Valerian, The Legendary-Chapter 154

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154 First Guardian.

Valerian and Priscilla were rushing forward at the best speed that they could muster up surrounded by these hideous bugs and their never-ending poison shower. The ground was trembling and Fortuna was looking ahead with some fear in her eyes. This was the first time she had ever displayed the emotion of fear.

Suddenly, the two humans found themselves standing in an open underground area. The spot was clear of nether bugs. Fortuna turned back to her original form as she sat on Valerian’s head. The two people were looking around only to see darkness, even after they channeled the light attributed mana in their eyes, the effect was close to negligible.

Just when the boy was about to ask Fortuna about it, a spot of light emerged in front of them and illuminated the whole place. The whole place was dug inside the mountain and a lot of pillars were left to support the weight of the mountain over their heads. Delicate and deadly, if one of the pillars was to break apart, the whole place might come down crumbling over them.

Valerian looked around and in the center of the place, he found a dragon. He was shocked to see a grown dragon resting in the center of this place. This beast was seven meters tall from the claws to the tip of its horns, covered in shimmering red scales, with two long curled horns over his head. Its tail was also more than ten meters in length.

The imposing aura radiating from its body was giving Valerian slight trouble breathing. Fortuna said, “I have come to visit the river of times.”

She was able to maintain her calm, this big guy seemed capable enough to shred the two of them to pieces in a blink, however, she also knew that she could not show weakness or death was set in stone. A dragon could be forgiven for anything, even weakness can be forgiven as it was temporary, but a fearful dragon was seen as shameful existence and will be given a cruel death.

Fortuna did not know much but she did not want Valerian to suffer for her actions, and thus she mustered up her courage and faced the big red guy in front of her. The red dragon was a lot bigger than Fortuna and scoffed, ‘Just you?’

Valerian could understand what the two of them were saying, but he did not meddle, this was a matter between the dragonkin. It was not suitable for him to speak out of terms and provoke the other party. Dragons were all petty, this was something he learned from Fortuna.

Fortuna sat straight in her posture and said in a low voice, “You look down on me, because of my appearance?”


The other party chuckled and said, “You think too much of yourself. Arrogance is a quality of the dragonkin, but you should know, that only when you have the strength do you have the right to be arrogant. You, on the other hand, are on the verge of losing your wings, and your mana core will dry out as well. To wash away your ailments you seek the river of time. Also, give me a reason to leave you alive, after you bought in two humans.”

He was pointing at Valerian and Priscilla. While the young man was calm, Priscilla was stuck in a daze, she could not digest the fact that in front of her stood an almighty dragon. A beast that could destroy lives or bless them in a blink. Valerian also noticed the dazed maid.

Fortuna said, “The laws of the dragon kingdom allow one to choose their representative to help them get through the trials of the guardians, I am not violating the rules. There is your reason old one.”

The red dragon nodded and said, “Very well then, I will kill your representative first before letting you run away with your tail between your legs.”

Fortuna said, “We will see.”

Valerian sighed and asked, “How do you wish for me to face him?”

Fortuna also sighed and said, “Up to you.”

Valerian knew that expecting anything from this little dragon was a waste of time. He placed the little dragon down on the ground and walked forward. He said, “I am Valerian Divinus Magnus. I would like to represent Fortuna in her trial.”

The dragon was surprised to see a human use the dragon tongue and said, “I welcome you, young human. You are brave and the fact that you stated your full name, means you respect the dignity of the trial.”

Valerian nodded and the red dragon continued, “You will have to face me, defeat me, or injure me and you will be considered as clearing the trial.”

The boy nodded and took out his knives. Fortuna was praying in her heart for his safety. The two figures stood in a distance, with their eyes looking at each other and suddenly Valerian vanished from his place.

The dragon was surprised but not anything he could not handle. Valerian appeared on the back of the dragon in order to stab the guy there, he was a bit too inexperienced when it came to dueling with the dragons. The back of a dragon was the strongest part, it was covered with thicker scales to support the heavy body.

Just as Valerian stabbed at the back of the beast, he sensed danger and retreated. The dragon had suddenly rolled over like a crocodile killing its prey. If he did not retreat in time the attack would have squished Valerian into a sheet of flesh and bones.

The dragon saw this and chuckled, “Good reaction.” ƒ𝓇e𝙚𝔀𝐞𝚋𝓃𝐨𝘷e𝙡.𝒄𝗼m

Valerian did not give up and the battle picked up pace, the boy started casting spells, however, dragons were also capable of using the seven elements. The dragon was obviously taken aback at the performance of the boy. This was the first human he had ever seen, capable of using seven elements against him, and all of them were equally powerful.

Suddenly, Valerian came closer to the belly of the beast and punched it straight in the belly. The dragon did not seem to be affected but Valerian did not back off, his punches rained down on the belly of the dragon in a flurry.

Suddenly, a groan echoed in the cavern. Fortuna looked at the scene with her eyes wide open, she did not expect Valerian to really make this guy groan. The red dragon said, “You are the first human who made me feel the pain. You can advance.”

Valerian panted and fell on his butt as he tried to catch his breath. The red dragon asked, “How did you do it? I have never sensed pain from human blows.”

The young boy with silver hair said, “I know that the scales of the dragons have shock absorption qualities. So I just punched you with all the strength I had and I focused hitting on one spot only. The repetitive impact negated the shock from the punches and then it made you feel pain.”

The red dragon was shocked, and the more he thought, the more he was bewildered. He never thought that the body of a dragon might have such a weakness and for it to be exposed by a young human. The dragon cast a gaze at the tired boy and said, “You are worthy to know my name. I am known as Dignus. I acknowledge you, Valerian Divinus Magnus.”

The red dragon lowered his body slightly, this was the first time ever he acknowledged a human as an equal. Fortuna was sitting at the side with her eyes wide open. Dignus sensed her gaze and said, “Princess, you have found a worthy champion.”

Fortuna nodded slowly and walked over to Valerian. Dignus said, “You cannot rest in the trial to the river of time. As the first guardian, it is my duty to see you off as soon as the trial is completed.”

Valerian was sprawled on the floor and after exhaling heavily he sat up and slowly stood up. He was about to wake up Priscilla when Dignus said, “Leave her be, she will be safe here.”

Valerian nodded, and asked, “Fortuna, will you lead the way?”

The dragonling nodded and walked forward. Valerian nodded to Dignus before he followed her briskly. The little one in front of him was quite fast on her feet today. The two followed a wide passage, this was clearly intended for a grown-up young dragon, Valerian could only imagine how valiant Fortuna would look if she grew up in that size. Suddenly he recalled what Dignus said about her ailments and asked, “Your mana core is drying up?”

Fortuna sighed and said, “Did you not clear the trial? Do not worry, it will be fine after a dip in the river of time.”

The two people continued on their paths. Valerian was worried about the upcoming trial. He did not know what he was going to face. Suddenly, the passage ended and a peel of laughter echoed in darkness making the two figures stop and shiver slightly.