The Young Master in the Shadows-Chapter 365: How dare she!

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Chapter 365: How dare she!

“So… You failed again?” through the shimmering bronze mirror, a man who was sitting in a strange way on a red throne, said. He was the one and only Blood lord!

“I… I swear I took the Jewel!” Tear said. “But I can’t open my storage ring anymore! It was definitely that crazy bastard!”

“Watch your language in front of his highness!” an old woman who was standing to her side scolded, making her shrink her head.

“It is ok… Your ring you said?” her father asked through the mirror, his sound shaking her very soul. “Are you saying it has something to do with that emperor guy who made you sign the contract?” he squinted his eyes.

“I think so…” she nodded, shaking a little. “But I don’t know when he managed to do it…”

“BloodSpear 93… Did you investigate the ring?” the Blood lord asked.

“Yes… But somehow, we can’t open it, and even trying to force it has failed, as we don’t have enough authority…” the old woman said. “Someone used a sealing talisman on it!”

“Oh… This is interesting… Bring me the ring!” he said.

“Since it is sealed we can't use the summoning method... We will have to do it manually and this might take a week or so, Your Highness, we are out of suitable candidates to enter the secret Field…” the old woman said. “Most of the men are investigating the newly discovered Troll dungeon by your orders!”

“It is ok, just make Tear do it…” the blood lord said.

“Your Highness, but her level is insufficient to survive…” the old woman defended Tear, making the latter a little surprised.

“It is her punishment…” the blood lord said, “If she manages to reach the temple, then I will forgive her! If she fails, I will send someone to collect her corpse from my side!” he added coldly.

“Yes, my lord… Shall I send you a few of those inflatable donut cushions with her?” the old woman asked.

“Ah… yes… You do that…” he nodded.

Diana, who was certain there was an intruder around her, suddenly felt something approaching behind her, but before she could react, she felt something stick to the back of her head, making her go into the dirt head first.

“WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM NOW DIANA?” One of the elders scolded, but she didn’t care as she noticed the announcement.

; ;

The next moment a screen

; ;

HEALTH : 1000/1000

STAMINA: 700/700

MANA: 900/900















Inspect, S

Fireball, B

Vanishing, F











“WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING, BITCH?” another elder rudely asked the absentminded Diana.

“Ah…. Ah… I think I just became a player…” she said nervously. Wondering what this disciple and master meant.

“What?” everyone asked as even those who were meditating with closed eyes opened their eyes to look at her.

“I just felt something hitting me… Then I… I am a player now…”

“Are you kidding me? A maid? A player before me?” one of the kids asked, seemingly offended.

“Do you think we would…” another man began to speak as a bald man suddenly appeared out of thin air. He was the elder responsible for the hall here.

“GRAND ELDER!” Everyone saluted.

“FOLLOW ME…” he said in a stoic voice then turned and left.

Diana, who was already on her feet bowing in salute, quickly followed him.

Victor sighed in regret as he watched Diana go.

He really wanted to scam her like he did with Rita back then, but the awakening skill didn’t give him a chance as Diana was not pulled into the awakening space, and he had to do the awakening instantaneously.

He had to remind himself that the next time he did that he needed to do his scamming before activating that skill.

Too bad the situation here was not suitable. The time didn’t stop for her, so the contract was a no-go as it would have alerted the elders, and the blood slave skill also needed Diana’s approval, which he couldn’t get without scamming her.

Even if his illusion managed to fool the elders, he couldn't guarantee Diana’s reaction after all. If she refused his proposal for some stupid reason, she might alert the elders, making him lose the chance to finish the operation tonight!

He would never risk the bigger picture to get a chick! … NO… Probably… It depended on the chick! This one had that spark thing that he was not really sure about.

Nevermind that… This didn’t go as intended but had learned his lesson, and it was not a lost cause.

He already placed many restrictions on Diana, marking her as a SERVANT PLAYER.

It would allow him to locate her at all times, manage her level up, and control her attributes… It would also let him send her system messages, but he was not sure what they would look like or if he could disguise them. He needed to test those on one of his maids before trying to control this girl.

If she ever managed to achieve something in the future he would simply return and make her sign a contract then… Maybe as the Nutcracker or Vic…

Victor had already confirmed that her fate of being raped and killed by Levi had already vanished so he was not in a hurry. And she would surely move the stagnant water inside the Von Zwei family where not many are happy with the current inheritance situation.

The girl would surely be taken in by one of the elders and protected after they checked her status, and since she was a maid, she might get interrogated or something before they could trust her.

Who knows, he might meet her at the tournament very soon!

The only remaining variable was what if one of the elders or the patriarch chose to marry her to neutralize her.

Victor shook his head. Did he really need to add every pretty girl in the world to his harem?

Of course, he did!

But still…

He was a little conflicted. He had no way to ensure that everything was going according to his plans… Shit happened, and he knew that better than anyone…

“What now?” Rita asked, waking him up from his fantasies.

“Now it is time to…” Victor said, deciding to leave Diana’s problem to destiny… No wait… His Fate Power was already A+!

He quickly focused a little, setting a goal in his mind to add Diana to his harem, and be her first man!

Nothing changed…

He wondered if this worked…

Whatever… As long as no scion intervened, everything should be…

“Time to do what? Why do you keep dozing off?” Rita suddenly asked, feeling a little strange. Did it have anything to do with that woman?

“Ahh… Sorry, I was waiting for the situation to calm down. Time to move… Approach the pond!” Victor quickly said as he watched those who were meditating all became dispirited and then one by one, stood up and hurried after Rita and the elder.

They were just too curious, and when the pond awakened someone, it was usually impossible to happen again in a short time.

Watching the hall become empty, Rita nodded, then slowly approached the pond again, then under Victor’s command, she used the shadow shifting skill, targeting the middle of the pond where there was nothing.

Before Rita’s hand could reach the other side and reappear, it hit something which she quickly grabbed before withdrawing her arm.

In her hand, there was now a small simple golden hand mirror.

; ;



Victor sighed. This was the one.

The way it worked, was as described, you have to do it at night, aligning the reflections of two stars with the eyes of the target.

Since it was hidden in a pond that was covered by the half-open dome that obstructed nearly 80% of the night sky, this thing only activated once in a blue moon when the pond rippled in a way that created a perfect reflection with of the stars that aligned with one of the lucky ones who meditated around it.

Rumors had it that this thing was here as a part of an ancient ruin way before the von Zwei ancestor came to hide. They built their awakening hall around it after failing to understand the ‘pond’ mechanism of awakening.

“Now that I got this, I think I should head back…” Rita began to speak after putting the mirror in the storage space.

“No… We have a few more missions…” Victor said. “Think of them as simple errands,” he added.

“What?” she asked, having a bad feeling.

“First things first, take the red moon-looking jewel and place it in the negative space in the pond. The same place where the mirror was found.

; ;

This jewel was the same one Tear, the one with the blood lord's daughter, took and hid in her ring in the blood dungeon.

At first, he didn’t want to take care of this, but right before exiting the moon dungeon, while he was double-checking the spoils of war, he found a problem with one of the contracts he made the players sign. Tear's contract.

The blood on the signature was not hers!

She had this skill called Blood Replicator, which allowed her to use the bloodlines of others temporally. She must have used it to fake signing!

Feeling very hurt for getting scammed by a little girl, Victor had to strike back, he was the only one allowed to scam others!

So after considering his options, he used the cauldron’s power to knock her out as the players were being kicked out after everything finished.

First of all, he took her ring, cracked it open, and took the Jewel.

Then without mercy, he drugged the fuck out of her with two bottles of concentrated soul wine to make her talk. How dare she scam him!

To his surprise, she turned out to be a super VIP! She was the daughter of the Blood lord!

Victor, feeling he finally found a trove of information, began to question her extensively, only to discover that this girl knew nothing!

Her mother got pregnant with her inside a dungeon when she met a very handsome mysterious gentleman there.

Tear was born 9 months later knowing nothing about her father's identity despite being a player since birth. Her mother didn’t reveal a thing until the bloodlord contacted them 3 years ago through his agents who had been taking care of her and her mother from behind the scenes all this time.

It was time for Tear to do some missions for her father who could not enter this world physically!

After some training in her father's secret base in the mountains, Tear began to conduct operations that involved seducing and then collecting bloodline samples from certain elite members of the player families. One of them was even from one of his cousins.

Her class "Blood Master", gave her great skills in that regard.

Unfortunately, she was not good at the seducing part, so she failed almost half of the time and nearly got exposed if not for her father’s men's help.

The blood jewel operation was supposed to be her last chance to prove her worth.

That’s all the girl knew, she didn’t even have any idea why her father wanted this jewel.

After collecting all the info he could, Victor let Tear go. She would not remember a thing in the morning, and would only believe she was a little disoriented because of the dungeon’s exciting effect.

Victor didn’t dare to make her his blood slave, fearing her father’s blood power would be able to trace it back to him! But that didn’t stop him from planting something on her…

As for the jewel, after taking it, Victor hid it, even from Lily who would surely be angry with his reckless decision if she knew.

Although it was tempting to try and use it to grant some of his girl's bloodlines, he didn’t dare to do so, fearing that the Bloodlord who was after it might sense it, and he was not sure about what side effects this might carry.

His purpose was to leave it here in the Von Zwei pond.

Either the Blood Lord would be able to feel it, or he would follow the clues he left in Tear’s ring. And those would also lead here but after a few steps.

The actions the blood lord would take would reveal how much power he had over the real world, and this would be vital for Victor’s future operations.

He already knew that they could approach this world from the outside through Dungeons, but they didn’t seem to be able to enter it.

The questions he needed to be answered were what they really were, how strong was their influence, and what was their real target.

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