This Girl Forced to Become an Entertainment Company Boss-Chapter 45: 0

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Chapter 45

The new week continues to be dominated by Random Entertainment. As soon as you open social media platforms, you can see news about those trainees holding a concert tour. Many who haven't watched the show much are surprised, wondering how they debuted so quickly.

Only a company as large and wealthy as Random Entertainment would dare to let trainees hold a concert tour before officially debuting.

Their concert tickets starting at just 89 yuan have also become a hot topic. Fans of other companies are envious of this price, having previously thought Random Entertainment was just putting on an act during public performances. They didn't expect the company to truly commit to an affordable, people-friendly image.

As soon as the concert was announced, fans from various camps entered battle mode, and even Random Entertainment got busy.

Fan clubs have been frantically emailing Random Entertainment these past few days, confirming various details. They are so meticulous that one might think they were the company's own event staff.

Jiang Juyou also heard about this. The tour was officially announced in the morning, and by afternoon, the company's inbox was full.

"[Read] Inquiry regarding Ye Xing-related matters"

"Hello, we are Ye Xing's national fan support association. Regarding the upcoming tour, we would like to promote and support Ye Xing, and need to confirm a few things with him."

"Lucky Geese really like mint green. After voting, we've selected the following colors. Please have Ye Xing choose one as the support color for future events..."

Similar content came from other fan clubs as well. All support activities needed to be carried out after having their own support color, so this was their most urgent matter now.

These emails were passed up through layers to reach Jiang Juyou because lower-level employees didn't have the authority to decide on these matters.

Early on when the show first aired, the company proactively contacted various fan club managers. They didn't say much, just informed them of the ways to contact the company, and that without the company's review and permission, they couldn't organize or carry out any support activities.

Besides emails confirming support colors, there were also many explanations and applications for support activities in the inbox, hoping for company approval.

After reviewing these emails one by one, Jiang Juyou rejected all support activities and messaged the fan operations team: "Just reject future emails directly, and tell the fans that fundraising is not allowed. I saw people calling for fundraising support this morning."

At this time, the fan club managers waiting for the company's response were still brainstorming in large fan groups, thinking about what kind of support to do for the final performance.

"I see others buying billboard ads."

"Seems like we can buy splash screen ads for Big Eyes app."

"I heard the neighboring Spoon family is renting buses."

"It's too sudden, Deadlock Entertainment always does this, so annoying!"

"I still think mint blue looks better."

"Let's just go with mint chocolate."

"Isn't the final performance in Shanghai? Can we do a helicopter support?"

"Ladies, the company's reply is here."

"Which one did they choose? Which one?"

"Blind guess: number 2."

"...The company doesn't allow any support activities, nor choosing colors."




"Are they sick or something?"

"Here we go again, preventing explosions for the big Top... I'm done with this company."

"Can't we ask the frontline staff?"

"Fundraising is also not allowed. We'll process refunds later. Very sorry."


"What is Deadlock Entertainment doing?"


Not just Ye Xing's fan club, other support associations also received this message. Soon, fans in the groups spread this news.

Random Entertainment, the sinner of all ages, was criticized again.

"@Yao Is Saying This: What exactly does Deadlock Entertainment want? They don't allow support activities, don't allow choosing support colors. Are they trying to pull that 'unite to divide' trick? If so, I'm out of here first."

"@Night Xing News: I really can't understand. Support activities help expand the trainees' popularity. Why don't they agree? Is their brain deadlocked and not working?"

"@Just A Pretty Girl: Can't stand this stupid company anymore. Are there any foreign companies that can poach PLM?"

Similar questions were asked within the company. They really couldn't understand why the activities weren't approved.

Jiang Juyou didn't explain this, just continued to push the project forward.

The A&R department had already selected the stage program list. Jiang Juyou leaned back on the sofa, looking it over while listening to Yang Siyu's explanation.

"We'll open with this group performance. After that, we've selected some stages that have received good feedback recently. Not just from the show's performances, we've also picked some memorable stages from previous public performances."

"Like Yao Shuo's vertical fancam that went viral on video sites. This was from their first public performance together. I think we can bring it back as an encore. The whole song's atmosphere is also very suitable to follow the opening number, it can continue to lift the mood."

Jiang Juyou nodded as she listened, and asked an additional question, "They've already started rehearsing, right?"

"Yes, today they're... practicing the opening number first." Yang Siyu checked her phone before answering.

This opening number was originally the show's theme song. Normally, it should have been revealed at the very beginning of the show. They could have even followed other shows by filming dance videos and ranking them.

But this song really didn't have that youthful, energetic vibe, so it was shelved. However, practice didn't stop because of this. The trainees still learned the dance and recorded the vocals.

Originally, they thought about bringing it to the final as the only stage where all 63 trainees perform together. But the style is quite unique, so Jiang Juyou felt they could debut it at the tour first, let fans get used to it. This way, when it's later brought to the screen, everyone will be more accustomed to it.

After a brief introduction, Yang Siyu took a sip of water to moisten her throat and asked, "Have you seen this opening?"

"No, but I've seen the dance demo." Hearing Yang Siyu's tone, it seemed she had seen it, so Jiang Juyou asked, "How is it?"

The other person smiled mysteriously, "You'll definitely be satisfied."

Jiang Juyou heard this and gave a skeptical look.


Pure viewers following "21 Heartbeats of Youth" have been enjoying the drama this week. They've watched every episode without becoming fans of anyone in particular, so they're having a great time with all the gossip.

Since Monday when the fan circles were shaken, Random Entertainment has been criticized for three days, but Jiang Juyou escaped unscathed.

"Me to SJYL: f**k you, stupid Deadlock Entertainment. Me to Hangover Cure: (smirk) I'll let you off the hook for now."

"LOL, Hangover Cure gets a pass from the train conductor sisters because she's pretty."

"The haggard and gloomy Hangover Cure is even more sister-like now, those who don't understand can leave forever."

Some even made excuses for Jiang Juyou.

"Hangover Cure has been tortured by her thesis lately, I don't think this stupid idea came from her."

"Hangover Cure is just a producer, she doesn't manage other things."

"Every time I see Hangover Cure scolding the kids, I wonder why she's not scolding me (sorry)"

Up to now in the show, Jiang Juyou only appears during the evaluation phase after performances. Her outfits are always minimalist chic, rarely seeing more than three colors on her. Most of her clothes are solid colors, with various styles of Birkenstock sandals on her feet.

When she appears, her expression always carries a hint of displeasure, her gaze scrutinizing everyone, a pressure that even her glasses can't suppress.

Compared to this aura, Jiang Juyou is also too beautiful. This contradictory temperament immediately captures everyone's attention on the show.

Many fans and viewers went to follow Jiang Juyou's Weibo, but her Weibo is just like the personality she displays - apart from cold reposts, there are no original posts or images.

But so what? They love her even more for it.

After cursing Random Entertainment for a few days, people felt better and moved on. More importantly, they're preparing to go see the concert.

Since the trainees also need to travel from Beijing, fans were guessing if they might be on the same flight. But as the date got closer, no information about their flights was leaked.

On Friday, they finally learned that the group had flown out on a charter flight Thursday night.

"In all my life, this is the first time I've seen a company charter a plane for trainees."

"My money is part of that burned jet fuel."

"Wow, Random Entertainment, you've been hiding your wealth! Impressive!"

"If this continues, will your company end up buying a private jet next?"

The trainees and staff had already left on the chartered flight, while the boss leisurely dragged her suitcase to the airport after finishing class.

The fansites and paparazzi who had failed to catch the trainees immediately surrounded Jiang Juyou.

Having just returned from the New Year holiday, the airport was bustling with activity. Their group encircling Jiang Juyou made passersby think she was some celebrity. People gathered to look, but the person being surrounded wore a hat, mask, and scarf, revealing nothing except their gender based on height.

Appearing calm, Jiang Juyou's back was actually drenched in sweat. She didn't dare raise her hand to wipe it, fearing these people would catch her and claim she wrote something.

She didn't even have the courage to remove her earphones, and although she could read their lips and knew they were saying something, Jiang Juyou didn't dare listen, afraid of hearing insults.

Jiang Juyou strode forward pulling her suitcase, while the fans surrounding her said:

"Not talking? Love it even more."

"Haha, she's wearing earphones!"

"Hubby, say something!"

"Mind the occasion!"

"This is hilarious, do you think she really can't hear us?"

"Can't hear? Then I might misbehave!"

From their expressions, it seemed they were discussing something amusing, but Jiang Juyou wasn't sure if those words were mocking her, so she didn't dare let her gaze linger on their faces.

Thinking it would get better after passing security, she didn't expect this group to come through as well.

Seeing the crowd gather around her again, Jiang Juyou couldn't help but remove her earphones. Just as she was about to say something, she heard someone exclaim, "Hubby, you took off your earphones!"

Frightened, she stuffed them back in.

Still pretending not to have heard that.

Jiang Juyou: It's like entering the Spider Spirit's den.
