The Tyrant’s Beloved Doll-Chapter 39

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Sezh returned back safely, she entered her room without someone noticing. She then laid down on her bed and pretended to sleep like nothing happened. But, after running into so many troubles today, she couldn’t sleep even with rolling her body left and right.

‘What kind of person Eton actually is? And why is he in Lady Lize’s palace?’

The lingering thought didn’t stop at all. Sezh kept thinking of Eton’s red eyes.

“But Eton are much taller than Brother, their hair is also different.”

Midnight blue hair. If you just see it slightly, you will think they look the same. But if you look more detailed, Raytan’s hair is darker since it’s on the black palate. The age gap between them also looked vast. But it’s not that spacious. Maybe around 20 years wide?

Their eyes are similar to each other but the atmosphere that surrounded them are definitely different. Raytan is still having a teenager vibe and Eton are completely an adult. Both of them give out a cold aura but Eton radiated it more greatly. And it’s a fact that both of them are also good looking.

“Is he really not a prisoner?”

But he said he is not. She really couldn’t understand it. Sezh changed her head position. Soon enough she should grasp what is the motive why he lives there. There are two things to be sure about. First, Eton knows how to use magic. Second, he said he had always been here.

Sezh predicted the reason why Eton is living sneakily inside the palace is because he is a runaway mage. Didn’t he say that before? That he had always been there in Lady Lize’s palace. He said that the palace that used to be Emperor’s in his crown prince days was originally a temple. She didn’t know how the situation back then but she is pretty determined that Eton was quite knowledgeable about that palace. He even knew about the doghole that Raytan once said no one knows.

Delhender treats their ruler more than a God. Hares The First. The first emperor of Delhender and Sezh’s ancestor. People worshiped him like a God. It’s because of the story that he successfully defeated a mysterious demon.In Delhender, there are mages who are called as The Child of God. They served Hares The First and worked in the Imperial Temple. During Hares The First era, the mages who followed him all naturally work at the temple. They were naming themself as ‘The Child Who Received Blood of God’ to show off that they were serving him.

However, they were cases when some mages tried to escape The Imperial Palace. Delhender watched the mages somehow tough. It was to the degree that it could be called excessive.

First, about magical power. If there were a child born with magical power discovered, they would record them in a list at The Imperial Palace. Then, if they meet the qualification on the upcoming evaluation at their teenage years, they will be taken to The Imperial Palace.

The list does not end just within them. When they are marrying someone and having a child, the child will also be recorded on the list. This was because the ability to use magic was often linked to inheritance. This procedure has been running for a very long time.

“But why are they supervising the mages to that rate? Is it the same too in other countries?”

Sezh was puzzled a little. From a bundle of people that she knew, no one could be a place to be asked such a question. Suddenly, Sezh recalled back her memory about a book that she saw Raytan read once a few days ago.

The Wizards of Delhender –

That’s right. She needs to find that book first. There must be some information about the ancient mages in Delhender. But she’s not that sure if she could find any clue about something that could be linked to Eton there. It was a relief that she can still open her mouth again, so she could not ask anyone about Eton’s identity now. There’s no other way except she finds it out herself.

However, will Raytan hand over that book to her? If he won’t perhaps she should search for another copy at the library. Sezh fell asleep while hugging those worries.


Luna came even when it was not morning yet. She still brought those medicines again to Sezh’s room.

“Good morning, Luna! After all of the things, I still don’t want to eat those medicines.”

Sezh rejected the medicines subsequently after giving Luna a morning greeting.

“I’m all better now! I am not hurt anywhere! So please don’t worry again.”

Luna was so delightful. She hugged Sezh, tears flowing down her cheeks because of joy. She said.

“You got better after just one day. I know it, Princess. You’re really having a strong heart and will.”

Sezh didn’t know what to say and felt embarrassed. She just laughed awkwardly.

Not long after that, Raytan came. It’s so early in the morning.


As soon as Raytan opened the door and entered in, Sezh who was laying in bed jumped up to the floor. She ran full of excitement towards Raytan.

“I’m okay right now! I don’t have to eat any of those medicines again!”


“And now I can even open my mouth as big as I want! Should I show you?”


Sezh opened her mouth, Raytan furrowed his forehead.

“You don’t have to show me like that.”

“But now I really can open my mouth…”

“Then done.”

Yes… Sezh pouted her mouth a little. She just wanted to show him how she much she was getting better.

The Chubby Face Sezh was staring at Raytan. She remembered about Raytan who was running while bringing her to her palace. For your information, Sezh’s palace is not a nearby place from there. He even accompanied her until Luna brought her medicines yesterday. And today he visited her as soon as the sun rose! Of course her heart was beating so fast.

This is the first time that another person cared about her aside from Luna. All of the people in this included her own mother in this Imperial Palace were never concerned about her not playing with others or even if she suffers an acute disease. It’s still the same between the past and the current time. And know that concern and worry. It’s not anybody else but Raytan!

“What are you looking at.”

Raytan’s face looked shaken.

“I just want to look at you, Brother.”

“Somehow it’s like a bad-intended glance. Go away.”

Forget about stepping away, Sezh intensed her stare. Raytan twitched his eyebrows, but Sezh didn’t get scared like in the past anymore.



“Are you worried about me?”


“Yesterday you were running frantically while taking me. Today you’re still worried too, right? So you came this early.”


Raytan answered fiercely. But Sezh’s side lips were going up more. Raytan looked like he didn’t like it and frowned.

“I said I’m not.”


“This stup..! No. .. “


“I didn’t say anything.”

Lie. She heard it all. He was about to say ‘stupid’. Honestly, Sezh didn’t really care about whatever harsh names Raytan called her. Of course the name is not good at all but … So what, Bern and Lillian were calling her an ass and imbecile everyday. She thought it was worse.


Raytan looked nervous then opened his mouth slowly.

“You, to finally recovered from that stupid form. I’m reli-…No, Shit.”


“That you’re okay now … I’m … relieved.”

Raytan frowned and squeezed his brows down.


Raytan uttered such sweet words with a contrasting disgusted face. But with just that, Sezh smiled brightly at him.

“Master Raytan.”

At the same time, Luna entered the room while giving her greeting. Then she spoke politely.

“If you’re pleased. Would you like to have breakfast with The Princess? All the preparations have just been done.”


Luna seemed to already far threw away her prejudice about Raytan. However, she still worried about what if Yerena finds out he was visiting Sezh today. She left the room and let both of them take their meal together and waited in the hallway outside.

Absolutely, Sezh knew that she was trying to be a stand guard right now but it’s not like Yerena will come to her place today.

‘No. She also won’t come today.’

Sezh tried to convince her beforehand but Luna was being a tough cookie.

In the end, Sezh finally understood and then replied with an apology.

‘I’m sorry, Luna. I keep giving you problems.’

‘Princess … I will do everything for you. So please just enjoy the meal to your heart content with Master Raytan.’

Thanks to that, Sezh could have a peaceful breakfast together with Raytan that morning. This is something that she couldn’t even imagine back then. And it’s in her own palace of all the places. Once again, it’s breakfast with Raytan!

Luna was putting a lot of attention on their meal that day. Unlike usual, there were more materials of food in the soup, the meat was also added more, and the setting was decorated beautifully.

However, if Sezh should speak bluntly. The dishes in her place were not on a comfortable side. It was on the level that it couldn’t be even compared to the meals that served at Lady Lize’s palace. Luna must be aware of that. Before leaving, she said.

‘I’m truly sorry for having nothing to plate up.’

Sezh couldn’t help but was feeling guilt-ridden against Raytan. She wouldn’t even be surprised if he doesn’t touch his food at all. Contrary to that, Raytan incredibly ate his food without even saving a remnant. He then looked at the puzzled Sezh who was chewing her food carelessly.

“The lesson will start tomorrow.”

Raytan exclaimed after he sipped his coffee.

“Okay. I think I still have to rest for today. Luna is so worried.”

“… Really?”

“That’s right. Yesterday she cried so much.”

Sezh was starting to be so chatty that day. She was telling Raytan this and that about stuff that happened to her. She was full of the spring joy now that she felt that Raytan cares about her and how they were getting closer. Except for Luna, this is the first time there’s someone who is willing to listen to her story.

“Sometimes she can be overworry. I had fallen and hurt my kneecaps once, it didn’t even bleed exceedly. I said I’m okay but she kept crying because of that. But I am really fine that day”


“Ah! And there is one time when I was seven. It’s just that I catched a cold for a few days. She kept saying that maybe it could be a life threatening disease because why the fever doesn’t decrease at all. She even roasted the physician back then.”

“Yesterday it happened again. I can die from embarrassment. Of course I’m so thankfulll~ but.”

“It’s better to have someone who is overly worried about you like that, rather than no one cares for you when you are sick.”


“I don’t know what kind of feeling that embarrassment is. I don’t have such experience.”

Sezh fastened her lips. She realized that she unintentionally boasted about care that Raytan’s never got.

“… Brother will, in the future.”

Sezh, who was speechless for a while, opened her mouth delicately.


“I will do those overly worried things to you.”

“… “

“Brother will try to tell me to stop until you are exhausted. I will go on a ruckus when Brother sicks!”

Raytan was serene in a split second. Did she talk wrong again this time? but that wasn’t a lie. She saw Raytan yesterday full of efforts to bring her with her weird illness.

Sezh was naturally an empathetic person. So, if she witnesses Raytan run into the same situation like her yesterday, she will obviously help him with all of her might.

“I rarely sick.”


“So you don’t have to plan a ruckus like that. Don’t dream for nothing.”

Ah, well then. It looks like he really hated the idea of someone taking care of him. So Sezh just half-heartedly praised him like ‘Brother’s health must be very good, I’m so envious.’ then drink her milk. Suddenly she was thinking about something then turned her head up.

“Does your wound got better?”

“What wound?”

“Why, the last time… Brother was hurt. That time, with me…”

The memory of the bruise on Raytan’s stomach suddenly evoked in her head. The bruise was bandaged by her before. Now, he said there is no wound? She said she will be worried about him before. Although Raytan treated that wound just like nothing but a small scratch.

“So, is your injury got better?”

“Already gone a long time ago.”

“Then, your shoulder?”

Raytan doesn’t answered. So, Sezh tried to scan him more clearly. Raytan’s iris waggled a little. After being silent for a while, he spoke with a low voice.

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

“Why? But…”

“I told you I’m not hurt.”

He’s not hurt? Sezh widened her eyes. Then she looked at Raytan’s left shoulder.

“If you’re not hurt then why are you still wearing the bandage?”

“Don’t know.”

Instead he gave her a fuzzy answer.

“Stop trying to steal a glance. It’s not hurt anywhere.”


“That’s not your business to worry about.”

She’s not truly kept thinking about that but it’s not she actually also didn’t care. What, Brother always pretending that his body wasn’t hurt even if it is. Maybe he just felt embarrassed for nothing or something else, she didn’t intend to urge him about it any further. Sezh chose to stir the topic up.

“By the way, Brother. I saw you read a book before. Eum… ‘The Wizards of Delhender’”

“What’s wrong with that.”

“Would you lend me that book?”

“Why do you want to read that?”

“I’m just interested. .. You won’t let me borrow it?”

“You can.”


“I don’t have it now. I’ll give it to you tomorrow.”

“Ah! It’s alright! Tomorrow when I arrive-“

Sezh couldn’t continue her speech because Raytan suddenly stood up.

“I have to see mother tomorrow. Your maid will be the one who takes it. You stay here.”

Uh…. Sezh showed an anxious face. It’s still quite early for him to leave. To be precise, maybe it could be around 11. Moreover, Raytan postponed the tutoring for tomorrow, so she was having a lot of free time. Almost for an all day long.Still, there is no tutoring today. Therefore, she can do any other activities with Raytan. Sitting side by side and holding a conversation with him like this. She’s not sure if any chance like this could happen again or not, That day she was also quite bored so …

“Brother, would you like to take a walk together?”

Sezh full of anticipation asked.

“I wouldn’t be a burden!”

Raytan didn’t give his reply immediately after Sezh threw her question. There was a pause before finally he nodded his head.***

When she presented her idea about going to Lady Lize’s palace, Luna’s face was painted with worry all over it. Because they were strolling around not as early as usual.. What if they bump into Bern or Lillian or both?

Nevertheless, Sezh was optimistic. It’s because Bern was still having his study in the morning and Lilian always sleeps in the morning and wakes up at the late noon. She didn’t have to worry about The head butler Orson too. He is busy preparing for the tea party that was held at Yerena’s palace and always stays waiting there.

They will use the shortcut path to Lady Lize’s palace. It was the doghole that Raytan mentioned before. The doghole that led Sezh to meet another person yesterday.

Perhaps, If she knew her optimism was wrong, she would have chosen another option. She would probably just stay away at her palace no matter how bored she was. The poor Sezh who didn’t know that truth, walked down the path together with Raytan.

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