The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel-Chapter 86: Ryoto

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Chapter 86: Ryoto

(Ryoto's pov)

'I have a pretty strange relationship with lies. I myself could be called a liar. I don't reveal most things to others, even my family, which could consider lying for some. I lie at times to hide some things like I did in this world, so you could say that I don't detest lies in themselves. I believe that lies in themselves aren't bad things. You can lie to not hurt someone's feelings or even help someone.

Even though I think like that, there are, of course, people that hate lies over everything. I call these people hypocrites. People lie on a daily basis for even most minor things like how much they ate when they woke up or other small things. People lie so they wouldn't embarrass themselves in front of other people. Lies are part of everyday life.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate people like that. Lala isn't a liar by any means, but it's because she is innocent like a child, or maybe she is a genuinely good person, perhaps both.

Jugemu is an excellent example of such a person. He said that he despite lies and liars. He reminded me of someone from my past life. That person, let's name her Emma, was a good friend of mine. My only friend, to be exact. We have known each other her whole life, and despite our clashing personalities, we get along incredibly well. Maybe opposites really attract each other.'

Recalling these memories gave me a warm feeling inside me. Even though I don't like to think about my past life, as most of these memories are just sad and uncomfortable to look back at, but there are a few rare happy moments. It's not like my life was full of bad things. It mainly was... dull, especially at the end.

'Emma was a believer of truth always prevailing. No matter how small of a lie it was, it would always be uncovered eventually. On the other hand, even back then was, I believed in the existence of white lies. We didn't agree on that, and it was not the only thing we disagreed on. I was more of an indoor person, while she loved going out with friends. I was unpopular, and she was almost always surrounded by people. She liked apples, and I liked oranges. To this day, I don't know how we became friends.

To her credit, I never caught her lying. Maybe she was the best liar I've ever known.'

I smirked inwardly.

'No, she lied to me one time, but that will be the story for another time.'

This time I felt sadness. Why did she need to lie? Couldn't she just tell me the truth like always?

'What I want to say is at some point, even the most rightful and truthful person will tell a lie, and I don't care, but people like Jugemu remind me of Emma. As I've said before, I don't hate people like that, but they would have a tough time in life where there are many liars. Just like Emma, Jugemu will, at some point, regret his lifestyle, and there will be only two outcomes. Either his beliefs will become stronger, but he'll also be smarter, or... he'll break, becoming a shell of his former self, and that's what I want to avoid the most.

Lala is similar but different. She is naive and childlike in many ways, and sometimes I'm scared that witnessing the bad side of humanity... the bad side of me, she'll give up on me. Because if I don't like myself, why should I expect others to do so?

Pathetic, isn't it? Having no problem with lies but scared of truth coming out to light.'

Karen: "...You know, I'm not going to tell you something like 'don't be scared' because things like this need time to fix, but what I can tell is no matter how many people turn away from you, I'll be with you... willingly or unwillingly."

'That last part wasn't needed.'

Karen: "True, but at least it was truthful."

Karen seemed to shrug her shoulder.

Karen: "But there is one thing even more sure. I'm never gonna give you up..."

'...Did... did you just Rickroll me?'

She smirked.

Karen: "I did, and I would do it again."

'You ruined a beautiful moment...'

Karen: "It was too depressing for my taste."

'...Still, thanks.'

Karen: "No problem."

She then added something that I didn't quite hear.

Karen: "But I meant every single word I said..."

'Did you say something?'

Karen: "Nothing!"

Karen seemed happier after our talk, and telling her a little about myself also felt good. I never said it to anyone before.

When I talked with Karen, I didn't move at all while I was lying under the tree, so I was feeling stiff, but when I tried to move, I felt something leaning on me. I turned my head to my side, but I saw only darkness.

Right, I turned off my eyes.

I saw Lala sleeping next to me. She was resting her head on my shoulder.

It looks like she came back after her errands as I saw two shopping bags, and when she saw me like that probably thought that I was sleeping and sat next to me and fell asleep.

I gently pushed some of her pink hair out of her face revealing her beautiful face.

I didn't want to wake up her, but we should probably go home so I could start cooking our dinner.

Ryoto: "Lala, hey Lala. Wake up."

I tried gently waking her up, and it was working as Lala was starting to open her eyes. Still half asleep while rubbing her eye, she softly said.

Lala: "Ryoto?"

To which I answered equally soft and full of affection.

Ryoto: "Morning, sleepyhead. Did you sleep well?"

Lala nodded, and we stood up and went home. On the way there, Lala regained her energy. At home, I made some dinner that she happily ate.

Lala: "Mmm~ Your cooking is delicious! It may even be more delicious than Mikan's!"

Maybe? I can make people naked with my cooking, and it's still may be!? It looks like I need to step up my game, so when I return it, I will be the best cook in the family. Joking aside, I just want to take over some of her responsibilities, so she may act her age more often.

My thoughts were broken by Lala, who asked me something. Right now, I had a fork in my mouth and listened to Lala.

Lala: "Ryoto, can you tie me up?"

Ryoto: "Eghuh mi? (Excuse me?)"



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