Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 66Book 3: : Shopping

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Book 3: Chapter 66: Shopping


After looking around for a while and listening to quite a few conversations including a few private ones, I find that this city belongs to a Noble called Baroness Selene de Razor a shadow weaver demon. Some sort of demon spider with the ability to create shadows in the place of silk.

The baroness is rather laxed in her governing of the city, only really using it as a way to amass some money. But at the same time, the insectoid and arachnid type demons often are rather lazy.

Although a lot of them tend to be envious too.

The insectoid and arachnid type demons are generally of the Envy or Sloth Sins from what Ive learned in class. And if I had to guess, this one should be a Sloth Sin demon.

Which bodes well for me as it means theyre not likely to bother me.

Although Sloth demons also dont tend to think of the consequences of their actions much, or even think too deeply on their actions at all. Theyre kind of careless, thinking of very little but getting back to sleep.

I frown as I open my eyes and finally walk out of the alley I found before joining the little traffic in the street and heading directly towards the store called the Weaving Market. Something that I really think should get a better name, since from what Ive been able to gather, its just a store. Not a market.

Wasnt hard to figure that out either thanks to the many people asking that question every now and then that I can hear in the store.

It takes me nearly half an hour to walk across the city to get there, but the trip is rather smooth. Smoother than I was expecting, if Im being honest.

Especially considering the significant number of muggings Ive heard going on throughout the city where demons are pulled over into the alleys and attacked. Although they seem to leave everyone who is indoors alone. Some sort of rule of the city.

Its probably because youre Class III, Tar comments, his voice echoing in my head as I finally enter the Weaving Market.

Probably. Most of the people in this city are Class II, with quite a few Class IIIs as well, but they tend to be higher profile and rarer.

And the few Class IVs all have important places or shops in the city.

After entering the store which is just a large sandstone building layered in some sort of glowing orange metal I immediately head to the food and supplies area. Although I notice the clerk currently manning the store a Class III shadow weaver staring at me as I walk despite the many other demons here.

Its annoying that I still stand out even with the redacted name and my cloak.

Well, in all honesty, your redacted name is probably getting you more attention, and while your cloak isnt suspicious, the fact that you have a humanoid form and are wearing a cloak that completely obscures your appearance is a tad suspicious, Tar says, sounding tired for some reason.

Yeah, guess youre right. But theres not much I can do about it. Walking around showing off the fact that Im a blood lycan would attract even more attention, much less walking around without my name redacted. A name that everyone on the planet knows.

Why did Gramps have to announce my name to the entire world? Its annoying.

Well, even if he didnt, the Archeron name is a dead giveaway already, Tar comments as I finally make it through the crowd of people filling the rather large store to the food and supplies section.


Anyways, I narrow my eyes slightly at the magical items they have here. Some devices where people can toss coins in and get a certain amount of food from each machine.

Kind of like a vending machine. But one that uses magic instead of science.

Honestly wouldnt be surprised if they stole the idea from Earth, considering a few things Leonidas mentioned that they did actually steal from Earth.

After looking around the machine and studying it for several seconds, I find myself frowning. Because it looks like I cant take out more than one of each item at a time. And pulling out one loaf of bread or whatever food items they have here at a time in order to get supplies for a month would be a pain.

Excuse me, would you like to purchase in bulk? I hear a voice from behind me, making me immediately turn around, my hood blowing slightly in the wind to reveal my face for a moment to the shadow weaver I find standing behind me. The woman then bows her head slightly with a short, My apologies, maam. I did not mean to frighten you.

Looks like they saw my face, judging by the fact that they know my gender. Something Im pretty sure the guard outside didnt actually notice. And something I know Ive heard a few conversations on the way here trying to figure out through my cloak.

Honestly kind of glad they gave me this cloak since its working wonders for hiding my species, considering how its even managing to hide my gender.

As long as they dont find out my species, I dont care.

Its fine, I answer the lady, whose form is that of a human but with pitch black eyes, four spider-like limbs sticking out of their back, and black claws on their fingertips. And yes, I would like to buy in bulk.

The level 453 shadow weaver nods her head and says, Please come with me then, before turning around and walking to a room closer to the clerks desk. But right when shes reaching for the doorknob, a string of shadows suddenly shoots out of her and coils around one of the customers who I now realize is trying to walk out of the store with one of the pieces of shadow silk armor without paying. The string of shadows then begins constricting around their arm holding onto the piece of armor until the orc lets out a scream, following which the arm is completely severed, dropping both the rest of their arm and the armor it was holding to the ground.

I indifferently watch as the demon thief runs screaming out of the building after grabbing their arm. Meanwhile the shadow weaver clerk stops at the door and opens it, saying, Right this way.

Well then. Thats one way to deal with a thief.