Transcendent Dawn-Chapter 181 - 0 Tampering (Add 4900, Second update, Request for Monthly Tickets)

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Chapter 181: Chapter 0181 Tampering (Add 4900, Second update, Request for Monthly Tickets)

Translator: 549690339

Nia City, Memorial Park for the Catastrophe Victims.

Many monuments stood erect, atop the largest white monument was an inscription: 揥ith this monument, we commemorate the people who passed away in the massive catastrophe厰

Behind the clean, white tombstones were countless names.

Each name represented the passing of a life.

Su Lu stood in front of the memorial, setting a bundle of lilies amidst the flowers.

Strictly speaking, this was his first home after traversing time, he knew many people, certainly, some of them were victims.

揟he lives of tens of thousands All to create two legends!

揟he 態lasphemous Priest Moron, and the 慞hantom Demon Black KOS?

Su Lu muttered silently in his heart.

Fifth level! Legendary Occupational Person!

When he gained the power, he would definitely seek revenge! He committed himself to this vow!

揙riginally, reaching the fifth level did not require such a terrifying blood sacrifice. However, they delighted the demon with this and obtained 慻ifts? They immediately became powerful figures at the fifth level, drew attention, and set the stage for future plans厰

揂ll of this, is a massive conspiracy, even the attack on the Green Tree Castle Inner Circle might just be a part of it厰

揂s for the Green Tree Castle Inner Circle? Perhaps the Federation and the Orthodox Church are wary of the presence of the Arcane Spirit, hence they stood by and watched?

Su Lu never hesitated to suspect people抯 intentions. His mind was soon filled with many different thoughts.

Otherwise, he would not be able to explain why the Green Tree Castle Inner Circle suffered such heavy damage!

It must be due to the arrival of the Transcendent Dawn. The imbalance of power amongst the upper levels of the Federation, that led to this series of changes.

As for how Green Tree Castle would counterattack afterwards, it wasn抰 within his considerations.

揌aha What a beautiful view厰

Just then, Su Lu heard an arrogant voice.

He furrowed his eyebrows, and looked in the direction of the sound.

The origin of the voice was a young, wealthy man surrounded by bodyguards.

He was wearing a white suit and a gold watch, his appearance was quite flashy, with a dozen bodyguards following him.

He was standing at the highest point of the memorial park, spreading his arms as though he wanted to embrace the entire city: 揟his city will belong to me!

慔mm? Some rich kid?

Su Lu抯 eyes moved slightly, he knew exactly what the man was scheming.

It was nothing more than taking advantage of the catastrophe, capitalizing on the opportunity of plummeting asset values to acquire them at a low price. Then, after reconstruction, he would have control of one or even several of Nia City抯 lifelines.

Such scavengers made one feel sick.

慐specially oily-faced and powder-covered, and he抯 even more handsome than me, how can I bear this?

In the shade of the trees, Su Lu entered a soul trance, sensing the strength of the security on the other side: 慉ll ordinary people? And yet they dare to be so arrogant? Where did these country bumpkins come from?

He silently made a few mocking comments, and walked towards the young man.

揝top, who are you?

When he was still a few meters away, two fierce-looking bodyguards stepped forward with an alert look on their faces. They were likely carrying firearms.

揑抦 a friend of your hogs攽

Su Lu smiled harmlessly, 揇on抰 believe me You can ask him.

揥ho are you?

At this point, the young man抯 attention was also drawn over,攍 don抰 seem to know you?

揧ou don抰 remember me? I抦 your dad!

Su Lu revealed a hint of a smile, he waved his hand, and a tangible spirit oppression emerged. But it strangely condensed within a distance of ten meters.

Those ordinary people who had been caught in the attack didn抰 fall down. Instead, they couldn抰 move at all, like frozen statues, their expressions full of terror.

After the spirit oppression level had increased, Su Lu felt more at ease using it, and he was even more dominant in micro -control.

揌ow about now? Do you remember me now?

Su Lu looked at the young man in front of him and entered another soul trance.

He planned to use his Heart Trick, completely altering these people抯 memories, inserting another person into them, just like what a demon would

A few hours later.

A stretch luxury carriage stopped at the entrance of a grand suburban villa.

This belonged to the Dollyf Family.

揥elcome, Young Master Billy!

A middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper promptly stepped forward, opening the door of the carriage, before seeming surprised.

Because the first person to exit was unexpectedly a blue-haired stranger.

揟his is my good friend Ron! He will be staying in the manor for a while. During this time, you should treat him with the same respect as you treat me, understand?

Quickly following behind, Billy who descended from the carriage gave orders immediately.

揂s you wish, Young Master!

The housekeeper immediately bowed, but was also very puzzled.

When did his family抯 spoiled young master learn to respect others?

Su Lu just smiled and didn抰 explain anything, he followed Billy into the manor.

Prior to this, he had used Heart Trick to modify the memories of this young man and his bodyguards.

Of course, he couldn抰 possibly become his real father.

They would surely believe him, but it was too illogical. Over time, doubts would definitely arise.

Therefore, Su Lu fabricated an identity for himself as Billy抯 close friend梐 mixed-blood named Ron!

With this, his stay in Nia City wouldn抰 be a problem. Some tasks would also become easier for people to handle.

From Billy抯 memories, Su Lu knew that this guy was a spendthrift of the Dollyf Family. This time, due to the catastrophe, the original wealth and power structure of Nia City suffered a heavy blow, presenting an excellent opportunity.

Billy抯 father sent him here to oversee a series of asset acquisitions.

In reality, this was like picking up money whilst increasing reputation and prestige. For this, he even hired a few professional managers for Billy.

Billy was originally a prodigal; he had even covertly committed many actions against the Federation抯 laws. He did not possess any actual abilities.

This time, his father was simply laying the groundwork for his future.

After understanding these circumstances, Su Lu had no plans to do anything.

He was just here to freeload on food and accommodation.

揟hat said It抯 a newly purchased manor, but there抯 a real Occupational Person hiding in there. Is he a bodyguard of the Dollyf Family? Su Lu thought quietly to himself and followed Billy into the living room.

揇ear friend, you can stay here as long as you want厰

Billy was full of enthusiasm.

In his 憁emory? he and Ron were very good friends. They had done a lot of things together and their friendship was ironclad.

揙rder the kitchen to treat Ron well tonight Yes, and about the Sufiel Steel Factory, we must keep a close eye on it厰

Billy quickly gave his orders to the maidservant.

Apart from the addition of a 慻ood friend setting, there was no difference in his behavior from before.

That was the terror of having one抯 memory altered!

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