Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Book 3: Epilogue

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Book 3: Epilogue

Allens Office

When Scarlet Woke Up

Allen groans as he sits at his desk with his head down on it, missing both his wife and his adopted daughter who he hasnt been able to adopt yet. Mostly due to the daughter in question not being on Earth while his wife is on the frontlines battling.

Please dad! I want to go to the frontlines when I reach Class III! Belle exclaims from the other side of his desk, adding yet another problem to his list of things stressing him out lately.

Unlike a lot of the other Class IV Guardians, Allen was told to stay at the capital since his help was more beneficial in making magi-tech than he was in direct combat. Which left his wife to go to the frontlines without him.

And now his daughter wants to as well.

Allen sighs while sitting up again, looking at his daughter, who is looking at him with her signature pleading and yet stubborn look.

You know you dont need to ask me for permission, right? he eventually mutters, reaching up to rub his temples. And she just nods. But youre doing it anyways.

She nods again.

Allen sighs once more.

Ill give you my blessing as long as you take the magi-tech equipment I give you and you stick to your mother like glue while youre there, understood? Allen states, deciding that she just wants to make him less worried about her since shell be going anyways.

Sure! Belle exclaims, a smile on her face. But before either of them can say any more, a dinging sound echoes in their head, followed immediately by the appearance of a Universal Notification.

Warning! This is a universal notification!

[REDACTED] has obtained an etched skill slot through reaching Class III under the age of twenty years old!

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!

Both Belle and Allen stare in silence at the notification, neither of them saying a word.

Then, right as Allen is about to drop his head back to the desk with a groan, another notification replaces it.

Warning! This is a universal notification!

[REDACTED] has obtained an etched skill slot through defeating a being one hundred and fifty or more levels above them with no assistance!

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!

This time he just stares blankly ahead with a slightly dead look on his face.

At the same time, he notices Belle smiling across his desk from him.

Its just one thing after another, isnt it?

Several seconds pass in silence before Allen slumps in his chair while staring up at the ceiling, muttering, She really killed something a hundred and fifty or more levels above her and I thought shed be watched more carefully over there

Belle snorts at that, only to go into a full-on belly laugh, making him realize just how optimistic that belief was.

Look at the bright side, Belle says, trying and failing to contain her laughter, her shenanigans arent your problem to deal with right now. Its her father and grandfathers.

Allen turns his eyes to his daughter with a tired look in them as he says, Thats the problem. Can you really see the De- he falters slightly, rewording his sentence, Can you really see those two admonishing her for this? Its more likely that theyd compliment and congratulate her instead

That has Belles mouth parting slightly in surprise before she closes it again, seemingly realizing that fact herself.

Just how Allen mutters while leaning back in his chair and once again staring up at the ceiling, is it that Im still stressing out over her actions when she isnt even here

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees his daughter sitting down on one of the sofas in his office, not saying anything in response.

I guess it was a good thing for White to leave the frontlines and redact her name when she did else every user in the universe would know who Scarlet was just from her full name alone. That shes a demon.

He sighs once more, finding it to be a common thing where his adopted daughter is concerned.

I need a drink.

Purples Tower

Moments before the Universal Notifications

Amelia appears in a flash of white light in the middle of the dome atop Purples tower, quickly finding all of the other Knights of Humanity already present. And without wasting any time, Red says, Good. Now that youre here, lets get this-

Before he can finish talking, all of the Knights are distracted by a Universal Notification appearing in their vision. One thats followed almost immediately by another one.

Then silence fills the dome for several seconds as Amelia smiles.

Well that deals with one of our problems, Red says with a brief nod of his head towards Amelia. Assuming that was your daughter?

Amelia just smiles even wider at that.

Of course it was her.

Black who Amelia has been ignoring since getting there as he is currently floating around in the air on a cloud of shadows, just lounging around like nothing was happening raises his head from the cloud of shadows and says, Then shes completed some of the requirements after all. Then his eyes narrow. But she hasnt gotten the skill yet. The one everything you did was meant for her to get.

Amelia glares at the man, only to notice that her brother and Red are both looking towards her, Red with a conflicted look on his face and Blue with apathy. So she sighs and says, Its only a matter of time for her to get the achievements mentioned by the prophecy thatre needed for her to be able to completely nullify all curses, including blood ritual curses.

None of them say anything in response, simply waiting for her to continue. And she does, You all know by now that we stand no chance against the Demon King, much less the Voided Overlord. Scarlet is the only hope for both worlds to survive. And for the war to end, she will need that skill upgraded to Mythical. Something that cant happen without the skill. Her gaze alternates between each of the Knights. And according to the prophecy, everything should be set for her to get the remaining achievements for it.

She pauses, only to look at Purple and finish, All Scarlet needs to do is to wait for an opportunity.

Purple finally opens her eyes for the first time since the meeting began before saying, An opportunity that she wont find on Tartarus.

All three of the other Knights turn to stare at her in surprise.

You mean Amelia asks, and Purple nods her head in agreement with her unasked question.

She then stands up from her place seated at the center of the dome and says, Before the child turns twenty years of age, she will return to Earth, where everything will follow through as predicted.

Amelias eyes widen in both happiness and surprise, meanwhile she sees Blacks mouth parting open as the man is shocked into silence. And Red is just smiling at Amelia, happy with this news as well.

The White Knight of Humanity doesnt bother looking at her brother as she knows what face hell be making already.

Instead she just smiles and looks up at the top of the dome, her eyes closing in her happiness.

It wasnt for naught thank the moon. Thank the fucking moon