Walker Of The Worlds-Chapter 1141 Calling Forth The Alliance’s Formation Masters

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Chapter 1141 Calling Forth The Alliance's Formation Masters

Finding out the mountains were actually real was shocking to Lin Mu.

"How can they be real if they are supposed to be an illusion? They don't show any signs of being that either?" Lin Mu was muddled.

"In a way, they are and in a way they are not. This is certainly a very high leveled illusory array since it can form actual physical objects. It was definitely not set by anyone below the immortal realm." Xukong said, much to Lin Mu's surprise.

"You mean to say… the northern tribes had someone at the immortal realm come to the Xiaofan world and set it up?" Lin Mu was a bit anxious hearing this.

"It is possible, but what is also possible is that a single use immortal tool might have even been used to set this up. Something like a talisman. If they got Immortal Talismans, then even Dao Treading realm experts would be able to set it up. Though that is still a far shot." Xukong explained.

"Hmm… seems like we'll only know more once we actually get to interrogate the tribals." Lin Mu muttered.

All this information was really important and Lin Mu didn't forget to record it all in a jade slip. This was to be given to the alliance so that they could plan and prepare accordingly.

Done with this, Lin Mu first contracted none other than Jing Luo.

"I need you to get as many formation masters as you can get. I'll come fetch you guys after that. There is something big I found out." Lin Mu said in a quick message.

Jing Luo who was still at the Light Harmony sect, was a bit surprised on hearing this but didn't hesitate for more than moment.

"ALL FORMATION MASTERS GATHER UP! ORDERS FROM THE ALLIANCE LEADER LIN MU HIMSELF!" Jing Luo called out both physically and through the jade slips.

His voice echoed in the entire Light Harmony sect and was heard by everyone including the patriarchs, who quickly approached the man.

"Lin Mu contacted you?" Patriarch You Yi asked.

"YES! He seems to have found out something big and has called for formation masters." Jing Luo replied.

You Yi could easily guess what the use of formation masters would be. The most common use right now would be to set up traps.

"His will shall be done." You Yi said, and sent out his own orders as well, calling forth the sect elders that were also formation masters.

Usually they were occupied by their assigned duties, but even they were called forth now.

In less than fifteen minutes, over nine hundred formation masters had gathered in the Kong plane!

Such a number was massive and their combined abilities would put the entire Great Zhou continent to shame, perhaps.

After all, these weren't any low leveled formation masters or disciples of sects. All of these were experienced elders who had lived for at least two hundred years. And even those were merely the lesser experience elders.

There were many more with Nascent soul realm cultivation base and that was the median power among them. Even Dao Shell realm cultivators among them were above forty, with Patriarch You Yi joining himself!

"We're ready Lin Mu." Jing Luo sent the confirmation.


Within moments of speaking, a cluster of runes appeared some distance from Jing Luo was standing. The runes glowed brightly, and Lin Mu appeared from within the mass of light.

"What did you discover, Lin Mu?" Patriarch You Yi asked.

"Take a look." Lin Mu gave the records to the man.

You Yi merely took a few seconds to glance through it while Jing Luo did the same.

"This… how could we have missed such a grave lapse in security?" Patriarch You Yi couldn't believe it.

"None are to blame for this, Patriarch You Yi. The northern tribes were clever and kept this hidden from even their own people, it seems like. They used the influence of an immortal to do this. It is not unusual for us to not realize this.

Even if couldn't tell, the illusion was there. You all will know once we're there." Lin Mu replied.

"Hmm… the northern tribes probably kept this as their last trump card or something. And seeing as it needs so many sacrifices to use, they probably couldn't activate it easily either." Jing Luo hypothesized.

"That's seems right. The northern tribes didn't have a high population in the past. At least not high enough that they could use them to open the path for long enough. From what I saw, the path is open for a little over an hour with about 90 sacrifices.

A larger army will need far longer to cross and will need to sacrifice more people. Not to mention the fact that they will be noticed if the path opens too many times." Lin Mu explained.

"Yes, it should be their conditions that probably forced them to not use it." The others agreed as well.

"Alright, let's head there now. Everyone hold on to each other. I've never taken so many people at once before." Lin Mu spoke.

Lin Mu had truly not tested how far his limit was when using himself to travel between the plane and the Xiaofan world. The max number of people he had taken before was around fifty.

"Are you sure this will be a fine senior?" Lin Mu asked once last time.

"At your current cultivation base it should be possible for you to do this. Though the cost of it will be a bit higher, of course." Xukong relied.

"Okay… that's better than doing multiple trips anyway." Lin Mu said.

If it was Lin Mu alone traveling to the Kong plane, it didn't take any spirit Qi for that. But if he was taking others with him, it took some spirit Qi as a cost. And the more there were, the higher the cost was.

"We're ready!" Everyone said a minute later.

"Hang on tight!" Lin Mu said before he activated the runes on his back.