Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 70Book 2: : An Unexpected Visit

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Book 2: Chapter 70: An Unexpected Visit


After that, Tar doesnt have much else to say outside of the fact that apparently the spot for the orphanage to be set up and for me to be raised was picked to be a place that wouldnt have me ending up in a Fracture. Some sort of prophecy prediction of if I was raised there, then I wouldnt end up in any Fractures until I was ready.

Everything else is apparently forbidden for him to say. Either due to the prophecy, or due to the king of the fae himself.

And speaking of the king, the guy is supposedly in on the prophecy but also not in on it at the same time. Like, he knows that the prophecy exists, but he doesnt know most or any of the details about it aside from the very end goal of it. Or something like that at least.

A little surprising, but not really something I care much about beyond the restrictions the king is giving Tar. Annoying restrictions that keep me from learning everything right now.

Oh, and the friend of Tar whose contracted partner is the one who told Tar where to find me? That was apparently my fathers fae. Meaning he does know where I am, but likely cant come to find me. Or he just decided to abandon me as well, just like White.

No one will tell me anything about the guy though, so I cant really come to a conclusion there. And it doesnt help that there are probably around a hundred demons who could be my father, since according to Tar, the Argus branch of the blood lycans is pretty large. And all of the demons in the branch have the etched skills, including the mythic one even if they havent unlocked it through the achievements needed.

I sigh at that thought before finishing off the last strawberry and getting up from the couch.

Time to head out. Maybe if I get to the pod dock hall early, it wont have so many fans waiting there to greet me like there were yesterday.

Stupid Primary tournament making me even more famous at our college than I was before.

Not that it wasnt to be expected. I am representing our university in this tournament after all.

But still. Doesnt mean I have to like it.

I sigh again, putting those thoughts out of my head as I go back to my room to get ready for the day beyond just breakfast and questions.

I slump down in my chair at the private booth with a groan of mental exhaustion, having just made it past who knows how many fans waiting outside of the stadium in the magical reality. Much less the ten or so people who were waiting in the snow an hour and a half early for me to show up at the pod dock hall.

Do these people not have anything else they need to be doing?!


Being a celebrity just comes with the territory of being a highly talented Guardian, Tar says while trying to land on my lap, only for me to grab him by the scruff of his neck and toss him away. Which doesnt stop him from speaking. So you better get used to it.

Yeah, yeah, I know. And no sitting on me. How many times do I have to tell you this?

I was hoping you would forget, Tar openly admits, making me narrow my eyes at the tanuki as he sits on the armrest of my chair instead, completely ignoring my look.

You are the most shameless tanuki Ive ever seen in my life, ya know that? Also the only one, but we ignore that fact.

Im a fae, not a tanuki, Tar denies my statement without even looking at me, simply looking out at the stadium that is quickly filling with people.

No, Im pretty sure youre just a tanuki calling themself a fae. I mean, what immortal creature from another dimension would go using a nineteen-year-old girl as a bed and chair? Doesnt that hurt your pride at all? And what about when you-

Black is here, Tar cuts me off, making my eyes narrow even further.

Oh, no you dont! Youre not getting out of this conversation that easily!

Wait, Black is here?

I face forward to find Black standing just a meter in front of my seat.

Oh, right. Black is here.

The understanding of what that means finally hits me a second later when he smirks, making me flinch as my eyes widen.

Why the fuck is Black here in my private booth?!

Youre probably wondering why Im here, Black says while crossing his arms and standing tall, his shadow covering me.

No shit.

Well Im here to tell you that unlike that deadbeat mother of yours, I am perfectly happy to help you! Black says, sounding quite proud of himself as he stands there in front of me wearing a black cloak shrouded in shadows with some sort of shadowy leather armor beneath it. So just ask me whenever you need assistance, and I will come to help! I blink in surprise at this before opening my mouth, only for him to cut me off, But only twice. Anymore and itd be annoying.

I blink again, wondering how I should take that.

Hes obviously in his playful personality right now. But from what I understand, the guy swaps personalities on a dime. Just at random with no warning.

And Id rather not see his other personality.

Anyways, he says before waving at me, thats all I wanted to say! So have a lovely tournament! And gooood luck!

He then vanishes in a veil of shadows that quickly fades away as well, leaving me staring blankly at where he was just standing.

Several seconds pass in silence. Then those seconds turn into an entire minute before I glance at Tar and ask, What just happened?

The tanuki just shrugs his little tanuki shoulders.

I turn back to where he was just standing, only to notice him on a large screen in the center of the stadium, already having returned to the commentators booth.


Why would he offer me his help?

Im willing to guess that he knows about the prophecy, but why would he bother helping me?

Also, he didnt even leave any sort of contact information, so how would I even ask for help in the first place? Its not like Black has any public ways to contact him. Hes just known for showing up at random, and people are expected to take advantage of it to ask him or say whatever they need to at the time before he vanishes again.

I wouldnt put much stock into that mans words if I were you Tar mutters, and I cant help but lightly nod my head.

But I will keep in mind that offer of help he made.

Of course, Tar says, nodding his head. He may not be reliable, but he is honest.

Yeah, the information on him online suggests the same.

Just gotta remember his offer whenever I see him next. Assuming I need help then. Although it wouldve been nice if he had actually given me time to think about it while he was still here. Because Im not sure if Ill even be able to see him again to trade in that favor.

Wait a second

Tar stiffens up.

I narrow my eyes at the tanuki.

Right. We were in the middle of something, werent we?

Tar vanishes from the private booth.

Seriously? Such a coward.

We will talk about this later.

Tar doesnt say anything.

I snort while shaking my head.

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