The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World-Chapter 496: 297: Ordained by Heaven, Enjoying Long-lasting Prosperity_2

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The majority and the ones that have the greatest impact on the common people during dawn are those small demons and beasts that proliferate wildly like roadside weeds, born from the chaos of the world.

This content is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

Famine, plague, military disasters… any one of them can cause cataclysm to ordinary mortals. Everything beautiful that mortals possess is as fragile as paper under turbulent times.

Indignation, resentment, hatred… Even if it’s just a mortal, dying suddenly in misery could turn them into an evil ghost. One or two is nothing, but when the numbers add up to hundreds and thousands, extremely terrifying changes will occur.

Under these tumultuous times, the rate of demon growth is even faster than weeds. Having witnessed all sorts of horrors, once Feng Qing’an realized he had the power to end this chaos, he didn’t wait any longer.

Compared to the crying of a nation’s people at dawn, it’s insignificant to have one person bear the weight of a monarch’s crown. If he doesn’t do well, he can learn slowly. With Feng Qing’an’s existence, Cheng Ping doesn’t have to worry about being overthrown.

“It’s too cruel for him.”

Sen Miao could sense the fear and unease in the heart of the young emperor standing on the Altar of Heaven. After all, everything happened too abruptly, hardly giving the young emperor time to react or prepare.

“What’s so cruel about a poor boy becoming king? Among the people shouting long live the king, many of them would eagerly substitute themselves, even to serve as my dog.”

Feng Qing’an was dismissive. He didn’t think he was too harsh on the boy, because without him, the boy would already be a roadside skeleton.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at his awakened bloodline, if Feng Qing’an hadn’t intervened, it would have been exhausted long ago. Even if the boy had some serendipity or the guts to seek and fight demons to extend his life, could he resist the erosion of the demonic aura in his bloodline?

The moment this boy awakened his bloodline, he was either to die or become a demonic creature that brings disaster to the world. Feng Qing’an gave this boy a different choice, allowing him to continue living in this world as a human. Could he really be unsatisfied with that, or was he just whining about trivialities?

“If you’re really worried, you can keep an eye on him in the future. It’s your turn to go down and back him up.”

The die is cast. Feng Qing’an would not change anything because of Sen Miao’s words. There are many people in this world doing things they don’t want to do, and this boy is no exception.


Feng Qing’an threw out a square green jade dragon seal. Sen Miao, in his original form, gently opened his mouth and held the seal in his jaws.


In the sky filled with rays of colorful light, a sudden burst of green Qi exploded, spreading across the firmament and then falling upon the Altar of Heaven.

Dragon head, deer antlers, lion’s eyes, tiger’s back, bear’s waist, snake scales, horse’s hooves… When Sen Miao’s figure appeared in the clouds without any disguise, the coronation ceremony, already celebratory because of various visions, instantly boiled over.

Even ordinary people who had never seen a Qilin were all excited beyond belief. In the Human Race, there are countless legends about Qilins, and those who are a bit older have heard about them.

Most importantly, Sen Miao’s appearance is clearly that of an auspicious sacred beast. If the nine-headed Cave Sky Spirit were to show its face, fear is that as soon as it appeared, these common people as well as the cultivators and martial artists hiding among them would all rush to escape. Who would be bold enough to crane their necks to spectate? Would they not want their lives?


The strange cries echoed through the heaven and earth. Sen Miao descended from the sky on the ethereal wood green Qi, landing above the Altar of Heaven. The green Qi also spread around, filling the venue of the coronation ceremony.



Gentle gasps and uncontrollable moans rose and fell in the ceremony venue. What Sen Miao had deliberately dispersed was the Ethereal Wood Green Qi. Mortals who were accidentally exposed to it could cure hidden diseases and extend their lifespan. If they took in more, they would turn into wooden statues.

“Your Grace!”

On the Altar of Heaven, the boy dressed in a dragon robe was somewhat excitedly looking at the green Qilin descending in front of him. His gaze at the Qilin was different. It was a kind of dependence and admiration that came from the heart.

Because he had long noticed the demonic nature nestled within his woken bloodline, if it weren’t for this figure before him bestowing him with power and balancing the evil spirit in his blood, he would have long been consumed. Even if he were still alive, he would no longer be the person he once was.

“Heaven’s decree is everlasting prosperity!”

In the sky, Feng Qing’an beheld the Qilin spit out the Green Jade Dragon Seal he had specially prepared, prompting him to burst into laughter. He murmured eight characters,

“Well done indeed!”

At this moment, the atmosphere of the coronation ceremony has soared to a climax with the Qilin spitting out the Dragon Seal. The spectators viewing the altar now look at the young boy, who seems too young on it, with newfound respect, including the majority of civil and martial officials.

On this demon-ravaged land, a monarch who could receive the approval of a sacred creature was undeniably the people’s choice. Who wouldn’t acknowledge a king capable of expelling demons and safeguarding the safety of the people?

It’s worth mentioning that at this moment, Sen Miao was in the true form of Qilin. Though slightly different from the Verdant Wood Qilin that materialized behind him during his bloodline awakening, those unfamiliar with Qilin would be unable to tell the difference.

This was mainly because Sen Miao, who had learned to control the power within his bloodline, drew inspiration from Jun Yan, who could effortlessly switch between the Gold-Pupil Mysterious Cat and the Evil-Eyed White Tiger.

Thus, after a period of experimentation, she successfully mastered two different forms, suppressing her Dragon Horse bloodline to maintain the Qilin form at the moment without manifesting any wings.

“Why don’t you show your face too?”

Feng Qing’an looked at his shoulder, where a small and delicate Jiaolong head rested, looking downwards.


Upon hearing Feng Qing’an’s suggestion, the Bright Dragon shook its head, not wanting to invite trouble for itself.

“Let your Divine Incarnation show its face. After all, the incarnation requires faith and offerings to maintain its existence. We ought to build a Dragon King Temple. Besides, it can serve to intimidate those disloyal when establishing a new dynasty.”


The moment Feng Qing’an’s voice fell, the sky was filled with colorful light, golden light shining all around, forming a golden dragon body more than a hundred feet long, frolicking through the clouds.

Though only its scales and claws were shown, the already excited people couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration upon seeing these.

Compared to the sacred beast Qilin, the legend of dragons circulated more widely amongst the folk.


Feng Qing’an’s gaze sharpened. He noticed that as the Green Qilin and the Golden Dragon appeared, faint strands of Invisible Qi gathered like merging rivers and converged on a young man in the crowd, chosen by him.


A small three-foot-long, black-scaled Jiaolong appeared above the young man’s head, greedily devouring the converging Qis.

With the nourishment from these hard-to-detect, nearly invisible Qis, the Jiaolong swiftly transformed, gaining the appearance of a fearsome black dragon.


Feng Qing’an was somewhat uncertain; he never pondered these matters. Donghuang had told him that so-called fortune was nothing more than an adornment for the powerful, which did not warrant deliberate pursuit or planning.

Feng Qing’an looked enlightened at this moment. He understood why Donghuang had said such words. The Real Dragon Heavenly Monarch, with his extraordinary aura, was nothing more than a product of his thought. If he wished, he could obliterate it in an instant. This seemingly prosperous fortune couldn’t withstand the great Divine Powers and Dharma.