The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel-Chapter 93: Sometimes alone is not enough

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Chapter 93: Sometimes alone is not enough

(Ryoto's pov)

Ryoto: "Tell me, Takaoka, what do you truly desire?"

Akira: "I... I... I..."

Using the moment when he wasn't focused on me and his tentacles stopped squeezing me but did not loosen in any way, but that was enough for me. I flexed my muscles and ripped my shirt, freeing both of my arms. Using my hands, I barely released my legs as well.

Luckily for me, Takaoka didn't break out from his state, so I punched him with my everything on the chin.

Takaoka flew backward a few meters. I webbed him to the ground giving me a moment to take a breath. I wasn't scared that Shiro would run away as Karen would warn me about it. That noise is really annoying, and this headache is killing me.

I'm starting to regret my decisions. I could sneak up on them and take them out before they noticed, but I was scared that they had some kind of mechanism that would destroy the antidote, and knowing Shiro, he probably has some sort of insurance against it. I also realized that I could see through Shiro's eyes, but I didn't do it. Not only would I need to open my eyes which would raise his wariness but also it would mess with my coordination. I would rather use my spider-sense than looking at myself with someone's else eyes. It's like moving while seeing yourself in the mirror. I'll need to work on that in the future.

Karen: "Why didn't you go with your classmates then? They would help."

'It's because it's my fault that it happened. If I would stop Shiro there and there or if I would at least cripple Takaoka, then this situation wouldn't happen.'

Karen: "That's not a healthy way to look at things."

I couldn't keep talking with Karen as I barely felt a slight tingling in the back of my head, so I dodged something, and it was probably a tentacle.

Karen said that Takaoka was still on the ground, but his tentacles moved on their own.

Shiro: "It seems that you still have tricks up your sleeve, and I expected it but who knew that hypnosis was one of them. I should give Takaoka-kun earplugs as well, but oh well. Now I want to experiment on you even more."

He then took out some kind of device, and as he operated it, the tentacles moved even with a limp body attached to them.

I could probably use my blood to kill him right here and now, but I don't want to lose too much blood leaving me weakened. Yes, I would complete the quest, but I don't know if I would be able to stop Shiro. Did he make some kind of modifications to his body already? Does he have some kind of an escape plan? Probably, so I need to have 100% certainty that I will get him tonight. So I'll wait for the perfect moment to strike him.

(3rd pov)

The whole class finally got to the rooftop, where they witnessed four powerful lamps directed at the helipad. Inside they could see three silhouettes. The lights weren't the only thing they noticed but also an annoying noise.

Karma took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on his face.

Seeing that, Rio questioned him.

Rio: "Where did you get these glasses from?"

Karma: "From my pocket, of course."

He answered with a smile, but his smile turned to a frown when he saw what was happening.

Karma: "But you should question me later."

Rio: "Why?"

Karma: "Because Ryoto is losing."

Karma explained everything he saw, and everyone concluded that they needed to destroy the lamps and loudspeakers. Thankfully Shiro was wholly focused on Ryoto and had earplugs in his ears, not that they knew it.

They quickly divided into four groups so each group could take down one of the lamps, but they underestimated the durability of the lamps. They were made specifically to withstand Ryoto's strength so the power of trained middle schoolers wouldn't even budge them.

Realizing that, they regrouped and formed a new plan, and they came up with cutting power in the whole building, so that's what they did. Most of the group called group A went to complete their new mission, and the other group called group B stayed just in case something happened. Karasuma was in that group, and even weakened, he was a force to be reckoned with. He also had a few hidden weapons, so it helps.

Group A needed to find a power box/service panel. Finding it would allow them to turn off electricity in the whole building. They could try to cut some random wires, but it would be too random and possibly would take a too long time.

(A/N Is it plausible? I don't know enough about the hotel's energy source, so it could be that I'm writing nonsense.)

Luckily this group had someone who had knowledge of electrical engineering. Yes, it was Itona's time to shine. While his expertise was in electrical gadgets, he still had some basic knowledge in the scheming of electrical cables and wires, so he knew exactly where they needed to look to find a service panel, and that's precisely what happened, solving one of their problems.

The only one not happy that their plan worked was Itona, as he guessed that hotel had an emergency power supply, but it didn't activate, which left him confused.

It was a bit awkward to come the same way they went up as they saw their defeated foes still on the ground unconscious, and Bitch-sensei was still playing the piano to buy them time. Seeing them back made her almost miss the note, but she wasn't a professional for nothing, so she quickly recovered, but her eyes were asking questions. The students gave an apologetic look as the plan had changed.

(Ryoto's pov)

The fight was dragging on, but fortunately or unfortunately, Shiro didn't try to kill me. If he did and tried to stab me or something, I would have a pretense to use my blood.

I don't know what I'm waiting for, but my gut is telling me to wait, and since my other senses are either blurry or are not functioning correctly, I'm going to listen to it. My sense of smell, taste, and touch are still OK, but I can't use them here.

As I was dodging the tentacles, the noise stopped, and I heard someone's voice.

Kaede: "You can use your eyes now!!!"

Hearing that, my eyes opened at an incredible speed. Seeing that Takaoka's body was still on the ground and Shiro noticing that there was no longer any light from the lamp, he quickly closed his eyes and tried to run away as fast as possible.

The tentacles still attacked me, but their coordination was a lot worse. There was also a small detail in the sky that I had overlooked before. It was a full moon tonight, and that meant one thing.

I stopped not only the incoming tentacles but Shiro from moving. The scene looked grotesque. Shiro looked like a puppet that tried to move on its own, but it couldn't because of the string attached. First, his hand moved upwards, lifting him up in the process, and then he flew towards me and stopped right before me. I smirked, seeing that he was starting to get scared, and he didn't dare to open his eyes.

It was the first time I experienced water bending during a full moon, and this feeling is addictive. I feel like nothing could stop me right now, and floating Shiro in front of me only validated my thoughts.

I didn't need to say anything, but as I was planning to drop some of my blood into his eyes because I wasn't planning on letting him die easily, I heard someone stopping me.

Koro-sensei: "Yuuki-kun, stop!!!"

I turned slowly in annoyance to see what Koro-sensei had to say.



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