Do you think jewels grow on trees, idiot?" Another old man with a long beard, his robe attire glinting under the lights, slammed his fist on the table.

"Eighty million, and not a piece more!" The woman's voice tightened, betraying a flicker of desperation.

"Ninety million, and I suggest you remember your place," the old man countered, his voice dripping with malice.

The tension crackled like electricity. Whispers rippled through the crowd, fueled by greed and anticipation.

A person dressed in all white, his eyes glowing with confidence, leaned forward. "One hundred million! This artifact belongs to true knowledge!"

The Old man roared with laughter. "One hundred and ten million! Show me a spellbook that can outbid such an item!"

The crowd of bidders broke out into a riot as the bids rose to higher numbers and It finally came to a stop at 450 million dollars for a tier...

Though I believe that was the current market value of a Wyvern tier I kinda hoped the bids spiked 100 million more so they could get scammed, but I have to remember that being kind is free.

I only stayed for a few more minutes for one more item but I realised I was only wasting my time. So I stood up, left the room, and headed to the staircase...

Disappointment clung to me like a shroud as I descended the staircase of the Platinum hallway.

If the Dragon's tier were actually at The Golden Horizon I would've known exactly where to get it but It was only false hope for myself.

I had sidestepped myself into thinking the dragon tier would even be at such a place when I know damn well that it's on the highest floors of the tower.

Today's auction was just another dead end.

As I made my way to the main lobby floor I realised that there were bodies knocked unconscious and the bodyguards from the top floor were also on this floor as well.

Sniff, Sniff, Sniff,

That smell... What is that?

I stood near the entrance door looking to call for help as I covered my nose to stop inhaling that strange smell which made me feel dizzy.

Then as looked at the shadows stretching across the polished marble floor, Three figures masked by dark hoods and a gas mask, sprinted towards the main entrance as they dashed out of the three auction areas, arms heavy with plundered treasures.

"Oh man, did we pick a good day or what?" one of the thieves cackled, his voice hoarse with adrenaline.

"Best payday ever, Ricky!" another chimed in, his loot bag bulging dangerously.

"Move it, Dicky! Heroes could be on their way!" a third urged, brandishing a gleaming machete.

Suddenly, the thieves screeched to a halt, their gazes locking on me.

My black robe, billowing slightly in the draft from the smashed entrance doors, and the half-mask obscuring the upper half of my face seemed to momentarily stun them.

"What the – who's this?" The thief spat, his hand tightening around the grip of his pistol.

The other thief the machete-wielder, scoffed. "Some wannabe hero playing dress-up? Pathetic."

But there was a tremor in his voice, a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. My silence and the unsettling stillness emanating from me were unexpected variables in their escape plan.

Unfazed by their initial reaction, I stepped forward, my voice calm but firm. "Leave the treasures and I'll act like nothing ever happened."

The thieves exchanged glances. My unexpected calmness unnerved them more than any confidence they might have.

"Yeah, right," scoffed they, though his boldness sounded strained. "Like you could stop us."

"Three against one," the machete-wielding thief sneered, his voice dripping with false bravado. "Easy pickings!"


Authors Notes:

- The pièce de résistance: means the most important or remarkable feature of a work.

- The Dragon tier is a material made from the tears of a dragon. This material is highly valued because it is believed to contain an immense amount of power and mana, which can multiply anyone who consumes it fivefold.