Walker Of The Worlds-Chapter 1110: Heading To The Echo Conch Kingdom

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Having finished his conversation with Jing Luo, Lin Mu felt a bit relieved.

’Seems like things went well even without me. Targeting the sect’s directly was the right choice.’ Lin Mu thought to himself.

There was another thing that Lin Mu had recently been a little worried about.

It was about what would happen once he was not in the Xiaofan world. It was a guaranteed fact that he would leave it one day, and while it might not be soon, it would still happen.

And he couldn’t help but feel anxious about things going to hell once he was gone.

He didn’t know if it was the duty given to him by the world, or his links with the people he had come to take as allies that made him feel like that.

”If you want to leave the world without any regrets, simply remove all that could threaten the people you care for here. And that is exactly what you are going to do here, aren’t you?” Xukong spoke after seeing Lin Mu lost in his thoughts.

”Hmm… you are right, senior. It just means I have to be swift in dealing with everything.” Lin Mu replied as a determined expression appeared on his face.

Having made up his mind, Lin Mu opened the portal to the Kong Plane and took Little Shrubby along with him.


When he reappeared, he was in the cave where all the teleportation gates were set up.

”The closest teleportation gate to the Echo Conch kingdom would be the Fenlong kingdom. We’ll have to fly to the Echo Conch kingdom from there.” Lin Mu spoke to Little Shrubby, who simply nodded.


The two of them walked into the Fenlong kingdom’s teleportation gate and appeared in the palace of the Fenlong kingdom.

The guards there were stunned upon seeing Lin Mu, but before they could say anything, Lin Mu disappeared along with Little Shrubby, only leaving behind a red blur and a gust of wind that pushed the guards back.

”Huh? That aura…” Miss Fen who had been working, felt a familiar aura and immediately looked outside.

”It really is him… but where is he going?” she could see a red blur disappearing over the horizon. “He’s going towards the ocean? But why? There’s nothing there…”

It was only after she got a report from the alliance about their next course of action did she learn why.

’So the day has finally come… and Lin Mu will be doing it alone too… I don’t know if this is brave or foolish…’ Miss Fen through to herself as a complex expression appeared on her face.

She looked in the direction where Lin Mu had disappeared and sighed.

”If it’s you, then it should not be foolish…” she muttered before returning to the study.

She had a lot of things to do now and tons of orders to give.

Soon, the entire Fenlong kingdom would be mobilized and the commoners would get to see the true power that had been hidden for a long time now.

This was something that would happen all over the empire across multiple kingdoms.

And while it happened, the imperial court in the capital of the Great Zhou kingdom would be running around like headless chickens, trying to make sense of why an army bigger than the entire empire’s had suddenly been mobilized.

Thankfully for them, envoys from the alliance would bring the decree informing them of an impending invasion from the northern tribes.

All this had happened due to the actions of Lin Mu, but he didn’t need to bother with this decision as much. He had set the stage for the others and if he still had to do everything, then these old experts who had lived for hundreds and thousands of years would have been the greatest fools the world had ever seen.


The sound of waves could be heard while Lin Mu and Little Shrubby flew over the ocean. They were heading south from the Fenlong kingdom and could see hundreds of ships and boats below them.

These ships and boats went about their day, unaware of Lin Mu and Little Shrubby that flew past their heads.

”We should reach the Echo Conch kingdom in a short while, I think.” Lin Mu muttered as he checked the map in his mind.

He had never been to the Echo Conch kingdom and was depending on the old maps he read, along with his spirit sense. He could follow the ships in the water and roughly tell what direction to fly towards.

After all, navigating in the ocean wasn’t really an easy thing. On land, one could use various markers to guide one’s path. But in the sea or ocean, other than a few islands, there was basically nothing.

And since it was daytime, there were no stars to use as a guide either. Though it would have been useless for Lin Mu either way, since he didn’t know how to use stars for charting a route anyway.

About an hour later, Lin Mu finally sensed land with his spirit sense.

”That should be the Echo Conch kingdom.” Lin Mu said upon witnessing small dots in the distance.

The dots expanded in size as they got closer and soon the dots turned into more dots, with them being the hundreds of ships and boats that were sailing around the Echo Conch kingdom.

A couple more minutes later, Lin Mu finally saw the entirety of the Echo Conch kingdom. It was truly small in Lin Mu’s eyes as he could see both ends of the kingdom in a single glance.

”So this is the smallest Kingdom of the empires… and also where the worst power of the empire has been hiding all this time.” Lin Mu muttered with a serious expression.

”Let’s head up.” Lin Mu said to Little Shrubby.

They moved high up into the clouds and Lin Mu used his spirit sense to first observe everything in detail. He saw the people, the cultivators and everything that was on the kingdom’s land.