The Ultimate Evolution-Chapter 913: Keep Making Arrangement

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Chapter 913: Keep Making Arrangement

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

For Earthlings, the Galaxy refers to the stellar system in which the solar system is situated - one of the vast galaxies in the universe.

But for the aliens, the Galaxy had a special meaning. This may be difficult to understand, but take this as an example:

In ancient China, there was a degenerate young man with an education level between the 2nd year of high school and the 2nd year of college. On a certain day on his way back from the brothel, he passed by a river and found a carp dying in a mud ditch.

The fish should be thankful that the brothel that the degenerate frequented provided food, so the degenerate was stuffed to the throat and had no interest in turning the fish into food. He even performed a rare good deed - he threw the fish into the river.

Little did he know that the true identity of the fish was the CEO of the Dragon Palace. He came back to find the degenerate to repay the favour. He asked his guard to fetch the degenerate to the Dragon Palace with an aquatic motorcycle, telling the degenerate that he would satisfy any wish the degenerate had. The degenerate had never encountered such a grand occasion and was scared stiff. He didn't dare ask for anything, so he told the carp CEO that he wished for joy.

The "joy" the degenerate referred to was just happiness.

But the carp CEO displayed a reluctant expression. Finally, he sent for a stunning beauty who looked like a mix between Lin Chi-ling and Liu Yifei, telling the degenerate that this is his daughter. Her name is Joy, sigh, take her away… The degenerate rushed excitedly to the nearest 7-Eleven and told the cashier, brotha, give me the box to the right of the chewing gum on your left, the 20-pack for $37.99, strawberry flavour…

(Lin Chi-ling :

(Lin Chi-ling :

I will not write about the follow-up story because it's too long and you'll probably think that I'm stuffing the chapter with fillers to make it longer. And, not gonna lie, it is pretty long, and irrelevant to our story to boot.

(TL note: This whole part was just some nonsense shamelessly written by the author to meet the word count.)

(ED:It's golden nonsense!)

So as soon as the words "Galaxy" left Sheyan's mouth, the Bug King alien got really excited. He yelled:

"Galaxy!! Mine!"

Sheyan flicked away a few fat worms that sprayed onto him from the mouth of the Bug King with a frown, and said faintly:

"If you want to know the whereabouts of this thing then show me more respect. I fully demonstrated my strength just now, so I better get the treatment that matches my strength."

The Bug King alien stared at Sheyan for a while with his deformed head skewed to one side. Coldness flashed in his cracked eye. Yellow-green saliva flowed from the gap between his crooked teeth. He issued a roared.

The surrounding bugmen scattered obediently. The Bug King alien limped in front and led the way. From the exaggerated and deformed posture of his gait, it truly seemed like his feet would break with a snap anytime soon."

Following behind the Bug King, Sheyan came to a room where miscellaneous items were stored in. It was very humid inside. The Bug King alien comfortably sat down on the overflowing sewage like a human would on a sofa with soft pillows. He then said in a dense, blurry voice:

"My name on earth is Jones. Please have a sit."

Sheyan had no interest in sitting on the ground flowing with waste water, so he grabbed a broken table, turned it over, and said:

"My name is Seaman, Mr. Jones, and my time is precious. So, I will keep the story short. I know the whereabouts of the Galaxy. The question is, how much will you pay for this information."

Jones the Bug King laughed and said:

"Do you really know what the Galaxy is?"

Sheyan simply replied:

"If I recall correctly, its full name is "Cosmic Subatomic Energy Micro-Reactor". The energy it provides is about 177.3 times that of nuclear power. It is embedded in a transparent cosmic titanium crystal frame and was called the Galaxy because it looks exactly like a miniature version of the Milky Way. My dear Mr. Jones, I'm in a hurry today; I must leave in 5 minutes."

Jones the Bug King stared at Sheyan. His pupils suddenly blinked without his eyelids moving.

"What do you want?"

Sheyan smirked:

"If you want me to offer the price, then Mr. Jones, I'm afraid there will be no more room for negotiations after I've named my price. You can only choose to accept or not to accept! Of course, there is another choice - you can try to use force to get what you want. But before you do that, you better think hard on whether you will succeed."

"Say it," muttered Jones. He reached to the ground and picked up a thick lump of mud mixed with moss and other things, then ate it like he was eating Haagen-Dazs.

Sheyan told him seriously:

"I want the spaceship that you took to Earth."

Jones was taken aback. He burped and shook his head, saying:

"No way. No way."

Sheyan stood up and patted his butt:

"Well then, nice to meet you."

But when Sheyan walked to the door, a trace of cunning flashed across Jones' decaying gray-blue eyes:

"Fine, it's a deal."

In reality, the spaceship he took to Earth unfortunately crashed into a rock when he landed and it was severely damaged. The reason he stayed in the sewer was to look for other means of going home. Jones felt that buying such valuable information with a transport that was already worthless, was great business.

Unbeknownst to Jones, Sheyan actually did not have much interest in his spaceship either. The reason Sheyan made the deal was to leave him with no choice but to find another spaceship to go home.

Next, Sheyan went to visit Jones's spaceship. The spacecraft only looked intact on the outside. Sheyan then handed it over to Jinkuang. Jinkuang would always show a lot of enthusiasm for all scrap iron that could be exchanged for cash at the waste collection centre.

Jones then obtained the information he desired from Sheyan:

The secret treasure of the Arquilian Empire, the Galaxy, was held by the Arquilian prince, Rosenberg. Of course, he's not alone on earth. He had a tall bodyguard who had a natural ability to sense danger, and he was willing to die for the prince. Prince Rosenberg was a very interesting alien. He owned a jewelery store on No. 54, 54th Street in Manhattan. He had twelve pots of pink forget-me-nots outside the shop, and he kept a cat that had yellow-and-white stripes. He loved the cat and treated it like his son.

Jones was convinced by now. The Bugs were engaged in a prolonged war with the Arquilian Empire, so the Bugs knew some of Rosenberg's habits, and they were very consistent with what Sheyan said - with the exception of the prince's address on earth.

Jones excitedly poured a cup of coffee for himself, a cup of coffee that ordinary humans would never drink. Jones poured at least half a pound of sugar into the cup, then gulped it down in one go. Sheyan could not wait to leave this damn place. His arrangement was successful. Whether he could achieve his goal would depend on luck.


Sheyan once again appeared on the streets of New York under the cover of a curly wig and a pair of coloured contact lenses. He must remain alert to the surrounding environment and prevent any police from approaching within 30 meters of himself. Otherwise, there was a great possibility of him being questioned and exposed.

This was a difficult task which required a high level of skills. Fortunately, New Yorkers always had their attention focused on things like the Super Bowl, Playboy magazines, the NBA Finals and serial killers. Plus, a crazy participant had killed a large number of Men in Black agents. So the death of a Man in Black agent caused by Sheyan was like a spit in the ocean; it was completely overshadowed and was ignored by the New Yorkers. Otherwise, Sheyan would have to face the public's wrath and it would be hard for him to do anything.

Sheyan went back to his old place - Mr. Jack's store. It had been sealed off by the police and there was a sign forbidding entry. Sheyan kneeled down pretending to tie his shoelaces, then talked to the suitcase carried by Jinkuang in front of him:

"Mr. Jack, tell me something. Where is the surveillance camera in your store? Please don't fool me with those that you've modified to mislead people. (Because Jack was selling illegal firearms, he had to modify the official surveillance cameras.) What I need is the real thing that can record everything truthfully!"

Jack's faint voice drifted out from the suitcase. Apparently, this old alien had experienced a fair bit of suffering in the hands of Jinkuang:

"You can find it on the owl decoration on the right side of the counter. The owl's eye is the surveillance camera. The password is 31nsa13."

"Good," Sheyan snapped his fingers, "If you keep up your level of cooperation, I will consider giving you your freedom when I leave."

Sheyan then walked over, wrapped his hand on the locked doorknob and twisted it hard. The door opened. Sheyan took what he desired from the store without much effort. He cut out the part of the recording where he killed the senior agent of the Men In Black, Agent G, and asked the two captured aliens, Jack and Ritz: 𝐟𝘳𝑒𝗲𝘸e𝒃𝘯𝒐𝐯e𝚕.c𝒐𝒎

"I know you must have a way to transform this part into the scene that I want - the scene where Agent G went crazy and tried to kill me, forcing me to retaliate in self-defense."

Ritz and Jack remained silent. Sheyan coughed once, and Jinkuang immediately screamed:

"Time is money! My friends, you have been resting for too long, let me find something new for you to do."

Ritz and Jack instantly turned pale. Jack said in a hurry:

"I have a way to fulfil your request, but I have to warn you, even a kid will notice that it's fake."

Sheyan said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter. Start working, right now."