Transcendent Dawn-Chapter 382 - 0: Void Mysterious Demon (Please Subscribe)

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Chapter 382: Chapter 0382: Void Mysterious Demon (Please Subscribe)

There are many sources of professions.

Most of them are derived from humans’ learning and research, but a portion also come from the divine.

For a demon, perfecting the path of a [Mysterious Master] is a trivial task.

“How about it? Don’t you want to know about the sixth-level profession after [Wandering Mage]?”

Black Kos’s voice suddenly became enticing: “As long as you join us, you can obtain it immediately.”

‘But first, I have to believe in the Ancient Snake, right?’

A scoff echoed in Su Lu’s heart.

He was skeptical of Black Kos’s words. After all, he was a master of lies.

“Tell me its name first?”

Taking into consideration the collection of clues, Su Lu asked.

“Not a problem, the advanced class of [Wandering Mage], it’s known as [Void Demon] in the old terms, a special job switch…” Black Kos’s mouth curled up slightly.

“Switch profession?”

Su Lu was surprised: “Should I take on another professional path?”

“That’s right, [Wandering Mage] is destined to be a difficult path, once successful, it can also be extremely powerful, monstrously powerful…” Black Kos opened his hands: “Come on, we need you.”

“[Void Demon]?”

Su Lu carefully tasted the term: “What do you need me to do? Explore the Spirit World?”

The ability of a [Wandering Mage] is undoubtedly most manifested in the Spirit World.

“Before you agree, I won’t answer any further questions.”Black Kos, obviously not a fool, rejected coldly.

“Well then… I have no need for you either.”

Su Lu’s expression suddenly became indifferent, he took a step forward.


Behind Black Kos, his figure appeared, wearing a black gentleman suit, a top hat on his head, and an axe in his hand.

— Evil Spirit Possession! Headless Demon!


Su Lu slashed with his right hand, and a cold light flashed on the axe.


The rusty hand axe broke through Black Kos’s defense, clothes, then his skin, muscles, and bones.

His head fell to the ground, his face full of disbelief: “What are you doing?”

“Since you know I am Su Lu, have you forgotten about Nia City?”

Su Lu held the axe and slowly squatted down.

“Nia City?” How could Black Kos forget the disaster he created? It was the key to his promotion to the fifth level!

“Hehe… so this is your true self! You made the wrong choice, and for that, you will pay…”

“Before that, you need to pay the price first.”

Su Lu raised his right hand high, another axe fell.


Black Kos’s head exploded, turning into a clump of black fluid.

“So… a puppet?”

Su Lu stood up: “But… the real attack of the Headless Demon is a curse with pretty high priority, isn’t it?”

At a remote place.

In a secret room, screams suddenly echoed.

“Ah… Su Lu Pottery!”

Black Kos had a terrifying wound on his neck, as if it had been brutally hacked open by an axe, only a bit of skin and flesh were holding it together, barely preventing his head from being chopped off.

Not only that, his head, his body, axle marks were appearing out of thin air.

“This is… a curse! Break!”

Black Kos immediately severed all connections with the puppet. New wounds stopped appearing: “Fortunately… after becoming a [Phantom Demon], I don’t have a critical point anymore, otherwise, I would have died just now… [Wandering Mage], truly a terrifying ability.”

Black Kos murmured: “Such a person chooses to oppose my lord, what a pity… but no matter how much pity, I will destroy you!”

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “[Void Demon]… hehe…”

“What a pity…”

On the deserted island, Su Lu stood up, the splattered black fluid vanished into thin air.

“He’s indeed a coward who fears death, having so many life-saving tricks, I’m afraid I didn’t completely kill him just now…”

He retrieved his Headless Demon card, sighed softly: “[Void Demon] huh?”

The Ancient Snake which the Ancient Snake Society believes in, is actually the Abyss Demon!

And that a path like this ultimately connects with the demon, Su Lu was not surprised at all.

“Could it be… the [Wandering Mage]’s profession switch, requires the conjunction of a demonic path, such as… [The Fallen]?”

Su Lu pondered: “Of course, this could be a trap. I need more information, more clues… perhaps, I should learn how to divine?”

As a master of emotion manipulation and memory glimpsing, Su Lu wasn’t able to directly invade the soul world, but he recognized a lot of emotions from Black Kos’s words.

“The Ancient Snake Society is in urgent need of [Wandering Mage], it seems they are preparing to make a move in the Spirit World… Spirit World? Spirit World!”

Su Lu used Spirit World Traversal and returned to the Inner Circle of Green Tree Castle.

Regardless, obtaining some clues is always good, at least he now has a target.

Federated Calendar 282, January.

“All divination and prophecies are the result of interacting with the information from the Dream Spirit World, interpreting images…”

Su Lu put down the book “How to be an Astrologer” in his hand, deep in thought.

Compared to the diviners who can only get indirect revelations through dreams, cards, dice, stars, etc., he can directly break into the Dream Spirit World, obviously having more advantages.


He casually grabbed a handful of crystals, chanting in his heart: “‘[Wandering Mage]’s successor is [Void Demon], ‘[Wandering Mage]’s successor is [Void Demon]…”


Various colored crystals scattered on the table, forming different symbolic meanings.

“The answer is ‘correct’…”

Su Lu studied for a moment, frowning: “Is it really [Void Demon]? I have a hunch that Black Kos isn’t that innocent…”

He thought for a while and began to divine again: “The clues to [Wandering Mage]’s advancement…”


He couldn’t make anything out of the signs this time. frёeωebɳ

He is just a beginner after all, being able to get some signs is all thanks to being a high-level spirit creature.

“Ancient Snake Society…”

Su Lu muttered to himself, suddenly, a ripple of soul connection with Beryl appeared in his mind’s eye.

“This is… not good!”

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He arrived in the living room to see Beryl collapsed on the ground, with a plate of scattered fruit nearby.

At this moment, Beryl’s entire person was not right.

One after another, tumors appeared on her body, constantly squirming like a group of small mice.

“Shewinado… Shewinado…”

Vaguely, another series of babbling words came through the link, overheard by Su Lu.

“Dreams of the Ancient God…”

Su Lu’s face was solemn: “This is happening too frequently… If at this frequency it was Rod, he would have fallen long ago.”

Thoughts flashed through his mind, he no longer hesitated, the light flickered in his eyes: “Spirit Contact!”


Right beside his ear, the babbling sound suddenly increased tenfold!

Vaguely, Su Lu seemed to see that towering mountain peak, and the palace on the mountaintop.

His figure soared towards infinity, and he found a city!