Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 38Book 4: .2: Exposed Part II

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Book 4: Chapter 38.2: Exposed Part II

The Main Battlefield

Moments before the Universal Notification

Blake smiles to himself as he looks at his status, reveling in the new skill he had just bought. But his joy is cut short when a Universal Notification appears in front of his vision, following which every last demon and human stops battling at the same time all throughout the battlefield.

Warning! This is a universal notification!

Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron has attained a new title-bearing mythic skill!

Scarlet has now attained the title The Apex Predator.

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!

He stares blankly at the notification, meanwhile all of the humans and demons in his view do the same without a single one making a sound. Then, after an unknown amount of time passes, the demons and humans both have entirely different reactions to the notifications.

Fear, shock, betrayal, and a barrage of other emotions appear on all of the other humans faces, meanwhile Blake finds all of the demons celebrating. With the exception of the non-sapient demons who are being held back by their holders as said holders celebrate, cheering for their Princess.

She got a Title. While still a few years younger than me.

Blake feels despondent at that thought. The girl who he used to be far stronger than has already eclipsed him in every way, both in Title and in personal power.

After a few more seconds for this realization to settle in, Blake sits down on a nearby bench located at the top of the mountain. Then he sees his father appearing again exactly where he had disappeared to deal with the Nobles with a wide grin on his face. Something Blake only ever sees when the man has had his fill of fun, both in battle and his sadistic tendencies.

Blake watches his father walk over to the edge of the cliff before he looks out over the battlefield where a cheer has risen up from the demons. All while the humans are still in shock.

All hail the Princess! All hail the Princess! All hail the Princess!

And after over a dozen rounds of this cheer with every last sapient demon joining in, it changes to a different cheer.

All hail The Apex Predator! All hail The Apex Predator! All hail The Apex Predator!

But Blake just continues watching in stunned silence along with every other human there.

The Middle of a Fracture in the Capital City

Minutes before the Universal Notification

Julian Arc, otherwise known by his Guardian title the Silver Fox, spreads his arms out while creating a dozen copies of himself to distract the Class II demons of the Fracture. And at the same time, the Guardians in his team spread out to attack the demons.

The battle only ends up taking a few minutes to finish before he and his team head towards the closest bunker, opening the door and letting the kid they were escorting inside. But a Universal Notification appears in everyones vision right when theyre about to close the bunker door again.

Warning! This is a universal notification!

Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron has attained a new title-bearing mythic skill!

Scarlet has now attained the title The Apex Predator.

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!

Julian somehow manages to trip in place, making him fall on his face. Meanwhile all of his teammates and the people inside of the bunker go silent from the shock of it. But their silence doesnt last long as they quickly begin muttering amongst each other.

Archeron? Isnt that the Royal Family name of the Demons? Archeron?! Shes a demon?! But isnt that-

The muttering continues for several seconds while Julian climbs back to his feet, unable to speak as his eyes are glued to the notification. He then just stares at the notification all the way till it disappears, and even after that.

Shes a demon but how? How could she be

Eventually the muttered conversations take a turn when a buzzing sound echoes from everyones terminals along with a ringing noise or a vibration from the civilians phones. So Julian numbly checks his terminal, only to find a surprise on it.


Written on his terminal is an emergency message sent by the Five Knights of Humanity in bold letters with a link to Purples previous prophetic livestreams and a picture of Scarlet Asger.

Or I guess shes not Scarlet Asger damn, thats I dont know how to take this. But she saved my life. She deserves my trust.

Julian, with his eyes filled with determination despite the notification, quickly begins reading the emergency message.

The Princess of Both Worlds has been found! 𝔣𝖗𝔢𝔢𝔴𝖊𝖇𝖓𝔬𝔳𝖊𝔩.𝔠𝔬𝖒

Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron, daughter of the White Knight of Humanity and the Blood Calamity Demon Lord, granddaughter to the Demon King and Beast of the Apocalypse, has been designated the Princess to both worlds foretold by the Purple Knight of Humanity!

For over a year now, she has toiled to bring peace to both worlds, defending the humans from the demons, fighting on their side of the war, and changing the Demon Kings mind about killing human civilians. She has made the first step forward towards peace against the undefeatable and immortal Demon King that has ever been taken before.

While she may be part blood lycan, she also has a kind heart and is the only one who can prepare both worlds for the threat that is to come!

Foretold by both the witches of Tartarus and the Purple Knight of humanity, a threat will come from the void to wipe out the universe. And to face that threat, humanity must work together with the demons.

But be warned, for the demons are strong enough to take control of Earth entirely should they wish it in the next few years.

Earths only hope of survival and independence is the Princess.

We, the Knights of Humanity, hope you make the right choice.

Julians mouth parts open as he stares at the announcement after finishing reading it. Then his eyes move to the video after the livestream after the announcement. One that has the White Knight of Humanity, the Black Knight of Humanity, the Purple Knight of Humanity, and even the Blue Knight of Humanity. Then, after several seconds pass with muttering growing stronger from the civilians and his teammates around him, the Red Knight of Humanity eventually joins them.

The Heir to the Magic Arc Corporation narrows his eyes slightly as he sees the livestream begin.