Worlds’ Apocalypse Online-Chapter 426: A gift for you

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Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader: Arya

Note: There might be some unfamiliar concepts mentioned in this chapter, this was because I decided to change the translation of a few already known concepts in order to help better visualize them.


Hazeden scowled greatly, wracking his brain to think of how to repay Gu Qing Shan.

“Wait a minute, let me take care of that”

Soft Note inside the card spoke.

She pulled a thick card binder out of nowhere, drawing a card from it.

A large eye was depicted on the card.

A thin faint mist flowed from the eye, erupted then turned into an intense spiral.

This was the rare Divination card she owned.

“Despite having such a rare and powerful card, I still fell into the situation I did, meaning I was not suitable to have it”

Saying so, Soft Note threw the card to Gu Qing Shan.

“I’ve removed my soul signature from it. Please treat it well from now on”

She sounded unwilling, but also firm.

Gu Qing Shan received the card.

A long explanation appeared on the War God UI.

[Predictor of Fate, rare card]

[In moments of hesitation, you may observe this card in order to see a possibility of your own fate]

[Note: Only the most talented card users will know how to use this card, the unworthy others will only be fooled by it for trying to take a peek into fate]

[Special note by the system: This is a rare and precious card, you will be able to trade it for anything your heart desires in many worlds]

Gu Qing Shan wondered something: “I heard that the cards are all your God’s Chosen Skill, you can give your God’s Chosen Skill to someone else to use?”

Hazeden and Soft Note exchanged looks.

“Since you’re the one asking, I don’t mind telling you”

Hazeden spoke full of meaning.

“Cards don’t necessarily have to be your own God’s Chosen Skill, it can be someone else’s as well, as long as a card user is competent enough, they can completely remove their soul signature on the cards”

Gu Qing Shan understood immediately.

Su Xue Er once gave him a card. (1)

Only a powerful God’s Chosen can give their ability to others for use.

He nodded in understanding.

“So that’s why, thank you”

“There is no need to, if you have time, you’re always welcome to be our guest at Sky Haze kingdom” Hazeden said before throwing him a medal.

Gu Qing Shan received the medal and found that it depicted a great tree where countless glittering cards of different colors were hung.

“Take this, it contains our world’s coordinates and space tunnel, if you come to my kingdom one day, you will be able to see me directly with this medal” Hazeden smiled and explained.

“Great, you are also welcome to our world whenever you’re free” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Hazeden and Soft Note nodded and smiled.

He waved to Gu Qing Shan for the last time before going into the crack in space.

Space was quickly repairing itself.

Everything became normal again, as if the world on the other side never existed in the first place.

The human realm returned to peace.

The afternoon sunlight shined upon the earth.

Then in the sky, a bit further away in the opposite direction, three moons were visible.

The world of Huang Quan was a pure Yin-attribute world, so after the worlds fused, to balance the Yin and Yang attributes, a portion of the world’s Origin power had formed two new moons.

As everyone looked up to see the moons in the sky, they finally realized that the world was now different.

Some breeze came blowing from afar, giving off a refreshing sense of coolness unlike ever before.

Feeling the air, Gu Qing Shan muttered: “Natural energy has become more abundant…”

The two worlds fusing had caused the Core of the world to become stronger.

From now on, those who cultivate will find it easier to advance through the stages.

The ground started to tremble slightly.

The entire planet was trembling.

Out of nowhere, glowing lines of text scrolled pass his vision.

[The world’s outer changes are complete]

[The two world’s inner Laws will begin to fuse]

[The fusion of the worlds inner Laws will cause great disturbance in the world’s Core]

[Please leave this world within 10 minutes to avoid having your personal timeline affected by the fluctuations in Origin power]

Gu Qing Shan froze.

The last time this happened was when the Game of Eternal came.

During that time, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but be forced to hide away in the cultivation world.

“Why is it that I have to avoid it every time that the world undergoes a great fluctuation?” he had to ask.

The System responded: [You and I are both refugees who sneaked their way back from the end of the world, so from a timeline standpoint, we are unique entities from other living beings]

[Whenever the world’s Laws changes greatly like this, the chaotic space-time fluctuations on your body will be revealed, like a shining beacon in the night, attracting the attention of both powerful Gods and Demons]

[They are very interested in such things]

Gu Qing Shan still couldn’t understand: “But I’ve already given up my memories as a sword saint —–didn’t I already return completely?”

[That is indeed the case, but the chaotic space-time fluctuations on your body will only gradually disappear, not go away all at once]

“How long does it take for it to fully go away?”

[1 month at the earliest, half a year at the latest]

Gu Qing Shan exhaled.

It’s fine as long as it will go away eventually.

Otherwise, it isn’t a good feeling having to run away whenever the world changes too much.

Two more lines of glowing text scrolled past the War God UI.

[We are about to return to the space tunnel connecting Shen Wu world and an unknown world]

[9 minutes remaining, please prepare carefully]

Gu Qing Shan nodded.

He looked at his comrades and spoke: “I have something I want to tell you”

In a few minutes, Gu Qing Shan explained everything except the fact that he returned from the future in a way that everyone can understand.

“You mean, you’ve always had the ability to go to another world?” the President asked.

“That’s right, the cultivation scriptures were all brought back from that world” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“What level are you considered to be at in the other world?” Ye Fei Li asked.

Gu Qing Shan recalled Bai Hua Fairy.

“Apart from my Shifu, I’m probably the strongest” Gu Qing Shan answered

Everyone sighed from relief.

That’s good, that’s good.

This frightening guy not only messed up the world of Huang Quan, he also pushed the ‘Heavenly God’ to his demise.

If even Gu Qing Shan isn’t much in the other world, then everyone here would be under too much pressure.

While everyone calmed down, Gu Qing Shan continued.

“That reminds me”

“I forgot to mention, but there’s actually another world, they are probably a few times stronger than the cultivation world, my level of Ascended realm late stage is probably nothing over there”

There’s another world!?

Everyone was shocked.

Zhang Ying Hao carefully asked: “How strong are they?”

“There used to be a person in that world that wanted to refine an entire world for himself”

Zhang Ying Hao had nothing to say to that.

Gu Qing Shan continued to explain: “After Ascended realm comes Sainted, Sainted was already the strongest of the cultivation world. But in the other world, above Sainted there were still 4 other realms of Projection, Tribulation, Virtualized and Cryptic”

“The guy who wanted to refine the world to himself was only a Tribulation realm, but later on he became a Virtualized realm”

This time, everyone was thoroughly speechless.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the War God UI.

3 minutes left.

He has been thinking of how to explain his leave.

Now, he finally has a good enough excuse.

“Since the two worlds are fusing, there will be exceptionally powerful existences that try to pry into our world. Thanks to the world barrier, they won’t be able to come in, but they’ll find out about my ability to travel between worlds”

“What do you mean? Will they try to catch you?” Anna hurriedly asked.

“Don’t worry” Gu Qing Shan assured her, “as long as I go to the other world to avoid them during the fusion process, I won’t be found”


(1) Yes, it was supposed to be a scroll, but the author wrote “card” here, it’s a plot hole that will be retcon-ed later.