The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel-Chapter 96: The end is near

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Chapter 96: The end is near

(Ryoto's pov)

Two weeks of volunteering taught me a lot of things. Mostly that I'm not good with children. What's even stranger is that only boys were very against me. Little girls liked me very much...

It sounds wrong...

Thankfully, the FBI wasn't involved, and I'm not a lolicon, so nothing happened except resentment of little boys.

Lala did what she did best and built a machine so children could play. This time it was a trampoline. It was not an ordinary trampoline as you could bounce a lot higher than normal.

In the end, it was more powerful than anyone could imagine. When the first brave soul tried out, the new plaything flew so high that most of the people lost sight of him. Not me, though.

There was a lot of water around to water the plants, so I quickly used it to create an ice slide, and I cushioned the impact with my webs. The kids had stars in their eyes and asked me many questions that I didn't answer and pledged for help.

I didn't get any help that day.

Right after our help ended, we had tests that we didn't have time to prepare for... most of us, that is. Karma, Lala, and I were in the top 50.

7th October is a day that our class decided to play a cupid. A few days ago it was her birthday, but she didn't get any present from Karasuma. I left a lollipop on her desk that day, but I don't think she appreciated it. We bought a bouquet of flowers from some guy that is a lot more dangerous than he let on and made Karasjma give it to Irina.

He gave flowers to her but said the worst possible thing. Later that day, Koro-sensei flew to watch a football game, and we were left alone worrying about Irina leaving the school.

As we were discussing it, the guy who sold us the flowers came into the classroom and blended in naturally. He even talked to us, and no one noticed anything wrong, but as soon as he walked behind the teacher's desk, I leaped at him with incredible speed. He had his eyes closed the whole time, so I couldn't put him in an illusion. He probably got some information on all of us.

Why did I attack him? Because I knew his real identity. He was the best assassin in the world, also known as 'The reaper' or 'God of death'.

Ryoto: "Get out, everyone!!!"

Noticing that I was approaching, the Reaper released his bloodlust. For everyone in the room, it looked like he was 'shroud of darkness, and no one would be able to see his real appearance. No one except me.

As soon as he did that, I released my Haki to stun him, and to my surprise, it worked. I used this chance to punch him enough to knock him out and started webbing him up so he wouldn't be able to move at all when he woke up.

It ended surprisingly quickly and anti-climatic. I even poked him a few times to see if he was unconscious and used my eyes to see if his face was fake, and it was, so it probably was him. It just feels too easy, but I'm not complaining.

Now that I'm done with him, it's time to teach a teacher a lesson. I looked through the bouquet that the Reaper carried inside, and there was a map with a marked location. It's probably where he wanted us to go and the location of where Irina currently is.

Karasuma wasn't in school right now, so I wrote a note and attached it to the webbed Reaper. Since I got spider-powers, I wanted to do that. It just feels right.

After that, we went to get Irina back. It took some time and talking to get to her, but presumably, after I gave her a lollipop, all became good again.

That's the power of lollipops, and no one can tell me otherwise.

More time flew by, and the deadline drew closer. I still didn't know what to do with the Koro-sensei situation. I even asked Lala for help to turn him back into a human. She is working hard, but she is limited by Earth technology. Even with the Almighty tool, there are limits to what she can do. There is still the possibility that she will figure something out, but I need to think of a plan because, as Irina and Koro-sensei taught us. The first plan rarely works out, so you need to have backup plans ready.

I'm really hoping that I don't need to use the last resort plan.

It's about two weeks away from the deadline, and Christmas and the new year went by. I spent them together with Lala, Rio, and Kaede, but it was hard to have a good time when your teacher could be killed by the end of March.

The class was divided into two groups. The group that wants to save Koro-sensei and the one who wants to kill him. I didn't participate in this small civil war as I would do what I thought was the best regardless of what other people would decide.

While everyone was trying to get into the school of their choosing, I was chilling around together with Lala. We had a lot of free time, and we used it to go on dates.

On Valentine's day, I got chocolate from Lala, Rio, and Kaede. They made them together, so Lala didn't put anything dangerous in them.

Today, as usual, I was training with Koro-sensei, and we just finished and returned to the school building. I was in an excellent mood today. While not being able to completely cure him, Lala was able to create some kind of camouflage device that would be able to change how Koro-sensei looks. It wouldn't change his weakness to anti-sensei material and didn't take away his powers. Just his looks, and that was enough for me. With that, I could fake Koro-sensei's death.

My happy thoughts didn't last long as a barrier like think appeared around the school. My eyes widened. It shouldn't have happened this fast! I thought that I had still time!

I was seriously starting to panic, but I felt a tentacle touching my neck, calming me in the process.

Thanking Koro-sensei for that, I started thinking about my options. Even with my new ability, I couldn't defend against the laser if it was shot down. Destroying the barrier? I tried doing that, but nothing worked. Fire, water, nothing. I even tried creating a wall of ice to block the barrier and get Koro-sensei out of there, but it didn't work. I used my blood to see if it would have any reaction to the barrier, but unfortunately, it only reacts to tentacles cells.

Not good. I don't know what to do.

I didn't get back home for a week at that time. I sent a message to Lala so she would worry. I was really trying to figure out what to do. On the other hand, Koro-sensei was finishing some things in the classroom.

On the last day of the deadline, I decided to go with the plan I wanted to avoid.

I talked with Koro-sensei for a while, and as I looked right into his eyes, I readied my knife.

For anyone else, it would look like we were staring into each other eyes for about 30 minutes. I was showing him a happy day with Aguri Yukimura. They had a date, ate ice cream together, walked around the park, and spent time relaxing in each other presence. It was a normal day that Koro-sensei deserved. It was 12 hours' worth of illusions.

I was really overusing my eyes, and not only they were overheating, but at the end, they started breaking a little, but I held together until they kissed at the end, and at that exact moment, I pushed my knife through Koro-sensei's tie to stab his heart.

With tears in my eyes, I smiled.

Ryoto: "Koro-sensei, thank you for everything. I still wanted to learn more from you, and I'm glad that you were my first kill, but it's not a goodbye, so I'll say, see you soon instead."

Koro-sensei started to vanish, leaving only his clothes. I dropped my knife and looked up into the sky with my broken eyes.

It was at that moment that all of my classmates arrived here to see our teacher's clothes. Some of them started crying. Terasaka had the most violent reaction as he ran up to me and punched me. I didn't try to defend myself, but I didn't fly backward either and stood my ground.

I let the class know that Koro-sensei had prepared something for everyone inside the classroom.

Most of them went there but seeing me, the usual trio stayed by my side.

It truly was a terrible day to rain even though you could clearly see the moon.



(A/N Don't worry, Koro-sensei isn't dead permanently.)

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