The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel-Chapter 82: Girls talk

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Chapter 82: Girls talk

(3rd pov)

Irina: "Lala, can you tell us about Ryoto?"

Lala: "Sure!"

Lala happy replied. She doesn't have anything to hide, so why would she lie.

Lala: "I first met Ryoto when I ran away from home. Papa wanted me to marry someone I didn't love, and he even had many candidates ready. I used Pyon-Pyon wrap-kun to escape my bodyguards, landing in Ryoto's bathtub. Later in the room-"

Kaede: "Stop, stop!!! Do you just say that you teleported?"

Lala: "Yes! It was my only chance to escape so-"

Ritsu: "Teleportation technology is not possible at the moment."

Lala: "If you... and then..."

Lala explained in great detail the principles of teleportation, shocking the class. Still, the most surprised was Ritsu. She ran a few simulations while simultaneously looking for confirmations of the incoming information, and astonishingly, every detail that she could find matched what Lala had said. Rest was either theoretical, or she couldn't find any information about it.

Ritsu: "...It's possible."

Ritsu muttered but was heard by the whole class. They decided to ignore it. Some things are better to be unknown, and as someone wise once said, 'breathing is fun'.

Instead, they enjoyed Lala's story. It was like a fairy tale. A princess (Lala) is being forced to marry, and a hero comes to save her. The hero and princess fell in love, but the father was against him.

Yuzuki Fuwa was the most invested in the story. She was a big fan of manga, and hearing that something similar to what she was reading exited her.

Rio: "You do realize that our ordinary school is like manga, yes?"

Yuzuki: "Shh! Don't ruin my enjoyment!"

Irina: "Great story and all and all, but I still don't know any weakness of that brat."

Everyone turned towards Irina.

Yuzuki: "Really?"

Toka: "As expected of Bitch-sensei. Don't even care about this beautiful story."

Kaede: "Big boobs die!"

Kaede yelled while showing her sign. Everyone's attention shifted once again, but this time to Kaede.

Rio: "We really should cure your hate for boobs because I fear that the day when we hear in the news about the discovery of a corpse with big boobs somewhere will come."

Kaede: "I wouldn't do that. Don't you trust me?"

Everyone was quiet, giving a clear answer to Kaede.

Kaede: "Are you in some kind of boobs club!? I wasn't invited because I don't have any! Is that it!?"

Kaede was on the brink of crying, but her savior came with the words she needed to hear the most, even though she didn't know that.

Lala: "If you want, I can build a machine that grows breasts."

Kaede: "R-really?"

Lala: "Yes! It would take some time, but it's possible!"

With tears coming from her eyes, Kaede walked to Lala slowly and hugged her.

Kaede: "I don't know if that's true but thank you! And sorry for thinking that you're crazy and planning to stab you with a fork!"

Lala, with her ever-present smile and stroked Kaede's head. However, the rest of the class hung on to the last part. 'Stab her with a fork'?

While the girls had their talk, the boys were looking for Karasuma to bothe- haras- spend time with. They couldn't find him in school no matter how hard they searched for him.

Taiga: "Where is he? We are PE after English, so he should be nearby."

Ryoto: "Wait!"

Taiga went quiet, and no one else said a word.

Ryoto: "Karasuma-sensei is hiding. I can feel it."

Taiga: "How can you 'feel' it?"

Ryoto: "Messing with you guys helped me create a sixth sense of some kind. I can feel when someone is hiding something interesting, and it activated right now."

It was a lie, but no one needed to know. Ryoto was bored, and looking for Karasuma could be interesting. Besides, it really was strange for Karasuma missing at a time like this.

Ryoto: "Let me look for him."

Ryoto opened his eyes and took a look around. He looked in every direction for a few seconds to be as precise as possible, and he indeed saw something very interesting.

Taiga: "You know, no matter how many times I see it, these eyes give me chills."

Ryoto: "Not important. I found Karasuma-sensei, and he does something very uncharacteristic."

The group decided to check it out.

As the group was were approaching Karasuma, the teacher was enjoying himself. He didn't eat at school as he knew his limited-time burger flavor cup noodles. The annoying octopus or Karma would definitely do it.

As he was about to taste it, he heard multiple steps. He instantly deducted that a group of his students was coming toward him. It was his free time, and besides, he wasn't in the best mood since today, he would be replaced as a teacher, so he wasn't planning on sharing his meal with anyone today.

Using his military knowledge and experience, he covered his tracks so no one could follow him. He even left one of his other cup noodles as bait, but it didn't work. He still could hear them coming to him.

He was a little annoyed but also a bit proud of his students. To be able to follow him was not an easy feat.

He tried a few different things. Jumping on trees to not leave footsteps, faking footsteps, and baiting. Nothing worked.

Karasuma finally gave up and waited for the group to catch up to him. As boys entered Karasuma's sight, he noticed that the group consisted only of boys, but he shrugged it off for now.

Tadaomi: "Great work! I didn't expect you to manage to keep up with me, but you surprised me! Now tell me, where is the rest of the class, and why aren't you in class?"

Ryoto: "The girls threw us out of the classroom to have a girl talk with my fianc."

Tadaomi: "...I'm not even going to ask."

Taiga: "But you should because we are going to have boys talk."

Ryoto: "And before you refuse, you don't need to worry about your cup of noodles. Only you have taste buds broken enough to enjoy this flavor. Not even Koro-sensei, the day before his paycheck, would take it."

Tadaomi: "You take it back. Two perfect flavors combined must be delicious, and I'll prove it!"

Karasuma then proceeds to try to force-feed Ryoto without success. Ryoto could see the madness in Karasuma's eyes, so he chose to apologize. Sometimes to win, you must lose. Plus, don't try to reason with crazy people, you'll never win, and you will risk your life.

After that, the group of Karasuma and male students listened to Ryoto's story. Some of them were jealous, some were impressed, some were invested in the story, but everyone noticed that Ryoto was happy recalling these moments.



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