Transcendent Dawn-Chapter 188 - 0: Purchase Request (Additional 800, four more subscriptions requested!)

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Chapter 188: Chapter 0188: Purchase Request (Additional 800, four more subscriptions requested!)

Translator: 549690339

r.,veuy newly cuscuvueu IdliU unpcuctneueu Lleascue:

“The Federation will never give up on the outposts of the edge of the world!” Just then, a man raised his hand and said in a firm voice, “…This is the news I have received.”

‘Your actions make people suspect that you’re related to the Federation, perhaps a secret agent of The Eleventh Bureau…’

Su Lu glanced around and noticed that many people were looking at this man with strange expressions.

“The exchange continues!”

The first speaker paused his cane and announced.

“In Boji City, a strange incident occurred… Some people or forces are reciting hymns praising the Abyss. There are said to be seven chapters in total… But those who heard the recitation have all experienced terrible things. The local Eleventh Bureau and church have no solution!”

“In the western part of Federation, the legend of the Headless Demon appeared… It’s suspected to be a spirit entity, likes to decapitate victims with an axe around midnight…”

“Near the Emerald Forest, many incidents of people disappearing have taken place. Some witnesses claim to have seen werewolves…”

Various pieces of information surfaced, leaving Su Lu deep in thought.

In this era of the resurgence of the transcendents, the world indeed became more dangerous.

However, the next piece of information made him both amused and frustrated:

“In Kangni State, Charles City, The Eleventh Bureau and the church joined forces and destroyed a demonic mansion. They suffered heavy casualties. One key figure, codenamed ‘Black Knight’, has been put on the wanted list… I offer 50 Golden Dragons for more intelligence.”

A man in black raised his hand and spoke.

‘Sorry……do you think I am only worth 50 Golden Dragons? Or is it……a bait?’ Su Lu coldly observed, noting that there was no response.

Obviously, people in Nia City didn’t care about what happened in Kangni State.

‘This is a kind of self-comfort or illusion. You feel safe because you think the perpetrators are far away……ln reality, with the convenience of current transportation, I’m already right beside you……’

Su Lu scoffed silently.

He and Fatima didn’t have much to say, and the meeting quickly moved on to the free trade session.

Each person took turns selling materials, bartering goods, or seeking information or even marvelous items.

“I am selling…three ‘Apprentice’ slots, um, not official first-order [Apprentice], but like ordinary students…”

The first man in black came to the center of the room with a clear voice: “I can’t guarantee what they will learn, but at least there is a chance to become ‘Transcendent’, each tuition fee is 100 Golden Dragons!”

“I want a slot!”

“Me too!”

The scene suddenly became lively and enthusiastic.

To Su Lu’s surprise, there were many people selling profession information at this meeting, and the trading was enthusiastic.

He suspected it was due to the local people’s mentality change after encountering a major disaster. They urgently wanted to gain power to protect themselves.

‘But…becoming a Transcendent isn’t easy. It requires learning, resources, exercise…’

Hot breath suddenly brushed past his ear, followed by Fatima’s voice.

“Without verification, it’s not safe enough.”

Su Lu responded with a muted voice.

“Then you’re going to be disappointed. Do you think this is some formal factory, where goods sold must come with a quality assurance?” Fatima chuckled.

“When I can’t make a choice, I can at least choose to wait…

Su Lu responded without concern, smiling and continuing to observe.

Although primitive and crude compared to the black market in Charles City, at least he could buy some transcendent materials, which was enough.

When it’s Fatima’s turn to trade, this female detective clearly had nothing to trade so she signaled for Su Lu to go forth.

Su Lu came to the center of the venue, cleared his throat and said, “I require…

um… two kinds of items and services. One is a potion that can permanently increase speed without harming the body. The other is a means of curing… specifically, curing mental conditions!”

The speed-increasing potion was obviously prepared for becoming [Shadow Warrior].

Su Lu doesn’t want to harm his body, as his own constitution barely meets the standard. He couldn’t afford to use the Cat’s Elegance magic potion which sacrifices constitution for agility anymore.

And the means to treat mental conditions were naturally prepared for situations similar to the last loss of control.

That feeling of almost going mad and becoming a beast made Su Lu uncomfortable.

Seeing that there was no reaction from the crowd, he added, “Of course… if there’s a way to enhance constitution, I would be happy to buy it, money is not a problem!”

“Increasing speed and constitution? There are many ways… it doesn’t have to be a potion. Do you need a certain ‘profession’?”

A man in black asked.

“Not necessary… but if there’s a magical item that can permanently enhance attributes, I’d be happy to buy it!”

Sure, Billy is rich, there’s no need to spare him.

Su Lu made the joke with a smile, ignoring Fatima’s betrayed gaze, regrettably failing to find an interested buyer.

Potions that can directly increase attributes are rare and aren’t common goods. Moreover, it has additional requirements.

“Treat mental problems?”

Another woman asked at this time, “What are the specific symptoms?”

“Specific symptoms… Irritable, restless, hallucinations, thinking oneself has become a beast, or hearing whispers from an unknown existence…”

Su Lu found that with each sentence he uttered, the crowd around him receded step by step. By the end, almost everyone was looking at him as though he was a source of infection.

“The patient… hasn’t died yet?”

Only the questioning woman still spoke out.

“Not yet…”

Su Lu answered.

“Then his symptoms are quite severe. I can’t guarantee a complete cure, but there’s hope!”

The woman in black robe replied in a calm tone, “First pay an advance of 50 Golden Dragons, and I’ll give you an address for further discussion.”

“No problem!”

Su Lu immediately agreed.

In his heart, he had a vague guess.

When he returned to the line, he found that the crowd around him had suddenly cleared up a lot.

Meanwhile, Fatima gritted her teeth and whispered in a low voice: “You…have you been in contact with the transcendent before?”

If not, how could he appear so experienced? She thought he was a layman earlier, but turned out she had been deceived!

“I’m sorry, ma’am!”

Su Lu sincerely apologized, “But I’m really not familiar with the transcendent gatherings in this city, hence I needed a guide…”

“Fine, after all, you paid the Golden Dragons … but that patient, it’s not you, is it?” Fatima asked with alarm: “People like that, would likely become maniacs who spread terror, or worse!”

‘I think… I can still be saved…’

Su Lu scoffed silently, but of course he didn’t admit any of it out loud: “No…. it s a very close friend of mine!”

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