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6 Times a Day-Chapter 1219 - 1214 [3.5K words]
Chapter 1219 -1214 [3.5K words]
Adrian didn't quite pass out, but it seemed to him as if his life force had left him. He wanted to sleep for a thousand years.
"Aidy? Aidy?"
He opened his eyes to see what his mother wanted, but that was all his completely exhausted body could do.
Suddenly, it hit him like a Mack truck. My God! I just came all over Ma! His whole body spasmed as if an electric shock passed through it, because at the same time that realization hit him, he saw that Brenda was scooping up his cum gobs off the upper slopes of her bare breasts, licking her fingers clean, and sucking them off in her mouth.
He sat up, suddenly completely wired and alive.
"Aidy! You taste good. Yum! I knew you would." In fact, his cum was much more bitter than Alan's, but she wanted to sound encouraging. It certainly wasn't repellant and she could tell she could come to love the taste, in time, but it wasn't addictively delicious the way Alan's was.
"Momma! What the hell?! Is this for real?!"
"Aidy, I keep trying to tell you. My body is meant to serve. To serve you and serve my master. All you have to do is accept me and my new life in Alan's harem. There's enough of me to share."
Despite the insanely arousing sight in front of him, Adrian frowned. "But Ma. I thought I was your master now."
She raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "What makes you think that?"
"What you just said. 'Make me yours."" His timidity took over and his voice faded as he spoke. The words "Make me yours" seemed so outrageous that he barely managed to finish the sentence.
She replied, "Of course I'm yours. I'll always be yours. And I love that you affirmed that by marking me with your yummy seed. But remember that I'm also Alan's. With you, I'm your mother first and foremost. He's the one who really owns my body."
She wasn't being diplomatic about Alan, to say the least, but she was so infatuated with her master that she didn't realize the damage her words were causing.
Adrian visibly deflated. He was confused. One moment something would happen to get him extremely excited, but then she would say something about her relationship with this Alan that would crush his spirits.
She saw this, at least, and said, "I know you must be confused. I serve two men now and that's unusual. But I'm sure you'll come to love all the changes in me and accept what has happened." She licked up another cum gob and lightly moaned in satisfaction as she swallowed it down. "Mmmm. Let me lift your spirits by drinking straight from the tap."
She bent over to put her lips on his still flaccid penis. But before she could get there, she heard, "Brenda! NO!"
Brenda lifted her head and turned towards the door where the voice came from. To no one's great surprise, it was Anika, looking stern and unhappy.
Brenda had expected Anika to come in and spoil her fun sooner or later; what surprised her now that she thought about it was that Anika had left her alone with Adrian as long as she did.
Anika walked into the room, completely unfazed by Brenda's and Adrian's partial nakedness. She scraped one of her index fingers back and forth across her other one in a "naughty, naughty" gesture. "Brenda? Vat do you tink you're doink? You know dat's a no-no. No mouth. Not vithout Suzanne's okay."
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Adrian had been repeatedly hit by one surprise after another ever since Brenda had come home. He'd fantasized about his mother for years and suddenly all his dreams were coming true, even if there was a fly in the ointment in the shape of Alan. But to hear Anika confirm that handjobs were okay, even if blowjobs were not, almost blew his head open. He stared at Anika with complete incredulity.
Brenda slumped a bit and looked down. "Sorry, Anika. I just can't help myself."
"I know. Dat's de problem. I'm goink to haf to tell Suzanne about dis. She von't be happy." Anika looked upset, but really it was more of an act than anything. She'd been watching Adrian and Brenda through the video surveillance system for a while until they became completely absorbed with each other; and then she'd watched from the door.
She had no problem with Adrian and Brenda getting physical with each other, she just wanted to make sure that they followed the path Suzanne had laid out for them and didn't go too far too soon. She realized that she would have to play the bad cop in a "good cop, bad cop" routine for a while, but she didn't mind. She loved Brenda like she was her own daughter, and Adrian like he was her grandson. She was happy to see them happy together in this way.
Brenda just dropped her head even more dejectedly.
But then Anika clapped her hands. "Come on, you two. Enough dawdlink around. De foot is vaitink for you. Lots of goot foot! Let's go!"
Brenda took Adrian's hand in hers and lifted him up from the bed.
He looked at his mother, caught a glimpse of the totally sheer nightie she'd left on his bed, and then looked down at himself with his penis openly dangling, and said, "Um, Ma, what about our clothes?"
Brenda smiled and winked at him. Then she started forward after Anika, bringing him along with her. "What about them? I feel more comfy like this. How 'bout you?"
Bewildered, he automatically mumbled, "Um, yeah. I guess." But he found that he couldn't actually work up the courage to leave his room in the buff. He pulled his brown pants back up, and said, "Momma, can I leave my pants on for now? I get all weird thinking of Anika seeing me like, well, you know."
Brenda replied, "She just saw everything. She saw my hands flying up and down and all around your juicy rod, so what's the big deal?"
"I know, but I was out of my mind then. Now that I'm thinking about, I get embarrassed." She shrugged. "Suit yourself. But I'm going to go downstairs in my birthday suit, if you don't mind. A lovely girl named Amy has taught me that there's absolutely nothing wrong with being naked. In fact, we should rejoice in the freedom of complete nudity."
He stared at his mother like she'd grown an extra head.
Adrian thought he was living a dream as he walked through the giant Hunter mansion hand in hand with his mother. The only pause in the dream was when she stopped by a bathroom to pee, as well as wash her face clean.
As they resumed walking, he kept looking over to her bare breasts, which wobbled and swayed in an almost violent yet deliciously enticing fashion, all the more so because of her pumps. Brenda was so outrageously stacked that it was a really bad idea for her to run naked, and even walking fast could be rather problematic.
But seeing that enticing sight, and especially noticing her nipples were even longer than usual, got to him fast. His penis was rock hard before they even reached the ground floor.
The lump in his pants soon caught her eye. "Oh, Aidy! Such a BIG boy! Is that all for me? You're just like Alan, so hard and full of cum twenty-four hours a day!"
Her comments were bittersweet to Adrian. Why always this Alan all the time? he complained to himself. Alan, Alan, Alan. I HATE that name!
But before he could say anything, Brenda's hand found his erection. "Here. Let me help you with that. We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself with that thing so stiff and hard! Do you mind if I do this?" She fished his hard-on out of his pants and held it tightly. Then she licked her lips and gave it a few pleasurable squeezes.
They continued into the dining room with Brenda bent down a little bit and grasping Adrian's erection the whole way. The dining room looked big enough to seat fifty or more, but there was only one small table in the middle of the room capable of seating just four. It was much smaller than the usual table they ate at, and seemed out of place with its simplicity when surrounded by crystal chandeliers and fancy furnishings.
Since he stopped to look at the new table, she began stroking his erection as she talked. "You noticed the table, I see. I figure we should be more comfy now that we're increasingly
He gulped. Everything seemed to be happening too fast. He sat down in a chair and Brenda sat across the table from him.
Anika stood by, the only servant still in the entire Hunter estate (as usual). But everything had been prepared to perfection already, so she sat at the table too, ready to eat the Thanksgiving meal with Adrian and Brenda just like they were family.
No sooner did Anika sit down though than she stood up again and walked to the adjoining kitchen to bring the food. Though Anika was like family, Brenda was horribly spoiled in her own home and expected Anika to get everything for her.
Brenda winked, and said, "Don't you dare tuck that lovely thing away again. Momma's gonna
have fun with it later."
So Adrian kept his fly unzipped and his erection poking straight up as he sat there. (His shyness almost got to him, but the table gave him some protection.) But despite his exposure, which he found surprisingly exciting, his orgasmic urges returned to somewhat manageable levels while he and Brenda waited for Anika to return.
Finally, everything was ready, and with a big mountain of food filling the small table between them, Brenda reached out her hands and said, "Since it's Thanksgiving, shall we say grace?" Adrian couldn't believe how incredibly bizarre it was for his mother to say grace without wearing a stitch of clothing while his erection hung out in the open and continued to throb with need. The fact that Anika was dressed as usual just made the nudity seem all the stranger.
The three of them held hands. Brenda was fairly religious, though not fervent like Susan. She closed her eyes and said, "Dear Lord. Thank You for everything you've given us this year. It was a difficult year, so very difficult with the divorce looming over our heads, but then you gave me Alan and gave my life new meaning in serving him. Thank You, Lord. I'd like to imagine that Alan is sitting right here in this empty fourth chair, just as he is always here in my heart. And Lord, thank you so much for the continued good health of Anika, whom I love like a mother, and for the good health of Adrian, my cute little Pooh Bear whom I love more than life itself. I know this next year is going to be the best year of our lives, thanks to Your divine guidance and love. Amen."
Adrian could hardly believe his ears, hearing her go on about Alan like that. His erection
finally wilted.
With the prayer over and hands unclasped, Brenda was ready to start in on the turkey and the other hot food. But she looked at Adrian and saw him looking very dejected. Tears were even starting to run down his face and his head was still bowed down, a remarkable feat considering that Brenda was right in front of him and jaw-droppingly topless.
"Awww, Pooh Bear. What's wrong, honey?"
There was a long silence. Finally, Adrian said, "Ma, I hate to be ungrateful, what with this big
house and big meal and Thanksgiving and everything, but why are you always going on about Alan, Alan, Alan?! I hate that horrible name! You even have him sit here at the table with us in
your imagination!" He looked over at the empty chair with loathing. "I hate this guy! I wanna
strangle him!"
Brenda reached forward and held Adrian's hand comfortingly. "Awww, Aidy, I'm sorry. I didn't think. It's just that he means so much to me."
"Well, what about me?! Do I mean a lot to you? You just said you love me more than life, but
suddenly I'm second fiddle to this Alan guy in everything! I'm so confused! Things are so... great" - his eyes finally drifted up to her exposed cleavage - "but so horrible, too! It's like some kind of twisted joke is being played on me! I'm about to crack! Why can't you love just me? I could give you everything you need! Forget about this Alan guy! Please, Mom, please!"
Brenda was distraught. Her first reaction was to dismiss his concerns and say they had discussed this all yesterday. But seeing the depth of his anguish, she realized that wasn't going to cut it and she'd need a better explanation than what she'd told him before. She smiled and said, "Pooh Bear, I love you so much and that'll never change, I promise. I'll
never neglect you or your happiness, I swear." She kicked off one of her high heels and leaned forward. Then she started to work her bare foot up one of Adrian's legs. She'd brought in the
small table mainly so she'd be close enough to her son to play footsie with him, and other
She went on, "Aidy, I'm so excited about finding new ways for us to share our love. I want to give you pleasure and joy!" Her foot quickly rose up past his knees and zoomed straight to his
crotch. Adrian gasped as the sole of her foot found his penis. It zoomed back to a full erection in seconds. Her foot had no trouble pinning his hard-on against one of his thighs and starting to stroke it. She figured he would be more receptive to what she said if he was out of his mind
with orgasmic pleasure.
She added more soberly, "However, let's face it, there are some things you just can't give me
that Alan can. I'm not talking about his giant tasty penis, although that certainly helps. I'm
talking about attitude. Some people are natural leaders and some are not. Alan is unusual because he's not arrogant, he's not full of himself, and in fact he's downright modest. Just looking at him at first glance, you wouldn't realize that he's such a sex stud. But he just knows how to take command of a woman!" She closed her eyes for a moment and shivered deliciously with happy memories. "All he has to do is look at me and I get wet, so very wet, because he's claiming ownership over my busty body simply with a single look in my
This was definitely not making Adrian feel better. He said glumly, "And you're saying I'm not
like that."
She squeezed his hand with hers above the table and her foot pressed against his hard-on below the table. "No, Pooh Bear, I'm sorry, but you're not."
"But maybe I could learn? Don't you think I could?" His eyes were pleading and sad. Brenda turned to Anika. "Anika? What do you think? Am I being too harsh here?" "No," the old woman said, "It's tough luff. Aidy, she's right you know. I hate to say dis, but
you're a cream puff. Wery veak. I'm sorry, because it's mostly my fault and Brenda's fault. Ve spoiled you rotten."
Brenda nodded. "It's sad but true. We did spoil you, just like how I'm horribly spoiled too. You
just don't have the backbone you need to be a true master. Look at the way you begged me when you asked, 'Maybe I could learn?' Alan wouldn't ask. He just takes what he wants and
makes it his. And then he fills every hole with lots of tasty sperm. I doubt I'd even have a long conversation like this with him because after a minute or two I'd find myself on my knees, sucking his intoxicatingly powerful cock. I don't even know how it happens since I'm in such a fog of desire whenever I'm around him, but it does."
Her eyelashes fluttered with desire and then her look turned glassy. But then she refocused on
her son and squeezed his hand. "Aidy, I love you as my son, but not as my master. Alan is my natural master. I'm sorry. But as I keep telling you, that shouldn't hinder my relationship with
you at all. It's like having both a son and a husband. Just replace 'husband' with 'harem master' and there you go."
Adrian nodded forlornly. His tears had stopped but he was so sad that even his penis had
finally gone flaccid again, despite Brenda's footjob. Then, suddenly, he leaned forward and burst into tears.
Brenda put the heel she'd kicked off back on. Then she rushed around the table and wrapped
her body around him tightly. As she hugged him, she stroked his hair and kept saying, "There,
there." Adrian stopped sobbing fairly quickly, but tears rolled down his face as he said, "Dammit! You're right! That's what kills me, that you're right. I AM a wimp. I hate it, but it's true! You
should see what they do to me in school!"
"What do they do?"
Adrian had been holding a big secret back for a long time, but now it started to come out.
"They, they... They beat me up and call me names! Every day! 'Pansy ass' and 'Butt muncher'
and so many horrible things! I can't even tell you. It's so shameful!"
Anika gasped.
Brenda gasped too. "What?! Aidy! Is this true?! Why didn't you tell me?!"
Adrian started to cry some more. "I'm sorry Ma, but, I didn't want you to know what a loser I
am! That's another thing they all call me! They make the 'L' shape with their fingers over their forehead and..." He was sobbing so much that he had trouble speaking. "And they say things
about you, too!... Horrible things! ... Lewd things! ... They all want to, want to... have sex with
you!" Brenda continued to hug Adrian as he sobbed into her body. She turned to Anika. "Have you heard any of this? This is the first I've heard of this!"
"No," Anika admitted. "Me too! I'm shocked. Wery, wery shocked! Poor little Aidy!" Suddenly, Adrian sat up and tried to break free of Brenda's grasp. "You hear that? 'Poor little Aidy!' 'Pooh bear!' Maybe everyone treats me like a baby 'cos that's how you all treat me at home! I'm not a baby! I wanna be a real man, like Alan!"