Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 53Book 4: : Reunions Aplenty

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Book 4: Chapter 53: Reunions Aplenty


Scarlet!!! Emily practically screams as she bursts into a sprint straight towards me. And I just roll my eyes before deciding to let her glomp me. Mostly because I havent been able to go to the university where theyve been since I got back to Earth. So I havent seen them since the Class V Fracture.

She tackles me with her hug, and I just stand still to let her squeeze me rather tightly.

Then a second person joins in the hug, making Emily grunt when she is tackled this time from behind by Denise.

I roll my eyes again but still dont move. At this point I can tolerate some physical contact. To the point that it doesnt absolutely disgust me anymore.

Now its just a bit of discomfort. Nothing more.

A very nice improvement from not even a year ago.

After ten seconds of it though I push them both off of me. Because boundaries.

The three of them all look surprised still despite me pushing Emily and Denise away, with Michael even asking, You are Scarlet right?

And for the third time, I roll my eyes as I say, Ha, ha, very funny. Then I look at Emily and pat her on the head once to her delight. Its nice seeing you all again.

For some reason that shocks them just as much as my allowing their physical contact.

Meanwhile I just hear Tar laughing his ass off in the in-between.

You should stop that before I find another window to throw you out of.

He, of course, does not stop. Instead the furball just laughs even louder.

I huff out a breath of air at that before beginning to walk past the trio as I call out, Im gonna go get some food. Wanna join me?

The three quickly catch up with Emily smiling so brightly that it has me looking away just out of the pure innocence on her face.

You do remember that she uses corruption magic, right? Tar points out the obvious point that I am ignoring and will continue to ignore because she is innocent.

He snorts, showing just how he thinks about that.

Anyways, looking at Denise and Michael, the two are still getting along great, their relationship going strong. Or at least, their holding hands as we walk seems to imply that it is.

Weve talked a couple times over calls since I made it back, but never seen each other in person. So weve already dealt with the whole them finding out about my identity thing, and none of them particularly cared.

Emily still seems to think of me as if I were her big sister, Michael just doesnt care, and Denise doesnt really care about that sort of thing, only about whats in front of her.

Why do I feel like every time I worry about having to talk to someone about something important they always end up blowing it-

My thoughts cut off when I hear someone running down the hall were about to cross. So I tense up slightly as I walk, only to relax and smirk slightly when I eventually recognize the sound of a certain butler shouting for a certain young girl to slow down.

Then I continue walking for a few seconds before immediately rushing forwards and catching the girl who crosses the crossroads in the hallway the moment she enters our hallway, lifting her up as she giggles into the air.

Scarlet! Aria exclaims while wrapping her arms around me tightly.

I chuckle as I lower her back down, only for her to not let go. So instead I just carry her in my right arm instead.

Howre you doin, Aria? I ask her with a bright smile on my face. One that quite literally stuns a few of the passing Guardians into simply staring. And instead of glaring at them, I just turn towards Arias butler as Aria pulls back a little, making me move my other hand around her to keep her balanced while she says, Im doing great! I finally get to see you again!

The butler, who is only now making it to us and is catching his breath, smiles and tries to speak between his breaths, only to fail.

Im happy to see you too, little pup, I tell Aria while nodding my head at the old butler and then looking at her face, only to push a lock of hair behind her ear, making the girl giggle.

Then I glance back at Michael, Emily, and Denise to once again find them acting flabbergasted along with the other spectators we have in the hallway. So I wave my left hand at the spectators some of whom are starting to take pictures and tell them, This isnt a show. Please move along.

Fortunately they all do as I ask, leaving Denise and Michael to continue in their shocked silence. Emily, on the other hand, frowns and looks the other way, making me frown too.

She cant be

Looks like shes jealous of Aria, Tar says with a snort of amusement. She really does consider herself your younger sister, doesnt she?

Looks like it.

Im not comfortable enough to do anything this touchy with Emily though, and shes not my family even if shes a friend. So while I feel sorry for her, Im not gonna treat her like Aria.

Anyways, I turn back to Arias butler when I hear his breathing return to normal, the old man finally straightening again and saying, Its nice to see you again, Young Miss.

You too, Roger, I say with a smile while patting Arias head as the girl leans up against me, putting her head in the crook of my shoulder and neck. Have things been going well for you?

He nods his head with a smile and says, They have, Young Miss. But then he grows serious, making my smile turn into a frown. Young Miss, I have a request from Master Knight asking for you to visit the Knight House soon.

I stiffen up slightly.
