Zhan Yue-Chapter 587: Place to fight

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Chapter 587: Place to fight

“Sky Cavalries strike!”

The Flame Sky Cavalries waved the spears in their hands and changed directions. The Skeleton Elves and Destroyer Army also charged towards where Undying Mountain broke. At this point, Bright Moon Pass’s geography was destroyed and it wasn’t a place that they had to pass through to enter Black Castle!

“Don’t go!”

Senior Sister held her talisman and looked at the Flame Army that was leaving like a flood. Her shoulder shuddered and she panicked. The appearance of the Mountain Moving Formation not only shocked all of us, but it was also something that Senior Sister Yun didn’t expect.


Light Lantern looked at the red patch in the distance, “Now what? There seems to be no need to defend Bright Moon Pass.”


I held my daggers and looked into the distance. I frowned, “Black Castle… Might be finished…”

“Not yet!”

Lin Xi turned around and looked at me, “Is there a teleportation formation? With You can all head to Black Castle, I don’t believe we can’t turn this quest around!”


Cal bit her teeth, “At least With You won’t give up so easily!”

Haotian, Yixue, Heaven Morque etc raised their swords, “Let’s go, head to Black Castle!”

I nodded, “Bright Moon Pass has a teleportation formation there, let’s go!”

We gave up on Bright Moon Pass and headed towards the teleportation formation. I looked towards Senior Sister and said loudly, “Senior Sister come down!”

She floated down and she looked lost, “Bright Moon Pass… Is useless, I can’t bring the Nine Heavens Lightning Formation to Black Castle… We…”

I gritted my teeth, “Senior Sister, let’s head to Black Castle and defend for as long as we can! Even I didn’t give up so how can you give up?”

A bit of hope appeared in her eyes and she nodded, “Okay Junior Brother, let’s head back!”

She shouted into the distance, “Bai Jian, lead the main force back to assist Black Castle, we will use the teleportation formation. Lin Mu lead the first army of the left camp to defend Bright Moon Pass. No matter what we can’t let it fall to the Dimension Legion, if not, Black Castle would become more exposed!”

“Yes Lady!”

Lin Mu knelt down on one knee and pressed his blade on the ground. His eyes were filled with fighting spirit.


Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan and I stepped into the teleportation formation. In the next moment, we teleported to the square of Black Castle. The defending troops had gotten the news and many Dark Archers and Undead Cavalries came down the mountain to defend. At the same time, a golden barrier appeared and the mountain protecting formation was activated.

In the sky, an indomitable figure stood. It was King of Darkness holding the formation talisman. He said solemnly, “The war is about to arrive, fight alongside me!”

“Where will we go?” Lin Xi asked.

I pointed down the mountain, “Let’s head to the wall. We have the Mountain Protecting Formation so we might be a little useful!”


When With You prepared to head down, the teleportation formation flashed and another bunch teleported over. The one at the front was Fengxian, there was also Cloud Arrogance, Astral Step etc. Fengxian said, “Seven you are going to defend the wall?”

“En, why did you all come?” I asked.

“No choice.”

He cupped his fists, “We know that Black Castle is your home and once it is wiped out, your strength would reduce. That isn’t a good thing for us, anyways we want points so we came. Time to jump into fire with With You!”


Cloud Arrogance said seriously, “Although Lingyan Pavilion is not very strong, but we hope to be able to help, even a little!”


Astral Step nodded, “We will see everything through. Since we are here then we would retreat with With You. No need to say anything, let’s defend!”



Everyone walked down the mountain. A strong wall surrounded the mountain. Lin Xi and I led With You onto the walls. The ranged players found their positions and spread out. The heavy armored players stood at the front and helped the ranged players block the wind.

At that moment, the ground shook. In the distance, an ink-green group filled the field. On close look, they were level 130 Pioneer Cavalries. They were really quick and galloped like thunder.

In the sky, a familiar person appeared. It was Pioneer Valen who laughed arrogantly, “Xuanyuan Yu! Your Black Castle has many undead cultivators and you are all undead and cultivate the death laws. You are the same as the Dimension Legion Army so why have you joined the enemy and want to work with Xuanyuan Empire to wipe us out? Today I have led the elites of Pioneer Forest here to trample over you to remove your names from the continent!”


Xuanyuan Yu didn’t make a sound. He just held the formation talisman and stood against the wind.

“Your Highness!”

The wind gathered to form Senior Sister Yun’s figure, she looked apologetic, “Sorry, I couldn’t defend Bright Moon Pass, Nine Heavens Lightning Formation… got left there, it is useless…”

“That is not your fault!”

He waved his sleeves and his eyes were filled with fighting spirit, “No one knew that they would use a formation that had been lost since ancient times. Since it has already happened, we can only fight to the end. We will live or die with Black Castle!”

“Yes Your Highness!”

Behind him, Bai Jian held his spear and appeared while riding a war tiger. Behind him were the undead cavalry army. Apart from that, Zhang Xiaoshan, Pang Dalong, Long Guo etc appeared.

“Senior Sister, where is Master?”

I didn’t see Ding Heng so I was worried.

“Master should be fine.”

She said, “He led a bunch of elites to defend the branch. I got the news that they sent some Pioneer Cavalries to attack it. They should be trying to hold him there so that he can’t assist Black Castle. They won’t be able to hurt his life.”

“That’s good.”

I looked ahead. The walls were at least 20 yards high and those Pioneer Cavalries looked really small from below. At this moment, they charge over and sliced on the barrier. The thick and long barrier durability started to reduce.

“All out!”

I pointed and said, “Time to kill monsters, cherish this time!”

“Yes deputy guild leader!”

Everyone nodded. All sorts of spells and arrows shot down. I raised my dagger and used Apprehension+Wooden Dummy before charging down. I slashed at the Pioneer Cavalries. Not long later, Lin Xi, Light Lantern, Cal etc also came down to attack the monsters.

“Why did you all come down?” Lin Xi asked.

“Protect the war durability, if not what?” Cal asked.

“That is the problem.”

Haotian sliced the head off one cavalry and then said solemnly, “It is easy to come down but how shall we head back? After all the walls are quite high.”

“That is fine!”

I tossed a Bloodthirst Banner, “My banner can be used as an attack target. Try to use Assault at it, maybe you can head back up like that.”


Haotian turned around and used assault. His body turned into an energy wave that charged up. He stumbled and then fell onto the wall.

“How, it is okay right?” I asked.

He leaped off and said, “Can is can, just that the balance is a little weaker.”


Everyone laughed, it made everyone who was close to despair feel slightly better.


Not long later, it was dawn and a figure holding a flame blade appeared. Like a demon descending on earth, she looked down on us. It was Fire Demon Witch Soora who smiled, “Last time the few Country Heads couldn’t break into Black Castle. Today, Pioneer, Twilight Blade and I will descend. I want to see who can save Black Castle!”

Xuanyuan Yu’s gaze was ice cold, “Soora, we have never disturbed one another so why? Do you really want us to fight back?”

“Is that so?”

Soora smiled, “Since King of Darkness said that, I have a good suggestion for you.”


“I don’t want to kill all of you. If you are willing, lead your members away. I just want Black Castle.”

“Black Castle?”

Senior Sister Yun frowned, “Soora what do you want?”

“Naturally I want the mountain that is covered in death energy.”

Soora smiled, “After killing all of you, I will build a palace here for the Dimension Legion to set foot in the south to attack the humans. I can also scare off Blood Dynasty, what do you think?”

Zhang Xiaoshan pointed, “Fire Demon Witch, do you think we will allow you to?”

“There is no difference.”

She frowned and her eyes were filled with killing intent, “Since you are all stubborn then die alongside Black Castle! Flame Sky Cavalry Army, attack. Smash their formation within 2 hours!”

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