Transmigration: The Fate of the Villainess-Chapter 137 - 137 The already known future Part I

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137 The already known future Part I

“Insolent! Are you objecting to zhen’s order?!”

Bai Yu kept her head low and remained still. She knew that her actions could lead to her own execution. Still, she used the opportunity while everyone was stunned by the emperor’s anger to find another way out of the situation.

“Your Majesty, please contain your anger.”

“Father, please don’t be angry.”

Empress Dowager Wei calmly spoke to her son, while Ouyang Mingxian kneeled to beg. Bai Yu lowered her head without the intention of saying a single word more.

“Imprison her.”

“Your Majesty!”

“Guards!” 𝑓𝔯𝑒e𝘸e𝘣𝓷𝘰ѵe𝚕.c૦𝙢

At his words, Bai Yu was pulled up by the guards’ rough hands. She did not resist, nor ask for mercy, even though she should have. The royal prison was no place for a noble lady like her. Bai Yu tried to remain calm and play along. The one being punished said nothing, while Empress Dowager Wei was the one asking for mercy in her place. However, an emperor does not go back on his word. Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Bai Yu was brought out of the study and dragged to prison by two soldiers.


“You two lead the way. Benxiaojie can walk on her own.”

Her voice was as calm as her demeanor from the beginning when they had seized her. Her calmness was an assurance to the two soldiers. They let go of her, only walking her along to the prison.

“Apologies, Miss Bai.”


As soon as she was left in a small cell, the soldiers tightly locked the door. Still, they gave her a bow before leaving. There was no one in the royal-protector unit who did not know her. Bai Yu nodded and smiled, implying that she was not offended by their actions.

The cell was not too different from what she had seen in the series. It was even dirtier than the one that had been used in a scene. But Bai Yu paid no mind to it as she sat down on the damp pile of hay. She put her hand in her sleeve, silently rubbing the hilt of her dagger. She was unsure of the Emperor’s thoughts. And the Emperor, too, was unsure of hers. Putting her in the cell was the best decision.

It was clear that the Emperor did not agree with Empress Dowager’s decision to call her here to talk about Bai Hua. Ouyang Mingxian disliked it as well. And when it was decided that Bai Yu had to join the troop, no one other than Empress Dowager was happy. Bai Yu did not care if she had to stay or go. She was more concerned about Bai Hua since her brother still needed that woman. And so, she kneeled down and uttered a request that she knew would be a direct objection to the royal decree. It was impossible for a person like Ouyang Hongxian to not know her intention. His order to imprison her here was because there was something he did not want to say in front of the other two people there.

After two kes had passed, Bai Yu’s speculation was confirmed. She was released from the cell and led along a path she had never seen before, despite having visited the palace countless times. This was not a place where women were allowed.

When she was brought to stand in front of the golden throne in a large hall, she understood. The big area was for the officials who came to the meeting every morning. This was the throne hall. No Ouyang Mingxian. No Empress Dowager Wei. There was only Ouyang Hongxian on the golden dragon throne. His elbow was on an armrest, while his palm was under his chin. He looked at her with a gentle gaze and a smile. It was the opposite of his fury moments ago.

Bai Yu cast her eyes downward as she silently walked to stand in front of the throne. Her back was straightened, tense. Not because this man had just ordered her imprisonment, but because she felt nervous in the presence of the Emperor’s relaxed demeanor, who was known for his formidability.

What, really, was Ouyang Hongxian trying to do? Especially when Yue Nan was with him here, in front of the throne, even though he was not there in the royal study. Bai Yu started to guess that whatever plan he had, he must have had Yue Nan as his accomplice.

“Zhen has troubled you.” As soon as she curtsied to greet him, Ouyang Hongxian waved his hand and spoke, as if to console her who had been imprisoned by him.

Bai Yu dared to look up and meet his golden eyes. What was reflected in them were warmth and calmness, but with her ability to sense others’ feelings, she knew that he was no different from her. Outwardly, he might seem nonchalant, but deep down, beneath his appearance and gaze, perplexity and hopelessness were hidden there.

“Your Majesty is most gracious and merciful.” She curtsied again with a smile, even though she had been in an unpleasant place earlier.

Ouyang Hongxian said nothing. And silence took over the air in the throne hall. His golden eyes gazed at Bai Yu for a long while.

“Your Majesty, time waits for no one,” the silver-haired man tore away the silence between the three of them. Ouyang Hongxian turned to look at the man who had the courage to warn him despite their only meeting each other for not too long. Then, he sighed.

“Zhen knows. That’s why zhen summoned you and held her here,” Ouyang Hongxian continued in the same kind voice. “Say it. Your plan.” 𝘧r𝘦𝗲w𝘦𝚋𝐧o𝘷𝘦𝙡.co𝑚

Bai Yu frowned. She immediately turned to her older cousin. Ouyang Hongxian chuckled. This looked as if she had been caught doing something wrong by her father.

“Miss Bai, what plan do you have that makes you directly opposed to zhen’s order?”


She did not have any plans yet!

But how could she tell him that Bai Hua had to remain here to treat Bai He so that Bai He could save Ouyang Feilong? If she said that, who would believe that a sleeping man would have the ability to track down someone who had gone missing on the battlefield?

“Biaomei.” Yue Nan’s voice pulled her back from her reverie.

“Yes, brother.”

“Inform the Emperor. Whatever ‘future’ you see.”

Future? Was Yue Nan telling her to reveal everything she knew?

“Yue Nan refused to reveal any more of heaven’s inscription. Zhen has to rely on your foresight, Bai Yu.”


The reason for Yue Nan’s frequent summons by Ouyang Hongxian must be his ability to see the future. The two men seemed to have a plan that Bai Yu did not know. It was highly possible that the plan had been in motion ever since Yue Nan started visiting the palace to secretly meet Ouyang Hongxian. Obviously, with his supernatural ability, every emperor would want to have him as an ally.

But those from the divine valley could not meddle with the affairs of the court nor the martial world. Ouyang Hongxian must have taken the opportunity while the nation was in crisis to hold Yue Nan back. Bai Yu understood Yue Nan’s importance. The three-eyed seer had the ability to see the future, but she had never heard of herself having foresight!

Knowing something from a series was not foresight!

Bai Yu glanced at her cousin again. Yue Nan gave her a slight smile. “What did you ‘see’ in this war?” He was really trying to make it so that she had foresight!

“Your Majesty...” Bai Yu took a deep breath, deciding to play along. “I see loss and victory.”

“Loss?” Ouyang Hongxian did not react to the word victory, yet he frowned when she said loss.

“What does that mean?”

“Your Majesty’s people who have sacrificed themselves are that loss.”

Ouyang Hongxian nodded, solemn.

“But there is another loss that I cannot be sure about...”

“It is related to the reason you cannot let Bai Hua accompany the troop. Correct?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“And it is related to Long-er too?”

Bai Yu lowered her head, saying nothing in reply.

“You two are really...” The voice that was often gentle now revealed a serious and weary tone. He massaged his temples, his eyes closed, and his exhaustion was clearer than ever. Bai Yu did not know what he meant, so she continued to remain quiet.

“Tell zhen...” His golden eyes opened once more. They seared into her. “What you see, from start to finish.”

Bai Yu glimpsed at Yue Nan. She was uncertain whether she could say it or not, so she wanted confirmation from the person who was blessed by the goddess of fate herself. She received a nod as an answer.

Bai Yu then started talking about everything she knew, starting from the war that was going to happen, Ouyang Feilong’s disappearance, Ouyang Mingxian’s leading the army, Bai Hua’s existence in the army, and the important role that Bai He would play.

She only spoke about the war, leaving out the fight for the throne sparked by Ouyang Yongxian and the Wang family. If Yue Nan had not mentioned it, then she, too, should not have revealed it to Ouyang Hongxian. Bai Yu did not know why Yue Nan concealed it. She could only guess that he might have a plan of his own, just as he had said to her that this fate was not for her to bear alone.

“But right now, my brother is still unconscious. Bai Hua and I are still trying to find a way to heal him. If she went with the troop and the treatment failed, then my brother would not be able to wake up and...”

“And no one will find Long-er.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Ouyang Hongxian nodded. His brows were still tightly knit together. “But if Bai Hua is not in the army, Ming-er’s victory might change.”

“Your Majesty...” Bai Yu paused. The image in front of her was such a strange one. Ouyang Hongxian, who always had a warm smile on his face, was now unusually somber. Her dark eyes met his golden ones, not fearing the punishment. She wanted to convey her feelings along with her words. “Does Your Majesty not believe in Your Majesty’s most beloved son?”

“You...” His eyes widened. The feelings he, the emperor, had never disclosed to anyone… how could she know?!

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