Transcendent Dawn-Chapter 195 - 0: Isolation (One additional request for subscription)

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Chapter 195: Chapter 0195: Isolation (One additional request for subscription)

Translator: 549690339

The Spirit World is full of mysteries, with spiritual power being its main manifesting method.

For ordinary people, intense emotional fluctuations represent changes in spiritual power, causing the most significant impact.


Under Su Lu’s gaze, threads of black aura emerged from the terrified and screaming individuals, converging in mid-air to form a black cocoon.

In a matter of seconds, a jet-black beast claw tore open the black cocoon, letting out a roar to the outside world.


It landed on the ground, instantly swelling up into a grotesquely shaped black tiger. Its massive claws easily tore apart a maid, her blood splattering everywhere.

Witnessing this bloody scene, Billy was so frightened that he collapsed onto the ground, crying out, “Ian… save me!”

As a bodyguard of the Dollyf family, Ian had no choice but to grit his teeth and position himself in front of Billy, throwing a small fireball at the black tiger’s head.

Thunderous Explosion!

The flame burst open, only managing to blow off half of the black tiger’s head.

Its movements momentarily stalled, but quickly resumed after a few seconds due to the replenishing black aura drawn from the void. Its form was not only restored, but it had become even more ferocious, letting out a roar, “Roar!” Something about this roar seemed to contain a psychic attack.

Ian, who unfortunately bore the brunt of the roar, grunted and fell to the ground, his face deathly white.

“We’re done for!”

Seeing what was happening, despair crept onto Billy’s face.

Without any hesitation, the black tiger advanced towards Ian, its giant mouth agape, ready to bite down on his head.

“So that’s it… Monsters born from the power of emotions?” Just then, a figure stepped in front of the master and servant duo.

Su Lu grunted, ” Get lost!”


It was as if an invisible wall had formed in the void. The black tiger’s attacking movement met an immovable object, causing half its body to splatter into a pulp.

Despite its two remaining legs struggling, the black aura from the void continued to replenish its strength.


Having completed his observation, Su Lu released his spirit oppression. Almost instantly, everyone within the manor blanched and fell unconscious. With everyone unconscious, the production of the black aura from their bodies ceased.

Without replenishment, the black tiger gradually weakened and finally ceased to struggle.

“Extreme emotions give birth to monsters… They are immortal as long as their source is not severed…”

Su Lu looked towards the city center.

Over there, the population was denser, the emotions much stronger.

As expected, the sense of unrest was continually spreading, the sounds of gunfire becoming even more frequent.

“In Nia City, the more populated the place, the more dangerous it becomes…

Those who don’t want to die, follow me!”

Su Lu cast Billy and Ian a glance, instructing indifferently.

Having taken advantage of someone’s place, he felt obligated to lend a hand where he could.

“Young Master Ron… is so powerful? An Occupational Person? And he’s not just a Transcendent, could he be an Elite? Or even higher, an Expert?” Ian followed behind Su Lu, disbelief written all over his face.

“Leave a message for when the people in the manor wake up, telling them to hide individually…”

Mounted on a horse, Su Lu told Billy.


A faint aura of authority left Billy with no room for rebuttal as he hastily carried out the order.

A few minutes later, three horses galloped out of the manor, heading towards the city outskirts.

“Here we are!”

In an open plain, Su Lu pulled at the reins of his horse to halt.

Before him was a curtain of light, its multicolored flare distorting everything beyond and obscuring any view of the outside world.

“There’s really… no way out…”

Looking at the abruptly ending road, not just Billy, but even Ian wore an expression of utter despair.

Su Lu fell silent, opting to explore with his spiritual senses.

A little while later, he arrived at a conclusion:

“Indeed… it is difficult to get out…”

This situation reminded him of the seal of evil spirits, but it wasn’t quite the same.


“And furthermore… this isolation is continually intensifying… It’s not physical, but of an even more peculiar type… It’s just… why does it feel so much like the Spirit World?”

Upon giving this some thought, he decided to use soul trance to attempt contact with the colorful light curtain.

The next instant, he was easily able to pass through and saw the scene outside Nia City, as well as the heavily armed forces not far away, their dark muzzles pointed in this direction.

“Hello! Goodbye!”

Su Lu stepped back into his own body, mused for a moment, and a wry smile appeared on his face, “I understand now…”

The essence of this isolation was that it was drawing the entire city into the Spirit World!

That’s why his spiritual body, having entered the soul trance, could move around the boundary!

But it also had its limitations.

As time passed, the Spiritualization of Nia City would deepen. First, it would be the first layer, then the second, and ultimately it could fall into the deeper parts of the Spirit World!

“If it progresses to the first or second layer, my spirit can still traverse, but if it gets to the third layer, even my spirit cannot pass through!”

“In reality… There’s no use in having a spiritual body cross over when my physical body is still here. Or am I expected to abandon my physical body and take the Office of Necromancy?”

Soul trance just meant that your spiritual body could traverse the Spirit World.

Truly traversing the Spirit World required bringing your physical body with you, a task that would be hundreds, if not thousands of times more difficult.

“This truly is… a difficult choice.”

Su Lu licked his lips: “For now, I’ll just have to stay in Nia City and wait for possible rescue or self-help opportunities. If I still can’t find help or a way to escape when Nia City has been corroded to the peak of the second layer…” A ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

Staying in Nia City would end up with them being dragged into the depths of the Spirit World.

Although it might hold infinite mysteries, more likely than not they would die instantly.

Thus, regardless of the painful cost, they must escape!

“Of course… It’s possible that things may not progress to that stage.”

Su Lu looked at his attribute panel.

The LV/+ soul trance ability, due to advancing to [Odd Technician], could now be further enhanced.

“But… If I want this ability to progress to the point where my physical body can traverse the Spirit World, don’t I need to have another transformative experience?”

Every four levels of an ability on the attribute panel had a world-shattering change.

But calculating the colossal experience needed for that, Su Lu couldn’t help but feel disheartened.

Not to mention that to reach a higher rank of enhancement might require a fourth-rank occupation as a prerequisite!

“However… It’s still an opportunity. I should try to accumulate experience as much as possible. Who knows, there might be a chance at the end.”

Having finished his contemplation, Su Lu turned to Billy: “Can you get in touch with the church and the city hall?”

“Ah… Yes, my dad has some connections over there, Ron, what are you planning to do?”

Billy regaining his composure, hurriedly asked.

“Of course we’ll stick together. In this treacherous environment, collaboration is key for survival…” 𝖋𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔴𝖊𝔟𝔫𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑.𝔠𝔬𝔪

Su Lu sighed..