Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 48Book 3: : Freedom

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Book 3: Chapter 48: Freedom


As I walk across the bridge, I pay attention to all the sounds coming from the little forest situated atop the island Im heading to. And there are a lot of sounds there. Almost all of them being from battle between demons of all kinds.

But I dont see any damage to the island itself, so I assume Leonidas probably enchanted it to be able to either take a lot more damage than regular ground, to restore itself with blood, or maybe even both.

Either way, its a really nice hunting ground by the sound of it.

Right when Im about to step foot on the island though, I hear the voice of one of my guards saying, Your Highness, if you would, please hide the Royal Crest.

I pause before glancing backwards to find Seraphina standing there while slightly bowing her head.


Prince Tarankar, she says, confusing me even more until Tar raises his head and says, Oh, right. Your father told me to tell you that you can also hide and reveal the crest on your armor at will. But you should already know why thats necessary.

Oh. Right.

Because crests are a mark of whose family youre from and are necessary in Tartarus because simply showing everyone the faces of who theyre not allowed to kill would ruin the way of life for Tartarus. So everyone is required to memorize crests to know who not to touch.

Right, Tar answers. After all, if all the demons avoided fighting someone because their father was a Noble, then how is that Nobles child ever going to get stronger? The System wont let them simply level off of prisoners or people fed to them, nor would it level if the opposition just threw down their arms and surrendered before they kill them without a fight.

Yeah. So complicated.

How do I hide my crest?

Just infuse a bit of mana into the chest plate, Tar says, so I do so right away, and the crest disappears from the chest plate. Which in hindsight is also necessary for when I go to Earth.

After all, cant go walking around there with the Demon Royal Familys crest on my chest.

And now none of the demons will recognize me as the Princess either!

Except the Nobles, Tar states, deflating the excitement that was just filling me. Hey, they cant let the Nobles have even a chance at attacking you since theyd kill you in mere moments if they tried. So every Noble demon knows your face.

Well thats annoying.

But Im not hunting Nobles, so its fine, I guess.

For now.

Wonder if I can get a memory erasing skill one day and erase my face from their memories? That would be nice.

Tar snorts.

Anyways, I glance at where the royal guard was just to find her gone again before I turn around and continue making my way onto the island and then into the forest there. Then I track the closest demon using my ears and soon enough run into an ongoing battle.

|Scythloid Level 203|

|Cerberus Level 200|


One of the demons, the scythloid, looks like a large praying mantis standing at two meters in height, whereas the other is a typical cerberus from Earthen mythology. A three headed dog. Although they both have the typical black and red color theme that most demons have.

Both of them have the intelligence of a regular wolf from Earth too, so they cant speak or anything. Not that they really have mouths capable of that anyways.

I watch the two go at it for a few seconds, the scythloid trying repeatedly to cut into the cerberus as the cerberus blocks it by grabbing the blade with its mouth or blocking with its large and sharp claws. Then I transform into my beast form, my gauntlets transforming with them and revealing my claws in all their black and red glory before I cover both of my paws in metallicized blood claws, feeling a lot of freedom just in simply being able to do this in the first place, since I couldnt on Earth.

Right when theyre about to clash again, I use half a dozen skills all at once, burning their blood, draining their life, shielding myself, putting a null magic field over them and sending a couple dozen weapons made out of blood at them all as I sprint out of the trees, shocking the hell out of them. And before they can recover, my attacks all hit at once, and even after that, the null magic field slows down their response as I arrive and draw my claws straight through the scythloid, ripping open its guts without much trouble at all despite the seven level difference between us. Which, in all honesty, is mostly dealt with already by Predator V.

And to follow it up, I pull my leg back and kick straight at the thing, sending it flying straight into half a dozen blades of blood I had float behind it, skewering it in an instant. Then I turn around to find the cerberus running for its life.

But I dont let it, instead sprinting after it with a grin on my face before tearing into it as well with ease.

Wow, you really are letting loose Tar comments as he floats over to me, having been thrown off my shoulder the moment I sprinted towards the demons.

Of course I am. This is the most fun Ive had in a while!

Honestly am starting to be happy that I came here. After all, I can let loose without anyone hating or trying to kill me just because of what I am!

Tar smiles at that, which I still say looks odd on a tanukis face.

Yeah, I bet that would be nice, he says as I begin stretching a little, the cerberus already dead as I walk away from its corpse.

Very nice.

Earth felt incredibly stuffy for me, since I always had to hide what I was and to not use certain skills or powers. 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝔩.𝔠𝖔𝔪

But here? Here I can go all out. I dont have to wait for Fractures to hunt. And I dont have to deal with financial problems as a Princess.

Even if the Nobles and their treatment of me is annoying. And the dress.

I shiver at the memory of that.

Still gonna try to find a way to get back to Earth though, just so I can see Allen and the others and tell them Im alright in person.

Kind of wish there was a way to communicate with them directly from here, but there isnt. The only one who can do something like that is Leonidas who needs to place a domination seed in them from what he told me.

A pity.

Anyways, I sprint through the trees looking for more prey.