The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel-Chapter 207: Before the sparring matches

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Chapter 207: Before the sparring matches

(Rin's pov)

What should I do? He clearly wants me to leave him alone, but I don't want to leave him without at least healing him.

Maybe I should ask what Ryoto would do...?

I don't think it's a good idea. He would either heal him by force or annoy him until he would agree, but I don't think it suits me, so I decided to sit next to him.

"Do you mind if I'll take a break here?"

"...Do as you want."

At least he didn't refuse, but for some reason, I feel like I'm trying to get the trust of a wounded animal.

"Does it happen often?"


I pointed to his bloodied clothes.

"I'm used to it. It'll heal soon." After a short silence, the mysterious man was finally the one to start a conversation. "Why do you care so much?"

"What do you mean?"

"Most people seeing me would leave me alone and go on with their life, not wanting to be dragged into my troubles, or they would try to steal from me in my weaken state, so why did you try and help me?"

It's not like I don't understand his mindset. In the lower Districts of Rukongai, we needed to watch our backs. Ryoto and I were lucky we met some nice people that were willing to help, but even then, we needed to steal to survive.

"Before I became a Shinigami, I was practically powerless. Because of my Spiritual pressure, I also needed food. It didn't help that I felt very alone. I tried to completely shut myself close. If I was alone, I'm sure I would have died." I smiled gently.

I continued. "Thankfully, I was sent to Soul Society with someone. He helped me a lot, never giving up on me..." I didn't want to remember it, but it was important to prove what I was going for.

"He even took the dangerous job to earn money needed to take the test to become Shinigami. He still has scars because of it. What I want to say is I'm alive because of his help, so I decided to not ignore others when I can help. I'm not as selfless as to help everyone, but I'm not going to turn a blind eye either."

He stayed quiet, thinking about something.

"...Can you tell me what justice is to you?"

A strange question and a bit out of nowhere.

"It's a difficult question. Justice is different for everyone. I feel that as long someone thinks their actions are for a good cause, it's just for them. Even something as horrible as killing a child could be justified by some people. For me, however, it is to do the right thing according to my morals."

He closed his eyes to think about my answer.

"Don't get scared."

He didn't say anything after that, but he opened up his clothes and showed me his wound. It wasn't a severe injury, but I was surprised by how hairy he was. Maybe that's why he hides his skin so much and why people are attacking him.

Knowing that it's probably the cause of his problems, I didn't comment on it and started healing him.


It didn't take a long time to close his wound, and soon he was all healthy again.

"I'm done. The injury should be taken care of. I may not be part of the 4th Division, but I didn't do a bad job if I say so myself."

I was about to leave, but I was stopped by the now healed mysterious man.

"Your name?"


"You haven't told me your name."

I smiled.

"Rin Kujo, 6th seat of the 13th Division."

"Sajin Komamura."

(Ryoto's pov)

I was in the underground training room that Kisuke built. Only our group knows about it, so it's safe for whatever training Zangetsu has for me. While the training in itself will take place in my inner world, I will want to try out whatever I'll learn while it's still fresh in my mind.

I got in meditating position, placed Zangetsu on my lap, and went inside my inner world.

I was immediately greeted by my Zanpakuto.

"Yo, ready for training?"

"That's what I'm here for," I answered. "What are we training?"

I still don't know that, but whatever it is, it will be helpful to me.

"For now, we'll be training this!" He put his hand in front of him with its palm pointing at me. Red energy started gathering there until it shot towards my face. I tilted my head slightly, and the attack flew past me, hitting the building behind me.

I've seen Zangetsu using this move before but only once. He used Cero while he was fighting against Utsu with the mask and Yami. He probably didn't plan on teaching me before.

I know that I won't be using this attack too often because having Central 46 coming after me isn't ideal, but it could be my trump card the same way my eyes are. The more I have in the arsenal, the more likely I'll survive together with Rin until the end of this mission. I don't need to protect Yoruichi as she is strong on her own, and Isane is with Unohana.

Now thinking of Rin, she is getting stronger slowly but steadily. I have seen her progress in our sparring match in about a year. To be honest, I kind of can't wait to see her progress, everyone's progress.

(One year later)

A year has passed in a blink of an eye. I feel like the more time passes, the faster it feels.

A lot has happened, but not really. We are still negotiating with the Quincies. I'm kind of surprised that Central 46 didn't order us to exterminate them. They are surprisingly patient with that. Maybe Jushiro-senpai had said that there is progress and he isn't lying.

We are slowly and surely getting close to some kind of agreement. There are many ideas that we have to think of. The easiest one to implement is to give all Quincies some device that functions similarly to hell butterfly. A communication device is what we need. It would allow Shinigami to do a better job and make cities a lot safer.

The other idea that I had was to create a device that allows Quincy to kill Hollows without destroying their whole existence. Something similar to Zanpakuto. The problem is that it's not that easy to achieve something like that.

I would propose for Oetsu Nimiya to create it, but I don't really know about him. My next best bet would be to ask Kisuke, which I did, but it will take a long time to do it.

Anyways, I can only wait.

I also tried to help Isamu with his love problems, and I think we are making progress. But I must tell you, Isamu's 'lucky pervert' isn't as powerful as Rito's. It doesn't mean, though, that it was weak.

One time we were ready for almost everything. I was on the lookout so no person would disturb Isamu's confession. I cleaned everything there so there won't be any trash, dirt, or even a pebble to allow him to slip. I even killed all Hollows that I could find in the 10 km radius. I worked overtime for that man because I wanted to see him succeed.


The girl was the one who fell on Isamu this time. She stumbled on her own clothes falling on Isamu.

It seems that my mission will never end, but right now, I have something not necessarily important, and it will be entertaining.

Today is a day when Kisuke, Yoruichi, Rin, and I are going to have a sparring tournament. Tessai will be a judge, and in the case of us going too far, he'll stop us with Bakudo.

Since we are a four-person group, there will be two fights, and the winners of both of them will be fighting in the 'finals'.

I greeted Tessai as we hadn't seen each other in a long time since he was with Kido Corps.

I wonder how everyone has grown in the last five years.



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