A Big Shot's Woman Is Wild and Fierce-Chapter 467 - : Quarrelling Because We Care

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Chapter 467: Quarrelling Because We Care

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

She reached out her cold hand to grasp Mu Chengxi抯 distinctly jointed large hand, cradling it within her palms as she spoke gently.

揑 understand your desire to protect me, but I want to protect you too. Like that time in Ancient Market Town, I couldn抰 bear the thought of someone pointing a gun at you. All I could think was if anyone dared to harm you, I would make them pay tenfold!

揑n moments when you抮e in danger, I lose all reason. I want to preserve your graceful demeanor, not have you charging into battle for me. I can抰 bear it, do you understand?

Wen Xin looked earnestly into Mu Chengxi抯 eyes, hoping he would understand that everything she had kept from him was because she wanted to protect him.

揑 don抰 understand. I抦 a man, not the weakling you see me as. I抦 much stronger than you think. I don抰 need your protection. What I need is for you to believe in me, to rely on me. I抣l hold up the sky for you if it falls.

揥en Xin, I抦 supposed to be the man who protects you, not someone who hides behind you while you protect me. What graceful gentleman? What抯 the point of being a graceful gentleman if I抦 not even considered a person?

Hearing Mu Chengxi say he didn抰 even want to be considered a person, Wen Xin抯 brow twitched involuntarily. She hadn抰 expected him to say it so naturally.

Mu Chengxi didn抰 look at Wen Xin抯 expression. As he spoke, he suddenly leaned down to her ear, his voice just audible to them both.

揥hen I was killing people, you were still in kindergarten! I抦 not as weak as you think!

Wen Xin jerked her head up to look at Mu Chengxi, perhaps because he had been so gentle around her that she had forgotten his notorious reputation before she knew him

It seemed she had been thinking too much. She had been living comfortably for too long and had forgotten that Mu Chengxi had also lived a life on the edge.

Wen Xin held Mu Chengxi抯 impeccably handsome face in her hands, bit his lips lightly, and then let out a mischievous and arrogant laugh.

揑ndeed, I抳e overlooked a lot. Don抰 worry; the things you抮e worried about won抰 happen. I won抰 hypnotize you. If we抮e in trouble, we抣l face it together; if we can抰 bear it, we抣l turn the heavens upside down. At worst, we抣l die together.

揧ou better keep your word. If I find out you抮e facing danger alone behind my back, don抰 blame me for dealing with you! Mu Chengxi lifted his hand to pinch Wen Xin抯 cheek, emphasizing that she was his life, and he wouldn抰 let her face danger alone.

Mu Chengxi had already guessed what Wen Xin was planning to do lately. He had intended to follow her secretly, but this provided a perfect opportunity to confront her梚f she thought about slipping away to face danger alone, she抎 have to see if he agreed.

Sitting in the back, Mu Dong and Liang Luoyu watched the interaction between Wen Xin and Mu Chengxi, puzzled. The couple had just been at loggerheads, seemingly on the verge of a fight, but in a blink, they were sweetly reconciled. 揟hese two are intentionally showing off their affection, aren抰 they?

They had just been wondering how to intervene if Wen Xin and Mu Chengxi started arguing. It seemed their concern was unnecessary.

Liang Luoyu picked up his phone and relayed the incident on the plane to Gu

Yanzhe, who simply replied with a few words: 揋et used to it.

At that moment, Gu Yanzhe was in the laboratory, examining experimental data on the lab table. They had tested many times, but there was still no progress.

揅hief Engineer Tang, could there be a problem with the project data? Why else would we fail so many times after all these tests? You抮e aware of how much money Master Xi has invested in this project, aren抰 you?

揗aster Gu, we are well aware of Master Xi抯 investment. But as you know, research is research. It doesn抰 succeed just because you want it to. There抯 no project that succeeds easily.

揈specially this project you抮e undertaking, you should be very aware of its difficulties. Otherwise, you wouldn抰 be collaborating with our physics research institute. Do you see any issues with what I抦 saying?

Chief Engineer Tang, usually a patient man, was growing tired of Gu Yanzhe抯 constant prodding and questioning about the lack of success and complaints about their technical issues.

Initially, when Chief Engineer Tang saw this experimental project, he knew it was a time-consuming and effort-intensive venture. The research institute initially did not want to accept it, but the young Miss had signed off on it, and they had no choice but to proceed with the research.

Gu Yanzhe抯 temper cooled down, and he expressed regret for his impulsiveness.

揅hief Engineer Tang, I was just anxious. You know how much time, manpower, and resources this project has consumed. We were finally nearing results, and then it failed again. I couldn抰 control my frustration厰

Gu Yanzhe was capable of humility and adjustment. After his anger passed, he realized he had been too impulsive.

揗aster Gu, I understand how you feel. Our young Miss personally signed off for you, so how could we dare neglect it? This issue itself is a global challenge. If we can抰 solve the energy conversion problem, this project is likely to fail. We need to delve deeper into the aspect of energy conversion!

At that moment, Chief Engineer Tang抯 thoughts were clear. As a researcher, when a problem arises, one shouldn抰 shift blame but should identify the root cause.

While Gu Yanzhe was losing his temper, Chief Engineer Tang had pinpointed the key issue. Energy conversion had reached its limit and still wasn抰 successful. The question now was how to break through this limit.

揗aster Gu, this matter requires further discussion by our institute抯 professors. We will notify you as soon as we have new developments.

With that, Chief Engineer Tang hurried off with his documents. For them, time was money, and nothing was more valuable than time.

As Gu Yanzhe watched the busy researchers in the laboratory, he walked out of the lab, changed out of his lab coat in the locker room, and left the research institute.

As he exited the institute, a crisp and familiar voice called out to him from behind.

揗aster Gu, long time no see厰

Hearing the familiar voice, Gu Yanzhe stopped, turning to see Wei Shisheng approaching. Seeing Wei Shisheng here was unexpected.

揗iss Wei, or should I call you Miss Payten? What are you doing here?

The sourc𝗲 of this content is fre(e)novelkiss