Xianxia: Why am I here?-Chapter 139

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139 Frozen Chinglin Palace

The perception kept expanding in the dense fog unimpeded until a huge shadow appeared in Wang’s view.

Before it stands numerous flowers, it seemed like a flower field.

Seeing the huge broken stone steel with flowers that seemed to be the cause of the fog covering the entire area, Wang was very interested.

Instead of moving all the family, he took a step forward, “Let me check out that place it seems interesting.” As he spoke he stopped toward covering close to a hundred meters in a single step and on the second step he took a thousand meters.

Just like that, he kept covering a large distance with every step.

“Wow!” Seeing this Ruruo was indeed impressed and when she heard their daughter’s exclamation she just smiled.

“Those Swan strides is indeed something, perhaps I should also spend some time studying it. Why not do it now, anyway I have time to spare at the moment. I’m sure he did that intentionally, just to show off the technique.” As Ruruo pouted she remembered the content of Swan Strides, as Wang had passed it to her. 𝐟𝐫𝗲𝙚w𝚎𝐛𝙣𝐨𝙫𝘦𝗹.c૦m

Indeed the technique was very exaggerated and after six steps, Wang had arrived near the stone stale.

He did move using instincts just how, after determining the location to try out the skill and he was satisfied with it.


He has been unable to try out the technique properly due to spending just of his time cultivating.

Indeed it can’t be said that Wang is very talented, but he still works hard despite all this.

Take for instance Ruruo has not been very focused as he is, and he has a cheat, but she broke through before him.

The speed of her cultivation is indeed something. Even currently Wang didn’t take it very seriously but she seems to have the probability of reaching meaning perfection level of a world master.

This is the first level of the world master realm, that requires the true nine meanings to be competently fused.

Then the issue of domain mastery, but he has already perfected them and just has to make a fusion, yet he didn’t make much of an effort on it.

He however saw hope by looking at the Qi codex. After completing the fourth level of world energy evolution, he would fuse all the true meanings to make a step forward.

Ruruo fused them slowly and currently, she had already fused about seven, in time she might achieve perfection after comprehending the remaining two.

Standing in front of the stone stale, Wang could feel oppression on the soul level, but it was not strong.

The flowers, however, seemed to have the ability to induce illusions, it was a shame his spirit was too strong to care about this.

Looking at the stone stele, several huge words were written and he couldn’t understand what they represented at all.

He moved close and upon touching it, he felt some force pulling him and before he could react he had been thrown into another space.

In the beginning, he thought he had entered another space, but then he saw himself he knew he was wrong.

His figure was too huge, and just standing there he almost measured the same as the height of some trees.

But he could not feel his strong body at all, to say the star refinement art and other body exercises could not be felt.

But he could still see some star patterns on his spiritual self.

[How come I have no clothes at all? And what is with my exaggerated size?] The moment this thought came up, his body shrunk back and a new set of clothes in his imagination appeared on his body.

This change startled him and he kept trying it until he expended and returned to normal several times as he found it fun.

When it turned out to be boring to him, he finally calmed down and looked around.

In the distance, he could see a huge stale that resemble the broken one he just touched.

It was towering above even giant trees, and he had an urge to go in that direction.

As he hurried along the forest path, it didn’t take long to see a huge road made of stones.

He then came to a place with numerous stone stairs, though he could an ancient atmosphere, the stone steps seemed clean.

One could think they had been swept as even the numerous small pits on the steps did not contain any dust.

Wang hurriedly climbed on the steps at a moderate pace, as he didn’t see anyone competing with him for the chance.

The higher he climbed the colder it felt and at the same time, vast ancient oppression could be felt like a test of willpower, but he could see that was caused by some kind of spear Mark at the top of the mountain.

It seemed to oppress anyone that tried to climb the mountain, and the closer he got, the colder, the air become.

He even had to force himself to stop and observe the mountain always feeling like something was observing him.

“This Mountain gives me a weird feeling, I can’t explain it!” He still took another step towards it nonetheless.

As he took a step on the last step, it was as though he had entered another world.

The winter weather season seemed to have become a norm in the place. Numerous snowflakes were falling crystalline and yet, they could make even his spiritual self feel very cold.

Observing the entire mountain, from his high standing it seemed to be like a slumbering ice dragon.

As his feet moved, they seemed to step deeply into the snow sinking from time to time, making some sounds with each footstep.

“Pfft! Pfft!”

As he moved further and further he could see the stale come into view and it seemed to tower towards the heavens.

But he was sure that was an illusion as he had seen its top when he had just entered this place.

The further he moved, he could feel the vast breadth being released by the huge stone stele, and a bridge about a hundred meters could be seen in the distance.

He had to cross it to arrive on the other side, but when he was close to the bridge he could see that below the bridge was pure black.

The fear of falling off seemed to come into play immediately after he arrived close to the bridge.

In the distance after the bridge, some old man seemed to be sitting down.

“Young man, are you sure you want to walk across this bridge? You can stop the trial halfway.” Listening to the voice that seemed to be vibrating from all directions, Wang had already figured out that the old man was not going to let him just pass.

On the outside, after Wang pressed his hands on the stone stele, he seemed to be standing there motionlessly, event high his breathing could still be felt.

Ruruo was observing everything and thus she was not worried seeing him still sensing before the stele.

She was already ready to move in case anything unexpected happened and thus kept keeping an eye out.

In the same way, Fengxi was slightly anxious as she still had some fear of this fog.

Stepping on the footbridge, Wang had already decided to find out what the stone stale was.

His feet moved with some difficulty as some mental attacks were launched at him.

It was also the same time that he started hearing numerous voices, seemingly coming from below the bridge. He however did not bother himself with it, as his main concern was getting on the other side.

His heart was calm, and the void cosmic art took effect, making some sounds of rubbing waterfall echo in his spiritual consciousness drowning all the other voices along the way.

“Indeed it seems very effective, perhaps I should find a chance to upgrade the void cosmic art too. Maybe some qualitative change might occur at that time.” Actually, over the years, he seemed to have already exhausted the already cultivated section.

Expansion of his consciousness would stop being exaggerated unless he took more initiative to cultivate the technique again.

After arriving at the edge of the bridge, he looked down and the pitch black darkness seemed to be like a huge devil sleeping and any action directed towards it might have the capability to wake it up. f𝑟e𝒆𝘄𝐞𝚋𝚗oѵ𝐞𝗹.c૦𝑚

Shaking his head that thought was disrupted and he stepped off the bridge, seeing an old man with White hair sitting there just observing him.

“Young man to move past me is considered you have the right qualifications to advance, and this old man won’t stop you then.” The old man spoke in a slightly excited voice.

Wang couldn’t help but suspect that this old man had not seen humans for a long time.

Being in this place lonely, perhaps even he was not human just some kind of remnant soul or spirit of the stele.

“Ooh, that is it?” He asked and then seemed to be preparing to make his move before the old man could even celebrate, Sawn (flashes)strides were unfolded and Wang had already arrived a hundred meters away.

Then the next step took him close to the stale, before the old man could say anything he heard a sound.

“Hahaha old man, I’m very pleased with your rules, I guess I passed.” He was not this old man’s opponent but the rules he just mentioned gave him a loophole to exploit.

Sitting there the old man was still in a daze.

Where am I?

What am I doing?

Where some of the questions he couldn’t answer when he was left sitting and Wang arrived in front of the huge stele.

Beneath the stele, Qinlin Palace was written but, he couldn’t even approach the palace due to the extreme Yin emanating and covering the place.