The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel-Chapter 78: Karen’s present

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Chapter 78: Karen's present

(A/N Extra-long chapter (: )

(Ryoto's pov)

I was slowly regaining my eyesight. It meant that I was waking up. I could turn off my eyesight at will, and that's how I could fall asleep as well. When my vision started to get clear, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

'Am I in the hospital?'

Karen: "Yes, after you were impaled by Kaede, Koro-sensei got you here. You lost a lot of blood, but thanks to your increased vitality, you just survived long enough to get help."

Karen calmly explained, but I could hear a hint of anger in her voice.

'Karen, are you angry?'

Karen: "What, me? Nooo, why would I be angry? I just left you for a moment, and you almost died. Nope, I don't care even if you kick the bucket!"

Yep, she was angry. How do I know? Because she is yelling at me.

'OK, sorry, but in my defense, I wasn't planning on dying.'

Karen: "Who plans to die!!!?"

'Suicidal person?'

I felt that she was glaring at me.

'OK, OK, bad joke, I understand. I'll try to avoid situations like this. It's not like I enjoy them anyway.'

Karen: "Try to?"

'I don't like making promises. I don't know what will happen in the future and what kind of decisions I'll make, do the best I can do is promise to try.'

Karen: "*Sigh* Fine. It's not like I can't stop you even if I wanted?"

'Are you sure that I didn't die?"

Karen: "Huh, why?"

'Because you sound worried about me.'

I said jokingly. I know that she isn't as heartless as she let it on.

Karen: "..."

Did she go silent again?

The exact second Karen stopped talking, a door to my hospital room opened. Karma, Rio, Nagisa, Koro-sensei, Karasuma and Irina. Rio was carrying a few flowers. Seeing that I was awake, they widened their eyes.

Rio even jumped at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I also felt her tears dropping on my shoulder.

It caused me some pain, but I didn't show it on my face. I flinched for an unnoticeable moment. The adults, however, noticed as they are professionals.

I showed them to not interfere with my hand and just returned her hug.

Ryoto: "Now, now, no need for crying. I'm alive and well."

Rio: "Yeah, after not waking up for a week, you idiot!"

Ryoto: "A week!?"

Tadaomi: "Yes, and we were expecting you not to wake up for at least another one."

Karasuma cut in.

Ryoto: "What can I say. I'm just built different."

Everyone looked at me speechless while Rio squeezed me a bit tighter.

Rio: "Is this what you want to say after waking up?"

I could practically 'feel' a vein on her forehead. It's not a good sign.

Ryoto: "Happy to see you...?"

Is this what, I should say, in a situation like that. I don't know. It's my first waking up in the hospital with someone worrying about me. Well, Karen was first, but... she is Karen. Entirely different case.

Rio: "*Sigh* I shouldn't expect sensitivity from you, and at least I know that you're alright if you're making these jokes."

I felt like I was being tested, and I passed it.

I then looked around for the first time and looked at my wrists. My heart rate skyrocketed, and it was shown on the Electrocardiogram.

Koro-sensei: "Yuuki-kun, what's happening!?"

Ryoto: "Where are my web-shooters?"

The only time I didn't wear them was during bathtime and when I was sleeping.

Rio: "You mean those things?"

Rio took out a pair of web-shooters from her bag.

Rio: "I remembered how you talked about how important they are, so as soon as I got here, I asked doctors to let me hold on to them while you're unconscious. Don't worry, I didn't play with them if that's

what you're thinking.

She passed the web-shooters to me. I couldn't wear them right away as my hand was connected to an IV drip, so I just held them, but it was enough for me.

Ryoto: "Thank you, Rio... really thank you."

Rio gave me a warm smile.

Rio: "No problem, but if you pull off something similar in the future, I'll pinch your waist hard enough to make you forget about being stupid."

A smile didn't leave her as she was weirdly threatening me. I thought she was joking until she really pinched me just seconds later. It hurts more than I thought.

Ryoto: "Ouch ouch ouch ouch! It hurts!"

Rio: "Remember that pain when you plan to do something stupid again without asking for help."

I turned to the adults. Koro-sensei was drinking tea, watching a show with a satisfied smile. Karasuma had his usual serious expression, but his eyebrow twitched a few things, and Irina liked watching the drama similar to Koro-sensei. No one planned to help me, so u tried changing topics.

Ryoto: "So how is Kaede?"

Rio: "Kaede already woke up and was already discharged from the hospital, and while we are on the topic..."

Rio took out her phone to show me a video of me kissing Kaede.

Rio: "Karma said that if you don't wake up by 17:00 today, he will publish this video for the world to see."

Ryoto: "WHAT!!? What time is it!?"

Rio: "16:45."

I pulled out an IV from my hand for my web-shooters on their place and jumped out of the window to look for Karma.

Karen: "Why do you even care. It's not like it can be used for blackmail? But to be honest, Karma is fucking brutal. You got impaled, and he filmed the whole thing."

Ryoto: "Oh, you're back. No, I don't care about the video itself, but if he does this, he won, and I'm not having this until I get my revenge for scribbles on my face. And I don't think he recorded the whole thing. He set his phone somewhere to record just in case something interesting would happen since I couldn't see any shaking. Besides, he doesn't even plan to publish it. He just wants to fuck with me, but even if that's not true, it doesn't mean that I don't plan on winning."

I searched for Karma despite the pain I felt in my leg, shoulder, and stomach. I think I got some painkillers, so I returned, realizing that I could fall to my death any moment. It wasn't wise to leave after waking up without knowing about my condition.

I left for about a minute or two, but the guests inside my room increased in numbers. The new additions were Karma, Nagisa, and Kaede.

Karma had a smug look on his face saying, 'I got you,' and I knew he was right. He planned it, and seeing the look Rio was giving me, I knew that they planned it together. They probably didn't expect me to jump out of the hospital room and only hoped to scare me a bit, but they were satisfied nonetheless. It didn't mean that they weren't worried about me, but it could be said it was their way to say 'congratulations on waking up or something like that.

Afterward, we talked about what happened during the week I was unconscious.

Our class had a baseball match against class A, and we won thanks to Koro-sensei's coaching. Itona also became part of our class after Koro-sensei removed his tentacles. Otherwise, nothing interesting was happening.

I talked about minor things with them until they needed to get back home. Kaede was acting like her old self, but I knew that she was acting. She was embarrassed deep inside.

Teachers also left, but they didn't ask any questions, which was weird but welcomed. They even left me some lollipops that I enjoy, but I couldn't eat them right away. The gesture was nice, and that's what matters.


I could leave the hospital a week after I woke up. Finally, I could return home and eat something edible. No offense, but hospital food is... not tasty, to put it nicely.

At home Sophia outdone herself with the dishes she prepared. I swear that I died and reincarnated again to experience this heaven. I wanted to cook for myself at least a little, but Sophia was adamant about not allowing me to do anything during ' the welcome' back party.

During a bath, I noticed that I got myself three scars where tentacles pierced me. As the tentacles went through me, the wounds were seen at the front and the back. Remembering that my injuries will get back together with me, I was thinking about how I'll explain it to Mikan and Lala. We bathe together regularly, so they'll see it sooner or later they'll see them. Maybe I'll tell them the truth. It's not like they'll believe it. No, Lala would. I finished bathing and went to sleep shortly afterward.


Days went on and today was 21st July, my birthday. I should be 17 today, but instead, I celebrate my 15th birthday. I'm growing... but backwards.

Karen: "Hey Ryoto, don't you plan to use the gacha ticket you got for defeating Itona?"

'I... completely forgot about that. Use it now!'

It was still just morning, and I didn't even get out of bed.

Once more, I saw a famous wheel that grants me abilities for the small price of one gacha ticket. It spun for a long time until it started to slow down. I was almost confident that it would land on 'All Fiction', and I was beginning to get excited. It was one of if not the most powerful abilities that I know of. When it almost stopped, it was still moving slowly, passing the 'All Fiction', and no amount of tears would make the wheel change its mind. Once more, gacha screwed me over and destroyed my dreams.

The wheel stopped on 'Jormungandr's blood'.

From what I know, Jormungandr is a world serpent of Norse mythology. It is known for its deadly poison.


Jormungandr's blood: "Your blood posses properties of Jormungandr's poison. Poison is so strong that it can kill even Gods in larger amounts. Even in small amounts, it can melt metal. When wounded, the blood closes the wound, but the damage inside is not reverted or regenerated, just closed. There isn't an infinite amount of blood in your body, and your blood itself regenerates at a normal rate. You can't control the intensity of the poison."


Strong but risky ability. The upside is that I have strong offensive ability. However, the downside is that I need to be wounded to use it, and I must be careful not to get hurt carelessly as my blood can be dangerous for people around me.

I did the smart thing and checked the shop for something helpful, and lo and behold, I found something perfect. It was the ability to control the intensity of 'Jormungandr's blood', and it cost 50 000 SP. I can't buy it right away, but I can start saving up points.

'Hey, Karen? I meant to ask it earlier, but how are prices decided for abilities?'

Karen: "It's quite simple, really. The more powerful and known the ability is, the more expensive it is. So since the ability you want is very niche and not so powerful on itself, it isn't as expensive as other things."

'Hmm, make sense.'

The rest of the day went as usual, but when I returned after my training with Koro-sensei, I was surprised by most of my classmates in my apartment. We had a small party and got some gifts from them. We ordered pizza. I know that mine or Sophia's food would be tastier, but I want to surprise them with that some other time.

After everyone left, I wasn't alone with Karen and Sophia.

Karen: "Ryoto, I also have prepared a present for you."

As she said that, Sophia snapped her fingers and a big present box appeared out of nowhere.

Karen: "I wasn't sure what to get you, so I started to think what you would like to get, and then a genius idea stroke me, but I won't spoil it to you, so just open it."

Karen sounded unusually excited, and Sophia stood next to the big box with a warm smile.

I slowly walked up to the gift and when I opened it I saw...



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