Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 59Book 3: .2: Skill Management and a Talk Part II

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Book 3: Chapter 59.2: Skill Management and a Talk Part II


Or rather, I distribute my free points and then I sit back to look at my status. And what a beautiful status it is.

Name: Scarlet Art Asger de ArcheronSpecies: Human/Blood Lycan HybridMagic: Blood Age: 19Level: 251SP: 3 Stats: Physical: 699Mental: 698Magical: 698 Physical/Level: 2Mental/Level: 1Magical/Level: 2 Free Points: 0Mana: 584,644.8/584,644.8Free Points/Level: 4 Active Skills: Pain DiffusionSkill Level: 13Description Null Magic FieldSkill Level: 15Description Blood of RuinSkill Level: 6Description Metallicized BloodSkill Level: 1Description Beast FormSkill Level: StaticDescription Metallicized Blood ClawsSkill Level: 14Description Life DrainSkill Level: 14Description Partial ShiftSkill Level: StaticDescription Blood PullSkill Level: 17Description Blood ChainsSkill Level: 10Description Blood DiffusionSkill Level: 12Description Gradual Corruption NullificationSkill Level: 10Description Blood PlagueSkill Level: 6Description Blood ShadowSkill Level: 10Description Blood RetributionSkill Level: 10Description Blood ArmorSkill Level: 10Description Blood ManifestationSkill Level: 10Description Blood SacrificeSkill Level: 10Description Blood BoilSkill Level: 10Description Blood BankSkill Level: 10Description Passive Skills: Blood RegenerationSkill Level: 14Description Sanguine EffectSkill Level: StaticDescription Blood ThirstSkill Level: 10Description Bloody ThornsSkill Level: 10Description Predator VSkill Level: StaticDescription

Just something about seeing skills below level ten now is making me want to level them to level ten at least. I dont know why. It just bothers me.

Youre a perfectionist in some ways, so it makes sense that it does, Tar comments with a shrug as he floats up and lands on my shoulder.

Yeah, anyways, I close out of my status and get up from the bed. Then I activate my armor, making it switch out with my regular clothes like usual.

Come to think of it, did anyone say anything about my screaming? I ask while glancing at the tanuki on my shoulder. And his eyes widen for a second before he opens his mouth to answer, only for someone to appear in front of me, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck.

I raise my gaze upwards a bit to find Leonidas narrowing his eyes on the tanuki before raising a hand, making a whip of blood metal form that wraps around the balcony door handles and opens the door.

Then he tosses the tanuki outside and closes the door again, finally turning his focus on me with a faint smile.

Was that necessary? I ask with more than a little amusement in my voice.

It never gets old seeing the tanuki getting tossed out a window.

Hey! Tar shouts in my head.

I mean, youre gonna have to get used to it if you insist on sitting on me here on Tartarus. Considering everyones pension for respecting the Royal Family. And their habit of throwing you away.

Yes, it was necessary, Leonidas answers my question, making me raise a brow. Then, as if to reaffirm his statement, he repeats, It was.

Agreed, I hear Grampss voice from behind me, making me turn around to find the man having appeared there out of nowhere.

Do you people always have to just appear out of nowhere? I complain with a frown, since its really getting annoying.

Yes. Of course. The two answer at the same time.

When I simply stare at the two of them with a brow raised, Gramps elaborates, Its a fright tactic we learn to use on others to show power over them on Tartarus.

Hmm, I hum before tilting my head, still with a brow raised, and youre using it on me why?

They both stiffen up at that, and I swear I hear laughter coming from outside of the castle. Likely from the tanuki who seems to be laughing out loud and not in my head.

I stand in place tapping my foot for a bit to make the two sweat for a little while before eventually moving on and asking, So what time is it and where is the best hunting ground for me now?

Both of them blink in surprise. Then they share a glance, following which the tanuki finally comes back inside again.

You shouldnt be surprised at this point, Tar says to the two, bringing their attention to him. Hunting and growing stronger are probably some of the most important things in the world to Scarlet. Its all she thinks of sometimes.

Hey! I exclaim, crossing my arms. I think of other things too!

Like? Tar asks, turning to me with a brow raised. Which looks ridiculous on a tanuki.

Video games, I answer with a serious scowl on my face.

Tar starts laughing. Meanwhile Gramps looks at me incredulously and Leonidas just shakes his head with his fingers rubbing his temples.

And the Sylvesters and Arthur.

I mention this second part in my head since I dont think Gramps would very much appreciate me mentioning some humans I care about in front of him.

Tar doesnt say anything, likely due to the Demon Kings ability to hear Tars voice when he speaks privately to me. But since he cant hear my thoughts, Im good.

Your love of that human technology aside, Leonidas says, there is another island where you would likely find more Class III demons on average if you would like to go there. But I think now would be a good time for you to go explore more of Tartarus instead of staying solely in the Bloody Duchy.

I blink in surprise at that, only for Gramps to jump in, Your father is right, Scarlet. Not only would it be good for you to fight a variety of different demons with different magics, but it would also benefit some of the demons you might see when traveling through the cities for them to see you. Improve morale.

Oh. So I should avoid visiting demon cities if my presence would hurt the humans side of the war.

Rather ironic.

Wasnt planning on visiting them anyways.

You kind of have to for food and supplies, Tar comments, almost making me groan.

Wait, what if-

Also, you will be responsible for procuring your own food and supplies, Gramps says, making me let out an internal groan that I dont voice out loud. Of course, Ill pay for anything you wish for. But you must buy it yourself. Your guards can carry it. Or your fae. He adds this last part while narrowing his eyes at Tar, who he really doesnt seem to like.

Then again, from what Ive seen so far and just from blood lycans in general, blood lycans can be a bit protective of their kids and grandkids. So it makes sense in some twisted form of logic that theyd dislike the idea of Tar being so close to me as a guy even though hes a fae.

Actually, I get the feeling theyd be a lot happier if Tar was a girl.

I hear Tar choking at my thoughts, bringing my gaze to find him staring wide-eyed at me.

So I just shrug.

Not like Im wrong.

Before this trip though, you need to stay an entire night in the castle for a first, Gramps says, making my head swivel around to stare at him. You havent spent an entire night here thus far. And more importantly, I want to show you some of my work as the Demon King.

Okay, I feel a tiny bit of fear at that last part.