A Big Shot's Woman Is Wild and Fierce-Chapter 466 - : Mu Chengxi is Afraid of What Wen Xin Might Do

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Chapter 466: Mu Chengxi is Afraid of What Wen Xin Might Do

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As Wen Xin was eating a small steamed bun and some porridge, Mu Chengxi came down from upstairs. Liang Luoyu put down his chopsticks, ready to greet him, but Mu Chengxi declined.

揥hy so formal all of a sudden? You couldn抰 wait to come over? Didn抰 you just have hotpot with Tan Xingyue three days ago?

Hearing about Liang Luoyu抯 recent outing with Tan Xingyue, Wen Xin, who was scooping some porridge, paused and turned to look at him.

揧oung Master Liang, you抮e running to Beijing every other day, and now you抮e causing a stir in Continent F too? What抯 your intention?

揥hat do you think? Isn抰 it obvious? No need to pretend to ask, Liang Luoyu wasn抰 trying to hide anything from Wen Xin but also didn抰 want to seem despicable. He hurriedly explained, 揕ook, you don抰 have to worry. My liking for Xingyue is pure. I抦 not a beast like Master Xi; I haven抰 done anything!

揙h? Calling Master Xi a beast? Do you remember what happened to the last person who called Master Xi a 憈urtle? The outcome厰 Wen Xin caught Liang Luoyu抯 slip of the tongue and wasn抰 about to let it slide.

揗aster Xi, I can explain厰 Liang Luoyu hadn抰 expected to reveal his true feelings accidentally and quickly sought mercy. He wouldn抰 dare disrespect Mu Chengxi.

Mu Chengxi looked up from his breakfast and gave Liang Luoyu a cold glance, a mocking smile on his lips, his eyes carrying a chill.

揥hat? You don抰 want to live anymore? Mu Chengxi抯 tone was light, but the sarcasm in his voice sent shivers down one抯 spine.

揘o no, Master Xi, how could I dare? It was just a slip of the tongue; I didn抰 manage my tone properly. I wouldn抰 dare insult Master Xi!

Liang Luoyu suddenly found himself unable to clarify his intentions, realizing he was in a tricky situation.

揗aster Xi, it抯 not too late for me to offer my life in apology, is it? Liang Luoyu looked at Mu Chengxi, almost ready to kneel.

He turned to Wen Xin. Seeing her calmly eating, he was sure that she was deliberately torturing him.

Mu Chengxi casually bit into the half-eaten bun Wen Xin handed him and raised an eyebrow at Liang Luoyu, 揂ctually, I know what you all say behind my back. I just choose not to bother with you. Now, you抮e a true warrior for speaking the truth. Well done.

揑 What抯 well done about me! Master Xi, I抦 just a blabbermouth. Don抰 take it to heart!

揘ever mind, what can I do to you? Just try not to involve me when you want to clear your name in the future. I抦 well aware I抦 no saint, no need for you to remind me.

Mu Chengxi抯 gaze inadvertently fell on Wen Xin, who sat lazily in the chair, looking down at her phone, unwilling to meet his eyes. She thought he was being unreasonable.

Sitting on the plane back to Ice City, Liang Luoyu chose the seat farthest from Wen Xin and Mu Chengxi, feeling somewhat safer not appearing before them; he didn抰 wish to court death.

Wen Xin put down her medical book and turned to see Mu Chengxi engrossed in a psychology book that looked quite academic.

揟his book didn抰 come from some psychology clinic, did it?

Wen Xin had previously asked Mu Chengxi where the psychology books he sent over came from. He initially didn抰 want to admit they were his, later revealing they were gifts from a friend who抯 a counselor.

Wen Xin told him those were meant to deceive people, merely scratching the surface and not truly representing psychology.

This time, however, the book Mu Chengxi held seemed much more professional, leaving her puzzled as to why he was studying psychology.

Holding his book, Mu Chengxi pondered before slowly explaining, 揑 requested it from Principal Lu. It抯 written by a psychology professor from Beijing University, indeed much more substantial than those trickster tactics.

Wen Xin抯 eyebrows slightly raised as she took the book from Mu Chengxi抯 hand, flipping through a few pages. It indeed seemed professional, worthy of a Beijing University professor抯 title.

Handing the book back to Mu Chengxi, Wen Xin rested her elbow on the table, her hand supporting her chin, and looked at Mu Chengxi with a light smile, 揥hy are you interested in psychology? Are you afraid I抣l hypnotize you when you least expect it?

Mu Chengxi felt hit by her words, his gaze darkening as he hesitated before slowly lifting his head to speak, 揑抦 afraid, afraid that one day, if you

encounter danger, you抣l hypnotize me, leave me behind, and go off to face the

danger alone.

揥en Xin, to me, you抮e too powerful. You could render Wei Shisheng, who learned hypnosis, helpless without resistance. It would be even easier for you to do the same to me.

揥en Xin, I can tell you very clearly: your man is not weak at all. Even if you tore the sky apart, I would be there to support it for you. I don抰 want you to take risks alone.

Hearing Mu Chengxi抯 words, Wen Xin dropped her carefree and indifferent demeanor.

She felt his words had a deeper meaning, suspecting Mu Chengxi might already have guessed what she was planning.

揃ut some things are my responsibility. There抯 no need to drag you down with me.

The matters Wen Xin intended to tackle were deep and complex. She wanted Mu Chengxi to maintain his graceful demeanor and not lose his elegance because of her issues.

Hearing her words, Mu Chengxi抯 deep, dark eyes dimmed, his gaze losing its sparkle in an instant.

揑 thought you had learned to rely on me. Now I realize it was all just my assumption Wen Xin, do you not trust me, or do you think I抦 incapable of protecting you?

For the first time, Mu Chengxi抯 gaze at Wen Xin wasn抰 filled with love but with a hint of anger. This time, he was genuinely upset.

He could pamper her, indulge her, and support whatever she wanted, but the one thing he couldn抰 accept was Wen Xin抯 distrust and unwillingness to rely on him.

If he couldn抰 be the support Wen Xin could rely on, then who else could protect this heartbreakingly precious girl?

Seeing the signs of Mu Chengxi抯 anger, Wen Xin sighed lightly. For so many years, she had never compromised, but now, it seemed she truly needed to learn how to do so..

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