Walker Of The Worlds-Chapter 1836 Drastic Disaster

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Chapter 1836 Drastic Disaster

The Green light that had appeared was unlike anything the elder had seen before. It was vibrant enough that it could pierce through the slate gray fog, and illuminate the entire area.

Lin Mu and Yao Changying could barely be seen in it, with Lin Mu's figure pinning the woman below.

The vibrant green light was coming from his hand, and was flowing into Yao Changying's body. Lin Mu who was the closest could see it all happen in great detail, as the bracelet was being held in his hand.

It was crumbling by the second and was converting into pure green energy that invaded Yao Changying's body. It flowed into her vessels and meridians, highlighting them over her skin. It looked booth eerie and beautiful at the same time, while Yao Changying's face contorted into that of pain.

And yet, no voice came out of her voice, as if having been suppressed somehow.

'This bracelet… just how did Crown Princess Shang make it?' Lin Mu wondered.

The energy coming from it seemed to be a mix of immortal qi and Wood Dao Traces, but there was something else added to it. Lin Mu couldn't place his finger on it exactly but it still felt a bit familiar to him.

"It is Wood Dao Insights, she has infused them into the bracelet." Xukong answered for him.

"Wood Dao Traces!? She can already use them?" Lin Mu asked in surprised.

"She should be able to use them to a certain extent, but not enough to make this." Xukong replied.

"Then how did she do this? For it to suppress the Withering Dao traces like this, it has to be strong right?" Lin Mu asked.

"Indeed. While she did personally inject them into the bracelet and further when she modified it, there was a little external help involved. It is probably a treasure of some kind that contained Wood Dao Insights." Xukong answered much to Lin Mu's surprise.

"If she really did that, then it makes sense as to why it could suppress Yao Changying." Lin Mu said, "though will this be fine? It feels like she's going to die—"

Before Lin Mu could say anything more though, the felt strong spatial fluctuations filling the plane.

"This isn't the teleportation array… this is spatial collapse!" Lin Mu became alarmed.


Lin Mu felt the very air shake as the barrier of the Spatial Plane was torn apart. The lesser void could be seen beyond it, while the arrays started to crumble away as well.

'How's this happening?' Lin Mu didn't know why the arrays that looked to be very stable just a while ago were crumbling like dust.

Lin Mu wasn't worried about getting swept away in this as he could easily manage in the void. If need be, he could even make his way back to the Rust Sky World through the remnants of the teleportation channels.

But doing that would require him to use the ring as well as expose his ability to use space. If possible Lin Mu didn't want to show that, especially since he had managed to come this far without it, even managing to defeat Yao Changying.


But as the time passed, more and more arrays collapsed, the spatial barriers ripping up all around. A few of the tears even appeared on the ground causing the crater that Lin Mu had made to widen.

"Dammit, the Spatial tear is extending towards us." Lin Mu sensed it. 'I can't move from here either, the green energy is still flowing into Yao Changying.' He found his arm stuck to the woman.

Lin Mu felt like he could forcibly pull his hand, but doing that would likely result in the energy flow to be interrupted and the effect of the bracelet to fail.

After all, while the bracelet was doing its work Yao Changying also seemed to be trying to defend against it unconsciously. The Slate Grey aura from his body was actively fighting against the green energy and was currently in a stalemate.

If Lin Mu forcibly removed this hand, the stalemate would be broken and Yao Changying would likely counterattack.

'What should I do?' Lin Mu was stuck in a complex situation.

"Sky Monarch Seal!" it was at that point that a loud voice was heard.


Tens of gales flew toward Lin Mu, each carrying the might of a storm within them. The gales had a bluish green color that continued to flicker as if carrying glitter within it.

The gales gathered around Lin Mu and blew away all the dust that was around him, fully revealing him to everyone. It also allowed Lin Mu to have a proper look, and saw the gales turning into a corporeal form.

They turned into eighteen sigils that floated around him and released a protective barrier. It surrounded Lin Mu and Yao Changying isolating them from the Spatial Tear that was just a meter away from them.

"Formation masters! NOW!" The authoritative voice was heard again, before millions of runes appeared in the sky.

The runes rushed towards the spatial tears all around the plane and covered them in a temporary patch. This stopped the collapse of the Spatial Plane for the time being and gave Lin Mu time to breathe.

"Are you okay?" it was now that Lin Mu saw the person who had been giving out command all this time.

"High Elder Juxue?" Lin Mu recognized the man.

"Come, we have to leave this place quick." The old man waved his hand, creating a solid platform made out of wind elemental qi under Lin Mu and Yao Changying.

It lifted them up and quickly brought them out of the dangerous area, before the High Elder took out a small talisman.


He tore the talisman and threw it towards Lin Mu, causing his body along with Yao Changying to disappear.

'Teleportation?' Lin Mu could feel that he was being sent back to the tournament grounds.

A few seconds later, he felt the scenery change and he had fallen onto the platform.


Yao Changying's body was still stuck to his hand and fell alongside him, hitting the ground hard.

"What's happening?" Lin Mu was incredibly confused.

His immortal sense spread around to get a sense of the situation, allowing him to see the expressions of all the audience members. Some of them looked to be anxious, while some looked to be very afraid.

A few were even leaving the area, as if fleeing with all their might.


Lin Mu's attention was forcibly brought back to the Spatial Plane, as he not only saw it explode, he also 'felt' it. His senses were overwhelmed by the Spatial Disturbance that was caused due to it, leaving him a bit disoriented for a moment.

Thankfully, he managed to get a hold of himself fast and quickly tried to analyze the situation.


"Get away from her," High Elder Juxue spoke again, this time in a commanding voice.


"I… I can't." Lin Mu replied. "My hand is stuck to her." He said, Lin Mu found the man standing next to him with a concerned expression.

"I… I can't." Lin Mu replied. "My hand is stuck to her." He said, unable to tell the facts.

"I'll assist!" The High Elder had guessed something was strange beforehand when Lin Mu didn't move and quickly acted.


Before Lin Mu could even do anything, a thin layer of wind that was like cotton wrapped around him and forcibly separated him from Yao Changying.

And due to how firmly he was struck to the woman, the force applied to him was also high causing him to be tossed ten meters away.

Thankfully, he managed to gain control of his momentum and quickly landed.

'Shit… I separated from Yao Changying before the energy had finished its work.' Lin Mu thought, wondering what would happen now.

There were several perplexing things happening at the same time, leaving him rushing for answers in his mind.


It was at this moment, that tens of elders arrived, all belonging to the temple. The surrounded Yao Changying and created hand seals, setting up a quick barrier.

Even though the barrier was set up in a short time, Lin Mu could tell, even a seventh Tribulation Stage Immortal would find it difficult to break.

"What is…" Lin Mu now realized that the elders were targeting Yao Changying too.

"How are your injuries?!" High Elder Juxue approached him, quickly checking his body that had several infected parts.

Both of Lin Mu's hands had turned Grey along with spots on his back, torso and leg.

"That technique that Yao Changying used… I can't seem to expel its energy from my body." Lin Mu answered causing the High Elder to quickly grasp his wrist.

Lin Mu felt the man's immortal sense probe him, and was quickly replied by the slate Grey energy.

"What foul energy is this!?" High Elder Juxue was taken aback.

In fact, he recoiled in horror, feeling the Grey energy trying to invade his body too!