The Young Master in the Shadows-Chapter 307: The wedding Starts!

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Chapter 307: The wedding Starts!

Margret sighed as she looked at the other girls around her, especially that ‘Nova’ who sat in her dress to the side looking at the mirror absentmindedly.

She would be a fool if she didn’t realize what was going on by now!

“Do you think the young master’s plan would work?” Mina asked as she put the final touches on her sister’s makeup and then put an ivory delicately decorated mask on her face. It hid most of it, with only large openings for her two sharp eyes and mouth.

She looked both pretty and mysterious.

“Definitely!” Mana said.

“Do you know what his plan is, to begin with?” Margret asked as she checked herself in the mirror one last time.

“... No… But we trust him!”

“What if his plan was to sell us all during the wedding? What if this was all an auction in disguise?” Margret asked as she turned around. Her crimson hair crowned her mask, making her look domineering.

“Then we will only need to resign ourselves to our fates!” Mana said.

“Stop spouting nonsense!” Aria said. She was very nervous. Totally not sure she ended up marrying Victor. She could freshly remember scolding him like his older sister a few months ago… He told her that she would want him, but she didn’t believe it.

“I am just saying… we don’t know!” Margret said as she looked at Lin who was looking back at her. “What?”

“Nothing…” Lin said with a sigh. She didn’t like Margret at all! She made her feel threatened!

“What’s taking Victor so long?” Mira suddenly asked as she helped the nervous Monica put on a hairpin… They were both nervous, but Mira as an actress knew how to hide it well!

“Who knows!” Margaret said, “He is probably out there scamming some little girl!” she said.

“True…” All the girls nodded. That was a fact about Victor. He would always manage to find some little girl and scam her, no matter where he was or what he was doing.

“You are really amazing, do you know that!” someone said. It was Victor who walked backstage. “I was really scamming a little girl… She would be joining you later!”

“Ahh… WHAT?” The girls were stunned as he began to change his clothes in front of them.

“Don’t look stunned… Now be prepared… Where is Ruby?”

“Here young master!” the little girl said as she walked from the side with a somewhat revealing priestess dress.

“Do you remember everything?” he asked as he quickly put on his ceremonial suit.

“Perfectly!” she said with a nod, secretly checking his body. Why couldn't she be a bride too? Damn, it... He better keeps his promise to marry her with Theta when they get old enough!

"Are you all ready? Did you put on the talismans I gave you?" he asked the girls.

"Yes," the girls replied.

“Good… Go on then… Let’s start!” he told Ruby as Lin ran to his side and began to help him button his shirt.

It was time to scam the world!

Outside, the wedding hall suddenly turned dark.

The attendants were startled and began to look around in the dim light. That’s when the screens that had been projecting a clear sky on the roof slowly transformed to display black clouds with bolts of lightning striking across them with a thundering sound rocking the hall.

On the dark stage, a spotlight suddenly appeared, revealing a short girl wearing a sexy priestess dress. She moved in a theatrical manner and stood right in the center of the stage.

“Ehm… A long time ago!” she began to speak in a melodic voice, signifying the beginning of the ceremony as the Venue quieted down. “When the world was divided into eight warring kingdoms! The fighting was endless and the blood of the innocent painted the earth brown and the seas red!” she said as screens on the sides began to display artistic renderings of the tale. They were commissioned prior to the wedding by the world's top artists. Victor planned to sell them right after the wedding in an auction… Margret was right about there being an auction after all.

“Then! A hero arose from the ashes!” the girl said as she moved to the side. Another spotlight appeared on stage revealing Victor who walked up with a smug smile.

He was wearing an extravagant gilded white knight suit that fitted him a little too well.

On his face was a decorative mask that only covered his eyes. He looked amazing.

Many of the women in the crowd began to fan themselves… Elise just watched in shock. She had thousands of thoughts in her mind and no answers.

Lara, El, and Mia were absolutely taken… They couldn’t lift their eyes off Victor. His dashing looks were totally lethal for little girls!

“The hero, knowing that he needed to unify the world, needed to prove his strength! He had to go to the darkest Mountain and defeat the evil dragon that terrified the world!” the priestess who moved to the side added in a loud voice.




“I said, THE DRAGON!” she called again as an empty spotlight appeared on the edge of the stage from which a wobbly dragon made his way up with the assistance of a girl wearing a veil.

She helped the drunk priest, who was wearing a black dragon grab and a dragon skull mask, sit down on his jade throne, then backed away.

The attendants looked at each other as Theodore slapped his own face… Damn, that Victor. The priest was obviously drunk! He was even barfing.

Yulian and James Trove on the other hand sighed in relief as the girl in the veil was Lily… She was not a bride.

“After a grand battle that shook the heavens!” the priestess said as thunder sounded around the hall again. “THE HERO DEFEATED THE DRAGON!” she yelled in a heroic voice as Victor took a ceremonial sword from his back and gently smacked the dragon skull mask on the priest’s head.

The dozy priest just looked up “Stop it…” he said as he dozed off again.

There was a slight sound of giggles in the audience, but it quickly died down when Elena smacked the two little girls’ heads… Elise almost burst out laughing too, but the darkness and the shades she wore hid her face well.

Unlike Theodore who sighed, the attendants were a little shocked. The Priest clearly wasn’t doing this willingly. Regardless, no one cared. They were here for their benefit and to have fun!


“I… Ifdd… shhh,” The priest (Dragon) said as some drool fell from his mouth.

“HE WILL!” The girl translated on her own, making many of the attendants frown while others smiled in amusement.

The next moment the lights gradually turned on, revealing a totally revamped stage with all kinds of golden carvings and arrays engraved on the ground. The screens were now displaying golden clouds. Not only on the roof. The entire hall walls turned out to be made out of screens that no one noticed. They began to project images of the skies, making the attendants feel as if they were in a floating temple.

There was even some golden fog going around the hall, making the entire place look ethereal.

“Not bad…” Yulian said. Alice nodded. She was also amazed. Too bad she couldn't enjoy the show while knowing that Caspian was glaring at her from the back.

“I am sure you too will hold a bigger wedding when it is your time!” Elena said. After having some time with Yulian she found him to be a very educated and polite young man.

Alice, hearing her mother, couldn't help but blush and then frown a little… Never mind that. She decided to focus on the present.

The priestess girl, who was now standing next to the ‘dragon’, began to speak again after making sure that the attendants finished looking around… She was a little amazed too when she saw this place for the first time in the rehearsals.

“To Unify the kingdoms. The Hero decided to marry one princess from each! Eight in total! and let the Dragon bear witness to it as a priest, forming the 8 souls contract so that the bond can never be broken!” she said as she bowed then stepped down and eight girls in colorful wedding dresses and white masks stepped onto the stage with a golden fog around them.

Each one of them had a unique air around her that made her stand alone.

They were holding each others’ hands and looked dashing despite the customs that covered all of their body’s with only their hair and parts of their faces showing.


“STOP THIS FARCE!” a voice sounded coldly stopping the priestess girl who was holding a big horn and preparing to blow in it in her tracks.

Everyone looked to the back where Caspian stood from his seat and removed his mask, making those who recognized him sigh in shock as he made his way slowly toward the stage. Totally ignoring Alice on purpose.

Many got very nervous at this time, especially Luliana, Alice, and Theodore who looked at Victor waiting for him to start his plan…

The attendees watched as Caspian walked slowly from his seat until he stood right under the stage. Everyone frowned. Many didn’t know who Caspian was, but for those few who did like Harvey, Luliana, and Theodore this was a huge trouble.

On the other hand, one little girl closed her nose. It was El. Caspian smelled like her uncle Black’s sh*t after he threw it in the fermentation barrel… No, that thing smelled better…

“Can I help you young master Caspian?” Victor asked as he gestured to the tense Alice to calm down. He was publicly revealing that he already recognized Caspian but didn’t show him any respect on purpose.

“Since when was one of the hero’s brides a fake?” Caspian asked while keeping his cool as if Victor was just a junior and everything was going according to his plan.

“They are all genuine!” Victor said arrogantly as he pinched Monika’s butt making her yelp. “Tasted and certified… And what does this have to do with you?” he asked, making those who knew what was going on wonder whether Victor was just being courageous or was he a complete fool for facing Caspian.

Caspian paused… Did he mean tested? Never mind that… “It has everything when it is about her!” Caspian said coldly, throwing a fork that he got from one of the tables at the blue-haired girl. The fork hit the ivory mask on her face in its center in a flash, breaking it in perfect halves to reveal the delicate face of Nova von Astrom.

“NOVA?” Luliana asked in shock. This was not the girl she brought with her, but the genuine Nova!

“Didn’t you tell me she escaped?” Mirage whispered in a hurry.

“She did!” Luliana said.

“YOUNG MASTER CASPIAN…. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? I AM NOW YOUNG MASTER VICTOR’S WOMAN!” Nova said as she stepped forward heroically, “Please show some respect!” she added according to the script prepared by Victor.

Caspian frowned, he knew she was fake, but this one was very life-like! He looked back at Mirage and at Luliana… they were both shocked, it was clear she was different from the one they saw in the morning.

He quickly activated his appraisal skill again just to be sure.

; ;

Class: Thunder warrior.

She was a fake alright!

“Young master Caspian! It is rude to steal a bride away from her wedding!” Victor said coldly. Still following the script.

“Who the hell said I am here to take her?” Caspian started realizing Victor’s stupid plan, “She is not the real Nova!” Caspian said with a sigh! Dealing with stupid people is troublesome. “She is an imposter! Her name is Alex!” he said, revealing that he already knew the truth.

The brides gasped as they looked at ‘Nova’. They have been wondering about her since the morning. She turned out to be Alex in disguise.

“And you are not the real Young Master Caspian! But an imposter demon who eats babies at midnight!” Victor suddenly said playing hard and making Caspian’s heart almost skip a beat before Victor corrected himself, “See! Everyone can spout baseless accusations.”

Fuck! I have almost been played… Caspian cursed inwardly. He almost thought that Victor knew that he was a demon. And he didn’t eat babies. So Victor was clearly spouting nonsense. But this Victor really knew how to talk nonsense!

“And fake or not, what does this have to do with you?” Victor added. "I can marry whomever I want!"

“Nova had made a promise to me! She is my fiancee!” Caspian said, revealing a pink envelope in his hand. “She asked me to come to save her but I was too late so she escaped!” he added.

“Lies! Nova would never say that! She loves me!” Victor said, “Go ahead and ask her she never escaped, she is right here!”

“This one is a fake!” Caspian yelled, feeling a little suffocated, Victor was not playing by the book.

“If you think she is fake, why are you here then?” Victor asked again, making Caspian almost jump on him and cut his head.

“I am here to clear my beloved name!“

“Lies!” Victor screamed.

“We will see! Imposter, this is your last chance!” Caspian decided to finish this farce as he turned to Alex. “You reveal yourself or I would!”

“I am the real Nova. Young master Victor is three times the man you are!” She spouted randomly causing not only the attendants to gasp but also Caspian to squint his eyes coldly and Victor to almost break character and smack his face. He should have told her not to anger Caspian a lot.

Damn, you Alex! Even in this situation, she was being a jinx.

“Are you sure about that!” Caspian asked in a very cold voice. He didn’t like to be compared with other men.

“I am!“ Alex said heroically.

“I see… Then” Caspian said as he moved his hand in the air, revealing a talisman that shone with a bright light. Moments later all the unawakened attendees collapsed sleeping. This was the players' council standard issue talisman to subdue non-players in case of emergency.

Everyone collapsed on their tables, and the maids to the side collapsed to the ground.

Monica and Mira, who seemingly collapsed, were quickly held by Margret and the twins.

Yulian collapsed on Alice’s breasts, making her slap him away.

“What is the meaning of this?” Theodore stood up after he laid his wives softly in their chairs then asked angrily.

This was a challenge to the Von Weise family now by using powers in their territory!

“Just watch!” Caspian said without care activating another talisman and totally ignoring Theodore as if he was a bug.

Nothing happened.

Caspian frowned. Wasn’t this supposed to be an A-ranked disguise revealing talisman? Was it expired?

He tried another one. An S-ranked one.

Nothing happened.

“Young master… Are you now convinced?” Victor asked the frowning Caspian, “Nova is real! And she loves me! Only ME!”

Caspian silently cursed. That nasty Victor was using some other method. He was considering attacking the fake Nova and finishing this when a voice sounded.

“NO! SHE IS FAKE…” someone suddenly said. It was a very familiar voice. “And I never liked you!”

Everyone, including Caspian and his assistant, looked to the back where a pretty girl in a blue sparkly dress walked from behind a column while removing her face mask. She was none other than Nova Von Astrom!

Luliana almost stood up as she looked at her daughter. Why was she here? Was she the real thing this time?

“LET THEM COME!” Linda cried in a loud voice as she burnt two strands of hair, one purple, and one black. Both of them were something she acquired for a long time and kept secret.

Black smoke arose from the hair strands as she threw them in a goblet of black blood making it burn in black flames that went out with a human-like scream moments later.

The ritual finished.

“What are you doing?” a voice asked from behind, startling the sh*t out of her.

“Wha….A… Bill… didn’t you go meet a friend?” she asked as she turned and looked back. Bill was standing there. When did he arrive?

“Nope… You are cursing Victor and that girl Lin right?” He said he was watching from the start but Linda didn’t notice him. He was not a fool to trust her completely as he was monitoring her.

“Ahh…. Sorry… “ she said as tears fell from her eyes. “I couldn't handle the idea of those two enjoying their time and scamming my mother as we hid away…” she began to cry.

“Don’t cry…” he said softly “ I am not angry!” he said with a smile…


“What did you curse them with?” he asked.

“I summoned a succubus and an incubus… I will let them curse Victor and Lin with unquenchable love…” she said.

“So that they can ‘love’ each other to death…” he asked with an amused tone.

“No… They will not die… but dispelling this will be hard…” she quickly lied. That was truly her goal. And even if this was dispelled, their reputation would be ruined after they start doing it on the wedding stage in front of everyone. “...Sorry…I will dispel it immediately…” she said. By the time she removes it, the harm would have already been done.

And Victor and Lin would separate forever, as the shadow left by this curse can’t truly be removed as it touched the soul.

The moment they see each other, their bodies will start to go into heat. Even in public.

So they would only be able to indulge forever, ruining their bodies. Or if they were to be forcefully separated, they would yearn for each other but never be able to touch.

They would live in agony and not touch any other person ever!

It was a perfect curse.

“Why are you apologizing? And why would you dispel it? You did good!” he said.

“What? Isn’t Victor your cousin?” She didn’t expect Bill who put his family above everything else to approve of what she just did. This didn’t make sense.

“... He is my great cousin… But that only would be true if he didn’t have that filthy blood!”

“What filthy blood?” Linda asked again. She didn’t get this.

“Nothing… Don’t concern yourself with this trivial matter. Now that you are finished with this, let's go quench our own love…” he said. He was in a good mood.

“Ahh… but the baby…” Linda blushed. Her pregnancy was confirmed. All she needed was to give birth and no one would be able to separate her from Bill and her magnificent future!

“I will be careful, and he will enjoy it too!”

The source of this c𝓸ntent is fr(e)𝒆novelkiss