Wooing my Bodyguard Wife-Chapter 37 Police Interview Part 1

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"Thank god," Xue Ning says with great relief, as she eagerly hauls herself from Xiumin's prone body. Xiumin had become limp with tiredness, or perhaps she was finally realising there was no way to avoid the consequences of her actions.

"You were amazing!" Jingwei gushes effusively, throwing his arms around her in a bear hug. Xue Ning lets out a soft squeak, frozen in surprise. How does one respond to getting hugged by a tall good-looking man? Xue Ning had zero experience regarding this, so her arms merely hung awkwardly by her side before they slowly moved to rest on his broad back, where she could feel the heat of his body even through his clothes.

"Thanks, I guess," she mumbles into his shirt, indirectly getting a whiff of his scent. She flushes.

"So incredible! The greatest!" Sun Jingwei continues to heap endless praises, nearly nuzzling her. If the bathroom was big enough, he would have spun her around in joy. Xue Ning's face got steadily redder at his sincere praises - this was the first time anyone had given her so much appreciation for doing her job.

Then she notices the group of people watching them from the opened door. Some of them were holding phones. She hurriedly coughs and pulls herself from Jingwei's arms, ignoring his puppy eyes.

"We're in public!" She hisses, rearranging her outfit so that she looks more presentable.

Her outfit, which consisted of Sun Jingwei's suit jacket over her panties. Oh god. Please let no one notice this fact. She'll never be able to explain this away if it ends up on social media.

"So?" Jingwei says, his hands outstretched as though going for a second hug. "You still did a good job, and you deserve more people praising you!"

"It's alright, you've praised me enough," she says, batting his hands away. "Besides, you did your job too."

"What did I do?" Jingwei asks, confused. "I just stayed in a toilet cubicle until you told me it was safe to come out."

"Exactly. That's the main point." Xue Ning says. "You just stayed hidden and called the police. You heard her, she clearly wanted to kill you because of the video."

"And you kept me alive!" He says, clutching her hand joyously. Xue Ning needs to know how much she means to him though. He had not felt like himself for the longest time, but meeting her has been life-changing in more ways than one.

"My life is yours forever." He squeezes her hand. "Whatever you need, just say the word and it's yours."

Xue Ning rolls her eyes, but her heart beats slightly faster at his words. God, this man just spews out cheesy lines with no shame.

"Yes, I would be a really shitty bodyguard if I didn't." Xue Ning points out, refusing to even go near his last two statements. What would she even do with Sun Jingwei's life? What would she need from him that she could not eventually achieve herself? 𝑓𝑟eℯ𝒘𝗲𝑏n𝑜𝚟𝙚𝒍.𝒄o𝐦

A police officer coughs politely to get their attention. "Excuse me, do you have a second?"

Right, they were still technically in the middle of a crime scene. The policeman looked at them expectantly, with world-weary exasperation. He should have expected to be treated like air when he received the distress call for high priority individuals. Who else was a higher priority than Sun Jingwei, the second son of a billionaire who managed to involve himself in all sorts of random offences?

At least this time he wasn't drunk, caught for public disturbance, or eluding every traffic law known to man. In fact, he seemed to be a victim this time around, which was a refreshing change!

"Oh it's Officer Tang! Nice to see you again. How's your wife?" Jingwei says merrily, as though greeting an old friend.

Officer Tang's lips merely gave a tired twitch that could vaguely resemble a smile, if one squinted under the right lighting.

"Sorry Officer Tang," Xue Ning says politely, bowing slightly. She gives Jingwei a warning look and he follows with a slight downward tilt of his head.

Officer Tang immediately had a better impression of this woman. Not only was she capable enough to subdue a potential threat, she was respectful and had the ability to corral Sun Jingwei into some civility. Were the rumours right? Was Sun Jingwei secretly married?

"I have a few questions I need to ask," Officer Tang says, slipping back into his work mode. He was not going to ask about their relationship. He would have time later to discuss such things with his wife when he got off work. His wife adored romance, and he adored her.

"Yes, of course Officer," Xue Ning replies. "Do you want to question us here?"

"In the toilet?" Sun Jingwei adds. "That's new, but I don't mind. It makes a good change!"

Xue Ning and Officer Tang both turned to look at Jingwei like he lost his mind.

"We can go outside," Officer Tang says to Xue Ning, clearly the more rational one of the two.

"Yes, please," she says, nodding to him before walking out of the bathroom, Sun Jingwei hot on her heels like a puppy trotting adoringly after his owner.

The rumours were starting to seem more real to Officer Tang.

Officer Tang leads them to an empty dining room to conduct the interview. He nods to his assistant, a young junior police officer called Lin Rui, who hastily begins to voice record. Meanwhile, Officer Tang pulls out his notepad.

"Officer Tang, why haven't you upgraded to using your phone too?" Jingwei asks casually. "Look, your assistant is doing it!"

"If my assistant is doing it, then I don't have to do it," Officer Tang says, his eye twitching in irritation. He takes a deep breath and clears his throat.

"Alright, let's begin this interview," Officer Tang says. "May I know what happened here?"

"Long story short - that woman bribed our server to spill hot soup on me," Xue Ning says, before realising that she forgot something. "Wait - how is Xiao Hui? I mean, our server. That madwoman implied that she did something to her."

"Is she alive?"