The Whole Village Thrives After Adopting a Lucky Girl-Chapter 382 - 378: Desperate _1

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Chapter 382: Chapter 378: Desperate _1

Yingbao was learning how to weave a belt from her mother, using blue dyed cotton thread.

A belt as wide as a palm could be woven in a few days.

So she wove a belt each for her two younger brothers.

On the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month, it was time to worship the God of Stove.

Jiang Sanlang got up early in the morning and placed offerings on the stove, burned the old Stove God image, lit incense and prayed, respectfully sending the Stove God to heaven to report on the family’s behavior.

In order not to let the Stove God speak ill of the family and bring misfortune in the coming year, everyone in the family had to watch their mouths, they couldn’t curse others, let alone blaspheme the Heavenly God.

They would wait until New Year’s Eve to put up a new image of the Stove God and welcome it back to the house.

As the saying goes, men don’t worship the moon, and women don’t worship the stove. Spring Mother and her daughter didn’t enter the kitchen on this day, and waited for Jiang Sanlang to serve them food and drink.

Yingbao sat on the warm bed, weaving a belt while listening to her mother tell stories of old times.

“When I was little, there was no food at home. We only put two plates of black flour cakes for the Stove God. We were hungry all day. Your aunt was so hungry that she was crying. I secretly took a piece of cake and put it in her mouth. Your great-grandfather saw my act and hit me, breaking two bamboo strips.”

Yingbao asked, “How old was Aunt at that time?”

“She was seven, and I was nine. I could bear hunger better than her.” And also the beatings. Spring Mother sighed.

Those days were good when the sisters were together. Even if their father favored her younger sister, she never felt any resentment.

But everything changed as they grew up.

Spring Mother stroked her daughter’s head: “You should get along well with your cousins in the future.” She didn’t want Yingbao to have the same relationship with her aunt as she had.

Yingbao nodded, “My cousins and I get along well.”

She didn’t have any conflicts of interest with her cousins, so it was impossible for them to not get along well.

As they were speaking, Wei Zhan and Jiang Wu stepped in.

Wei Zhan was holding two boxes in his hand, smiling at Spring Mother, “Auntie, my mother asked me to give you these two boxes of beaded flowers for you and Yingbao to wear.”

Spring Mother quickly took them, “Oh, how could your mother go through such trouble.”

She got off the heated brick bed, “I also have something to be sent to your mother. You wait, I’ll go bring it.”

Wei Zhan nodded. Seeing his aunt leave, he sat on the edge of the bed, observing the blue belt in Yingbao’s hand.

Yingbao took a quick glance at him and asked, “Are you and your mother not going back to Prefecture City this year?”

Wei Zhan shook his head, “There is a war in Prefecture City. We won’t be going back for the time being.”

After the barbarian bandits retreated, the vassal king suddenly rebelled and occupied several cities like a sweeping tide.

Fortunately, Qinchuan County was remote and not a major area of transportation, so it hadn’t been affected by the war yet.

As for Dongchen Village in Chuanhe Town, which was hidden in the mountains, it was like a paradise, apart from a few refugees passing by every day, there was no other impact.

Yingbao thought for a moment and asked again, “You have connections with the Xiao family, do you know what their two brothers are up to?”

Wei Zhan scratched his head, “I’m not sure. How about, if I send someone to inquire about it?”

“Okay.” Yingbao finished the last stitch on the belt she was weaving.

Spring Mother came in through the curtain, holding a basket of sesame pastries, and said to Wei Zhan, “These were made last night, take them to your mother for a taste.”

Wei Zhan took it, “Thank you, auntie.”

Jiang Wu pulled him to leave, “We’ve delivered the gifts, let’s go quickly. Brother Huzi and Brother Wen are still waiting.”

Wei Zhan had no choice but to follow, repeatedly looking back at Yingbao as if he had something to say.

Yingbao did not look at him and picked up the belt she had woven to take a closer look.

On the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, heavy snow began to fall.

Yingbao took out about ten jars of wine and several baskets of fruits, distributed them to Mrs Wen, Wen’s sister, and Mrs Wang’s family.

She also gave some to her uncle, second uncle, grandfather, and grandmother.

In the recent period, she hadn’t seen Mrs Wen and Wen’s sister much. Firstly because Mrs Wen and Mrs Lin were still staying at the Wen Family’s. Secondly, as Wen’s sister was newly married to Li Xu, Yingbao didn’t want to disturb them.

Having finished delivering the gifts and returned home, Chen Zhao suddenly ran into the Jiang’s, crying, “Yingbao, big sister is missing.”

Yingbao frowned, “What?”

“As soon as we woke up this morning, Big Sister had already left the house and hasn’t returned until now.” Chen Zhao grabbed Yingbao and stammered, “Do you think she… has lost hope…”

Yingbao: “Why would she lose hope?”

“Father said that he would take her to the county town tomorrow. I noticed that Big Sister has been despondent. Last night she talked to me a lot, she also said… she said that you… you are our real sister…”

Yingbao paused, she gently removed Chen Zhao’s hand, and asked in a low voice, “Why would she say that?”

Chen Zhao choked and stuttered, “I asked the same question, Big Sister said that she once had a dream, a dream that you were our real sister.”

Yingbao fell silent.

Chen Zhao wiped a tear from her eye and asked, “Yingbao, are you really our sister?”

“No.” Yingbao flatly denied.

“But, but Big Sister was very sure, she even mentioned a mark on your right wrist.” Chen Zhao instinctively glanced towards Yingbao’s right wrist.

Yingbao revealed her right wrist. “Are you talking about this?”

Chen Zhao was stunned. “You…are you really my sister? Big sister also said your name is Chen Ying…”

“This scar on my wrist was caused by wounds inflicted by Chen Tiantian’s stepfather, it’s not a birthmark.” Yingbao retracted her arm, covering it with her sleeve.

She had kept the mark as evidence of Pei Shixian’s guilt and had not removed it.

Unexpectedly, Chen Wan said these words. Could it be that she too had returned to this life?

Chen Zhao was stunned.

She didn’t know who to believe.

But the things her Big Sister said were real and even suggested to find ways to earn more money, to leave this place in the future, adopt new names with brother Xubao and never return, otherwise there would be a life-threatening danger.

After thinking about it, Yingbao said, “Your Big Sister leaving home doesn’t necessarily mean she’s lost hope. It could be that she already knows where she should go, so she left without telling anyone.”

Most likely, Chen Wan had gone to the fisherman’s house, where she had once been saved.

In her previous life, Chen Wan actually got married to the fisherman and had a decent life.

Chen Zhao immediately stopped crying.

She remembered.

Ever since she learned that her father was sending her away, Big Sister hadn’t seemed upset. Instead, she was busy making clothes for herself and Xubao everyday.

The new clothes were all completed last night.

Chen Zhao suddenly turned and ran towards the yard, “I’m going home to check!”

She wanted to see if Big Sister’s clothes were still there and whether the copper coins she had saved with her were fewer or gone completely.

If they aren’t there, then Big Sister must have fled quietly.

Yingbao watched Chen Zhao leave into the distance with narrowed eyes.

She had to find Chen Wan to see if she was at the fisherman’s house.

If she was, Chen Wan must also possess memories from her previous life like Yingbao.

Outside the window, the snow was becoming heavier, quickly blanketing the world with white.

Jiang Sanlang brought home a basket of buns and steamed bread, placing them inside the house.

“Baobao, taste a bun. It’s filled with three kinds of ingredients.” Every New Year’s Eve, the three Jiang brothers would get together to steam buns, bread, and rice cakes.

There were usually at least two flavors of buns, mixed fillings, and vegetable and meat.

The steamed bread also came in two forms, filled with red bean paste or solid ones without filling.

Yingbao took a bite of the warm bun, it was delicious and savory.


Just like every other year.