This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role-Chapter 27: The Younger Brother

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Chapter 27

Chu Yang was oblivious to whatever her parents were talking about in the house as she was attending to a client.

"Blogger, my parents introduced me to a girl and I'd like to know more about her," said the client.

Little Witch Who Foretells: "I'm not a fortune teller..."

"But you do make prophecies, don't you? So could you foresee if I'm fated to be with this girl?" asked the client.

Little Witch Who Foretells: "The further into the future I predict, the more it costs." She said this to deter people from asking her to predict their whole life - that would be beyond her capabilities, as a person's life has too many variables for even all her psychic powers to cover.

"I see. Then how about just one week?"

Little Witch Who Foretells: "500 bucks. Show me a photo of her."

"Sure. Transferring 500. [Photo attached]"

Chu Yang soon recovered. Indeed, everything became quick and smooth again after her crystal ball was fixed.

Little Witch Who Foretells: No chance of success. Big trouble up ahead instead.

The client was shocked. "What big trouble?"

Little Witch Who Foretells: Gotta pay extra for that.

The client quickly transferred another thousand dollars.

Little Witch Who Foretells: It's a trap. The girl is not clean.

The client was stunned!!! He said, "I'll go investigate. If what you said is true, blogger, I'll tip you for this." Then he went offline.

Chu Yang was not in a hurry either. Earning $1500 for this job was not bad.

When Chu Yang finished, it was already dark outside with the wind fiercely howling. Chu's Mom was preparing dinner and Chu's Dad was helping out.

Seeing Chu Yang come out, Chu's Dad promptly called her over, "Go warm yourself by the fireplace in the living room. Don't catch a cold."

Chu Yang did not decline but went over to the fire with a book in her hand.

In about an hour, Chu's Mom finished cooking the dishes and brought them out to the living room. Due to the cold, she also brought a hotpot, "Let's eat, or the food will get cold."


Chu Yang put down her book and walked over to the dining table. The food looked and smelled appetizing with both meat and fish; this family really spoils their child.

The family of three were having dinner when suddenly someone knocked on the door from outside, "Is Chu ge (older brother) home?"

Chu's Dad immediately opened the door, "Who is it? Brother Zhang, it's you! Have you eaten yet? What brings you here?"

The man did not come in. He said, "Chu ge, my car broke down. My son will be arriving in town soon and I need to pick him up. Can I borrow your car?"

"Sure. Let me get you the key." Then Chu's Dad asked, "Would you like to come in and sit first?"

"It's fine."

"Alright, let me get the keys for you."

Chu's Dad handed the car keys to the man outside and came back in after he left. He said to the others at the dining table: "That's Zhang Quanjia's son coming back. His car broke down so I lent him my car."

Chu's Mom asked, "His son Xizhi who went to university in the southwest?"

"Yes, that's him."

Chu's Mom turned to Chu Yang and said, "Do you still remember? Zhang Quanjia's son, Zhang Xizhi."

Of course Chu Yang wouldn't remember anything. But she couldn't act like she didn't recognize that name either. "Oh I know of him, but we weren't close."

"I heard he was just a few marks shy of going to A University."

"Is that so?" Chu Yang figured that the original Chu Yang wouldn't have cared about such an irrelevant character, and he wasn't mentioned in the novel too. He's probably an unimportant side character.

"Yup. That boy looks pretty decent." Then Chu's Mom said, "We even talked about arranging a childhood betrothal between you two back then."

Chu Yang's Dad retorted, "Why mention this to our daughter? People value free love nowadays. Quickly eat, or the food will turn cold."

"You have a point. Go on and eat, Chu Yang."

As Chu Yang was eating, the first snow of winter fell in Jing City and soon made its way to the hot search topics.

All the folks in Jing City were abuzz. The moment the snow started falling, Chi Yan took a video and photos to send to Chu Yang, but she hadn't replied him at all. Maybe she was busy.

It was after dinner that Chu Yang saw the snowy pictures Chi Yan sent. She replied: Thank you. It's beautiful.

Chi Yan was elated and sent over a few more pictures. "All of Jing City will be covered in white tomorrow. I'll send you more tomorrow."

Chu Yang: Okay, thank you.

Chi Yan: No worries, we are friends after all.

Chu Yang saved all the pictures. Since there wasn't anything to do late at night and today's hustle had worn her out, she washed up and went to lie in bed to rest after dinner.

She slept through till 7 AM the next day and was reluctant to get out from under the covers because it was too cold. After lingering in bed awhile more, Chu Yang finally sat up, got dressed and headed out still wrapped in her coat.

Chu Yang was surprised to see her out of bed. "You're up already? It's the holidays, why aren't you sleeping more?"

Chu Yang then recalled that kids who have just returned home for the holidays are supposed to sleep in and laze around as they please. Though she wondered if that would change after a while... Looking at how Chu Yang's parents behave, it seems unlike those network parents.

Chu Yang: "I've gotten enough sleep."

Chu's Mom said, "There are still hot buns in the pot. Let me bring them out for you. If you don't want buns, let me know what you'd like to eat and Mom will make it for you."

Chu Yang shook her head. "It's fine, buns are good enough."

After washing up, Chu Yang ate two big buns and was full. Since there was nothing to do, she wandered around the house peeking here and there. She even turned on the TV for a bit before losing interest and heading back to her room for a siesta. When she woke up from her nap, she saw the photos Chi Yan sent of Jing City blanketed in white snow and plum blossoms covered with snow. 𝑓𝓇𝘦𝘦𝔀𝓮𝒷𝘯𝓸𝓋𝓮𝘭.𝓬𝓸𝘮

Chu Yang replied: Very beautiful.

Chi Yan: These are from the corner of my home [pride emoji]

But Chu Yang did not reply him anymore. She saw Chu's Mom return with a bunch of handicraft materials, preparing to do handicrafts. So Chu Yang went to lend a hand.

Chu's Mom did not wish for her to work. She asked Chu Yang to go watch TV or play outside instead since it's the holidays, but Chu Yang said she wasn't interested in watching TV and it was too cold outside. Hence, she tagged along to learn handicrafts from Chu's Mom.

They were making clips for laundry lines that sold for only a penny each, probably able to make a few hundred a day for tens of dollars of income.

After slacking for a few days, Chu Yang was watching TV in the living room this day when she heard the sound of a motorcycle outside and knew it was Chu's Dad returning... but why was he back so early today?

When the door opened, a boy about 1.7 meters tall walked in. His facial features resembled Chu Yang's. Pulling a luggage behind him, he let out a "hmph" upon seeing Chu Yang then headed straight to his room.

Seeing this, Chu's Mom immediately spoke up, "Xiao Luo, didn't you see your sister? Why didn't you greet her?"

All she got in response was the sound of his door slamming shut. "This child!"

Chu Yang did not feel there was anything wrong. The relationship between this sister and younger brother probably isn't good. Recalling Chu Yang's past behavior, there must have been some conflict between them.

That night the family of four had dinner together but Chu Luo did not utter a single word to Chu Yang, and of course she would not bother with him either. In her eyes, he was just a rebellious early teen albeit slightly taller than her and eating more than her - at least she noticed he consumed two big steamed buns and two bowls of rice.

Seeing him eat so voraciously, Chu's Mom remarked: "Are you not eating well in school? Is your allowance not enough? Mother can give you more next semester..."

Chu Luo put down his bowl with a clatter, wiped his mouth and said, "No need, it's enough. You can give the money to someone else instead."

Everyone knew who this 'someone else' referred to.

Chu Yang merely glanced at him without a word, and continued eating her dinner.