Walker Of The Worlds-Chapter 1896 Visit From An Alchemist

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Chapter 1896 Visit From An Alchemist

The night passed quickly after Lin Mu and Little Shrubby had the dessert, which was just some jelly made from Immortal Fruits.

Lin Mu stayed in his bedroom and cultivated for a while, consolidating all the gains he had in this time. He also went over the Longgui Bulwark Armor, making sure he understood every part of it. Even if he had gotten direct guidance, it still didn't mean he could be casual with it.

He needed to have a full understanding of it, and also make sure he didn't miss any part.

And with how complex and big the technique was, it was indeed quite a lot to go through. Lin Mu spent the entire night reviewing the technique and only stopped when it was 9 AM in the morning.

Or rather, he was forced to stop as he sensed someone at the door.

"Huh? Who would be here at this time?" Lin Mu wondered.

There was no way it would be the Saintess, and neither would it be Lin Mu's companions as they didn't exactly know where he stayed even now. There was the possibility of it being someone from the Crown Prince's group, but it seemed unlikely.


Lin Mu's immortal sense quickly reached the gate and he discovered that it was none other than the woman who had rented the Hundred Fruits courtyard to him.

"Why's she here?" Lin Mu wondered and got up.

He walked out, and let the gates open.


The woman saw Lin Mu and showed a respectful expression. Unlike before, Lin Mu was now the winner of the Tournament of the Four Guardian Beasts and as such had a high reputation. She ended up being even more careful than before.

"Greetings, Daoist Mu Lin." The woman first cupped her hands and bowed her head. "I have a letter for you." She gave her reason to be here.

"A letter? From whom?" Lin Mu took it and opened it.

"They said they are an acquaintance of yours." The woman replied. "They are waiting for you at the entrance of the pavilion. I couldn't let them in since I was unsure of their identity. Hence, I asked them to write a letter that you could verify." She explained.

"I see…" Lin Mu replied and glanced at the letter.

A couple of seconds later, he raised his brows before looking at the woman. "Send him in, immediately."

"It is done." The woman said, having sent a message through a communication jade slip. "I'll take my leave then." She said before quickly returning to her post.

Little Shrubby approached Lin Mu and asked, "Who's coming?"

"Someone who I hadn't expected to meet for a while." Lin Mu replied with a smile and a hint of anticipation.

Five minutes later, a man walked in from the distance. The man saw Lin Mu and hurried up before coming to stand in front of him.

"It's been a while," The man cupped his fists.

"Indeed, Alchemist Ruoxian. I've been hoping to see you for a long time." Lin Mu replied.

This was none other than the alchemist who had taken on the commission from Lin Mu to make the Hundred Vicissitudes Essence Pill!

"Come on in," Lin Mu invited the man.

The two took a seat at the pergola in the courtyard which hadn't been used by Lin Mu before since the Saintess would simply make her own furniture.

"You really came all the way here to deliver them, huh." Lin Mu said with slight surprise.

"Of course, I had to keep my promise." Alchemist Ruoxian replied. "Besides, this was more of a business trip anyways." He added.

"How so?" Lin Mu asked, feeling curious.

"The Holy Topaz Emperor has ordered several formation masters, Alchemist, Weapon forgers, Immortal tool refiners and more to be sent to Dao Wind Empire. I was one of them and took the chance to come here earlier." Alchemist Ruoxian replied.

"Huh? The Emperor asked you?" Lin Mu narrowed his eyes and wondered if it had to do with the events after the finals.

It was highly likely and there was probably something to do with the compensation that the Holy Topaz Emperor had to give to the Temple.

"Yes. However we still don't know what our tasks are. We were just summoned here." Alchemist Ruoxian replied. "I actually came here a week early, as I didn't know if you would have left or not." He added.

"You are indeed on time. Just a day later, and I would not be here." Lin Mu indeed felt like his luck was good.

"Ah, then the fates are in our favor." The Alchemist replied joyously.

"Then, does this mean they are ready?" Lin Mu asked with great excitement.

"Of course!" Alchemist Ruoxian said and took out a hexagonal box from his spatial storage ring.

He placed it in front of Lin Mu and slowly opened it.

Inside the hexagonal box, Lin Mu could see not three, not four BUT FIVE Pills.

Each of the pills were stored in their own individual vials and were sealed with a talisman on the cap to prevent any energy leakage.

"You managed to make five of them?!" Lin Mu only expected there to be three pills from the three stalactites he had given.

"I had better luck than I thought. I had an epiphany when making the second pill, which made the process better for me." Alchemist Ruoxian replied. "Though I must tell you that, the first pill I made isn't as good as the other four pills." He clarified.

"Oh?" Lin Mu looked at the pills and saw that one of them was indeed smaller than the others.

"It was my first attempt, and as such wasn't the best. But from the second pill onwards, I managed to make two pills each from a single stalactite." Alchemist Ruoxian answered.

"That's still good." Lin Mu didn't mind that at all, and considered it a bonus.

"I'm pleased that you are satisfied." Alchemist Ruoxian replied. "You should store them away. Even now I feel anxious to take them outside." The man laughed awkwardly.