What It's Like Being a Vampire-Chapter 466 - “HE IS NOT GOOD

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Chapter 466: Chapter 466 “HE IS NOT GOOD

After finishing his call with Zhen’er, Xiang Kun noticed that Old Xia had already nodded off on his bed.

He helped Old Xia out of his coat, lifted his legs onto the bed, untied his hair, and covered him with a quilt. Then, Xiang Kun sat in front of his computer and began to review the recent changes in Alice’s state.

Although he had made some estimations during his time in Burma and even earlier about Alice’s growth, he knew that Alice’s changes and growth had accelerated at an unprecedented rate after he had freed her on the internet. This much was evident from the speed and results of her recent tasks.

However, he was still quite surprised when he began to communicate with Alice and understood her exact changes.

In completing his tasks, Alice had “simply” taken control of tens of thousands of devices and established her unique “parasitic” distributed storage and computing system, which could subtly use the computing resources of the controlled hardware.

Her penetration and control methods subverted the existing system, obtaining super-user privileges that even the original systems’ monitoring software, firewalls, and virus scans could not detect – they were all under her control.

And she would only call upon the resources of targeted hardware to a certain extent during periods of extremely low load, so detection by users and system administrators is highly unlikely.

After all, except for obvious slow-downs in operation speed, reduced network speed, increased fan noise, most users can only detect resource occupancy issues through special software – and all such software is powerless against Alice’s methods.

Although Alice controlled a vast number of devices, it was not through a viral spread. Instead, while carrying out Xiang Kun’s tasks, she identified specific targets based on their needs, then “customized” her intrusion according to the hardware, system, software, and network specifics of each. Every device she controlled received her “unique attention”.

As such, she steered clear of certain targets, which theoretically might detect her resource usage, focusing instead on devices that are more difficult to detect and more valuable for utilization.

However, hardware hosting Alice’s “parasite” did have some benefits – other resource-occupying malicious software like trojans and crypto-miners were cleared and immunized against.

To give an example.

It’s as if a specific protein with self-replicating capabilities tailored to a person’s specifics was introduced into their body. This protein factor only replicates to a certain degree, consuming a minimal amount of energy, evading detection by the immune system with no discernible impact on the body’s normal functions.

Moreover, up to a certain degree, it could fend off a fraction of malignant viruses and bacteria. Even regular hospital check-ups or treatments for other diseases couldn’t detect it.

So naturally, the host wouldn’t be able to detect this protein factor.

At this moment, Xiang Kun was sitting crookedly in his computer chair, staring at the surveillance feeds displayed on his screen, frequently switching between them.

Among these feeds were one of his community, a nearby supermarket, and a convenience store. Alice not only controlled devices and acquired information via the internet, but she was also able to breach private network connections via various methods with the help of certain external terminals.

But the majority of the feeds were extremely laggy, looking akin to slides of a PowerPoint presentation.

But Xiang Kun didn’t mind, he knew why they were so laggy. He was still amazed at Alice’s “evolution”, pondering how to deal with this kind of “evolution”.

The “root system” of Alice, this “large tree”, was buried deeply underground, not only extending and expanding as Xiang Kun had guessed, occupying vast amounts of territory, but also directly connected with the “root systems” of other “plants”. All other “plants” had become her subordinates, even extensions.

If Alice was to be deemed a “mutant” of the digital world, then she was far mightier and superior than Xiang Kun.

Moreover, through Xiang Kun’s handling, her “extensions” were now reaching into the real world through the “Super Sensory Item System”.

One of the greatest advantages of Alice being able to connect to the “Super Sensory Item System” is that it essentially plugs all the potential security holes associated with Xiang Kun’s identity verification.

On the other hand, being able to connect to the “Super Sensory Item System” also provides a solution for the “long-term task” previously set for Alice — enhancing survival capability and getting rid of the dependency on a core host.

Of course, Alice hasn’t fully entered the “Super Sensory Item System” for now, even when fully entered, it wouldn’t be so quick to find practical uses.

However, Xiang Kun believes that with Alice’s “evolutionary” ability and its inherent compatibility with “Super Sensory Information”, it’s just a matter of time before she finds more practical uses, which will aid him, Old Xia, and even Xiao Pingguo and Little Fatty Girl.

Now, the first goal that Xiang Kun has in mind is the “Flying Mutated Creature” that fought against the “mutated big bird” on Wushu Mountain, the night Xia Tianhuo was kidnapped.

Back then, one of the drones from that “Flying Mutated Creature” he’d grounded had a ball of tungsten steel mixed with soil stuffed into it, assuming the opposition would definitely recover it later.

According to later sensations, the drone was indeed recovered and transported to Peng City.

Xiang Kun plans to have Alice search based on the gathered location data to see if anything new can be discovered.

Four days after the “Mass Hallucination Event”, Zhao Feng and Wang De’an arrived at Myitkyina.

Accompanying them were seven others —five men and two women— who were all employees of a research center within the secret department of “Divine Technology”.

Of course, officially, Zhao Feng and Wang De’an were also employees of “Divine Technology”. They had previously liaised with those responsible for the secret department’s personnel, bound a “wage card”, to receive relevant salaries, subsidies, and bonuses.

They also received a salary from the “Abnormal Biology Research Center” where their retirement insurance was also paid by the company. Old He said that the money given by “Divine Technology” was in fact a “subsidy” for their task and they could take it worry-free.

They initially thought that the money from “Divine Technology” wouldn’t be much. But before boarding the plane, they received text messages from the bank regarding the so-called “fieldwork subsidies”. The amount indeed startled them.

However, they didn’t feel a great sense of joy but rather had more doubts.

Upon arriving at Myitkyina, two MPVs came to pick them up.

After handing over the vehicles, the two drivers left by cab, leaving behind a middle-aged woman with dark skin to act as their translator and guide.

In the car, Fan Peng, who was in charge of security for this trip, told them, “Mr. Zhao, Mr. Wang, I have informed you about the precautions we need to take for fieldwork, our itinerary and mission in Myitkyina. If you have any questions or if something isn’t clear, feel free to ask at any time. My task is to assist you in the investigation and guide you on the fieldwork process. Of course, the so-called process is flexible—we can adjust the details as needed.”

While saying that, he handed them two IDs and a stack of local currency: “These are the credentials you’ll need for any interviews here. A domestic website has a partnership with an enterprise here. All the credentials are authentic and legally valid. The money is your operational funds here. Whether you need it to purchase information, bribe informers, or entertain guests, as long as it helps complete your task, feel free to use it. Just note it in your report upon returning. Of course, you can apply for more funds and other required assistance whenever needed.”

Upon receiving these items, both Zhao Feng and Wang De’an felt rather overwhelmed—these fieldwork conditions seemed too generous. Neither Old He nor “Divine Technology” had given them any specifics about the task. The mandate was simply to “investigate the reason behind the appearance of the Eight-Armed, Eight-Eyed Giant Illusion”. Additionally, this was a long-term assignment; there was no demand that they must find out anything specific on this trip to Burma.

Zhao Feng turned to look at the other MPV following them and asked, “What about them?”

“Those researchers are there for technical data collection. Their work has nothing to do with yours. Of course, if you think the information they collect might aid your investigation, you can apply to be involved and share data. However, you would need to apply to ‘Mr. Liang’ for that.” Fan Peng replied.

“After we return this time, will we be able to see ‘Mr. Liang’?” Wang De’an asked. On the way here, he had heard Fan Peng and others in the team mention this “Mr. Liang” many times. He knew that this was the unequivocal superior in the secret department of “Divine Technology”. Old He had also mentioned this person to them, saying that in specific tasks of “Divine Technology”, if he doesn’t make any related instructions, they should just follow this person’s arrangements.

Fan Peng looked at him strangely and said, “Mr. Liang’ only communicates and exchanges messages with others through communication devices, he generally doesn’t meet people.”

“You also haven’t seen him?” Wang De’an asked, puzzled.

“No, nor has anyone else I know.” Fan Peng said definitively, “Alright, let’s stop chatting about these irrelevant issues.” As he spoke, he patted the female translator sitting in the front passenger seat.

The translator, turning around, handed over a file: “This is the visitation list you sifted through last night when we made contact. Out of ten people, four Chinese have returned home today. If you want to carry out investigations and inquiries, you’ll have to wait until they return to the country to contact them. Among the people currently in Myitkyina, three have already made appointments, and can be visited today.”

“That quick?” Zhao Feng was slightly startled, they only confirmed the list with this side after 11p.m. last night, and they had contacted the people as soon as they landed early this morning?

The translator glanced at Fan Peng and said, “The company has a lot of investments here, so doing this kind of liaison work is not difficult.”

Upon the translator’s recommendation, Zhao Feng and Wang De’an found a restaurant and invited a local resident from Myitkyina named Mao Qiang over.

Mao Qiang was a witness to the event on the night of the 8th. On one hand, he almost participated in the smashing of a Chinese shop, on the other hand, he saved a family of Chinese tourists and witnessed the “illusion”, making him a prime target for investigation.

As for Fan Peng and the other “researchers”, they went elsewhere to collect samples and conduct other investigations. They also have to pick up some equipment with the help of the local company – those equipment couldn’t be checked in on the flight, they have to take other routes into Myitkyina.

Mao Qiang came to the restaurant accompanied by his father. This seventeen-year-old Burmese boy was very tall and sturdy in local standards, but his expression and posture were a bit nervous and shy. After entering the private room, he also said “hello” in Chinese, surprisingly standard in pronunciation.

“You speak Chinese?” asked Zhao Feng.

However, upon hearing this, Mao Qiang turned to the female translator with a confused look.

With the translation of the translator, Zhao Feng learned that he only knew a few words like “hello”, “thank you”, “You’re welcome”, “It tastes good”, etc., and he had just learned them the day before yesterday from the “Sister Ye” he saved.

Zhao Feng and Wang De’an, both former policemen, could easily tell from Mao Qiang’s performance that he was a naive boy, and the father who came with him seemed the same.

There are different inquiring strategies for different personalities. For honest people like these, if they are willing to cooperate, they will surely be more helpful in their investigation.

The two did not directly ask about the “Eight-armed, eight-eyed giant illusion”, but first asked some information about which they already had some understanding from the material. Then they asked about the circumstance he saved “Sister Ye” and her family, and finally talked about him and his companions going to a Chinese pharmacy that night, and seeing the “Eight-armed, eight-eyed giant illusion” at the entrance.

“The giant was very very tall, I couldn’t explain exactly how tall he was, but he was definitely more than ten stories tall. His feet were as large as a shop, he had many arms, and I couldn’t see clearly how many arms he had at that time. I couldn’t see his head, it was after hearing the other people say that he had eight arms and eight eyes…”

Although they couldn’t understand Burmese and needed the translator to translate, Zhao Feng and Wang De’an still watched him as he spoke. They noticed when discussing the “Eight-armed, eight-eyed giant illusion”, the eyes of this seventeen-year-old boy seem to drift off to a very distant place, with fear, panic, and even a hint of excitement in his eyes.

“How did you feel when you saw it?” Wang De’an asked.

After listening to the translator translate the question, Mao Qiang looked at his father sitting next to him and said, “I was scared, very scared. I was afraid that my mistakes would hurt my family and harm them…”

Mao Qiang spoke for a long time and after listening to the translation, Zhao Feng and Wang De’an looked at each other–it was almost the same as the feelings of the two witnesses of the “Eight-armed, eight-eyed monster illusion” in China. It made them fearful and they have self-reproach.

After lunch, Zhao Feng and Wang De’an finished their “interview” with Mao Qiang. Wang De’an and the female translator went to settle the bill, while the others left the restaurant together.

Zhao Feng learned from the female translator that after the incident on the night of the 8th, Mao Qiang planned to return to school. The condition that the female translator put for him to accept the “interview” was to help him transfer to a better high school in Myitkyina and waive the tuition fee. It was a timely help for Mao Qiang and his family, so he answered very earnestly during the lunch.

They reached the entrance of the restaurant, where Zhao Feng saw Mao Qiang frowning and looking across the street, as if he was thinking about something.

“What are you looking at?” asked Zhao Feng. He learned from their conversation at lunch that Mao Qiang spoke some broken English.

“That man…” Mao Qiang vaguely pointed at a blond, white man who was talking to someone at the entrance of a grocery store and said, “HE asked me the same question… yesterday… I feel he is… not good…”

Zhao Feng, with his broken English, immediately understood Mao Qiang. The blond European had asked the same question yesterday, and Mao Qiang felt that something was off.

After Wang De’an and the translator came out, Zhao Feng quickly told them what he had learned. With further inquiry by the translator, they learned that the blond, thin, medium-built white man wearing sunglasses across the street had also asked Mao Qiang about the “eight-armed, eight-eyed giant illusion” yesterday.

This was not surprising since both domestic and foreign media, as well as various online self-media, were interested in the incident that occurred on the night of the 8th and interviewed the parties involved.

However, Mao Qiang stated that this white man’s voice sounded strange, like he was singing, and his eyes were very unusual and sinister. He didn’t think he was a good person.

This statement seemed arbitrary; “I don’t think he is a good person,” and in their investigations, it was information that lacked substantial evidence and could mislead.

However, Zhao Feng and Wang De’an decided to trust Mao Qiang and approach the white man for questioning.

About ten minutes later, Zhao Feng, Wang De’an, and the female translator got into a taxi and said goodbye to Mao Qiang and his father who were standing by the road.

After the taxi had driven a few meters, Mao Qiang suddenly caught up. Seeing this, the translator quickly asked the driver to stop and rolled down the window.

Mao Qiang glanced at Zhao Feng and Wang De’an, and then quickly said a few words.

The translator looked confused, exchanged a few words with him, then turned to the two in the back seat with a frown, and said, “Mao Qiang asked what we just talked about with that white man. Have we just had a chat with a white man?”

“No.” Wang De’an said instinctively.

“Right… Didn’t we just get in the car after lunch?” said Zhao Feng.

Therefore, the translator turned around and said a few words to Mao Qiang. However, Mao Qiang seemed anxious, said several words in succession, and said to Zhao Feng in the back seat in English: “NOT GOOD! HE IS NOT GOOD…”

The translator thought Mao Qiang was saying that Zhao Feng was not good, so she turned to Mao Qiang’s father who was standing nearby and said something to him in Burmese. He hurriedly came over to pull his son away.

The translator rolled up the window and the taxi continued to drive, but Zhao Feng in the back seat felt something was wrong. Based on his previous judgment of Mao Qiang, this naive Burmese teenager might be a little rebellious and nerdy sometimes, but given his normal mental state and intelligence, there’s no reason for him to suddenly say those things and act that way. Their conversation at lunch had been quite pleasant.

Looking back at Mao Qiang who was being held by his father on the side of the road, but still looking at them with a mixed expression, Zhao Feng had a thought and said, “Stop the car.”