A Court of Lost Stars-Chapter 37: Beneath a Gray Sky

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Chapter 37: Beneath a Gray Sky

The blankets ensnaring Hollis were ripped away, and his eyes snapped open as a voice sang, "Rise and shine, sweetheart."

Shuddering, Hollis rubbed the sleep from his eyes, slowly sat up, and frowned at the sight of Finch at the foot of his bed. "What time is it?" Hollis asked, looking out the window to see that the moon was still visible.

"Just before six."

"In the morning?" Hollis blinked.

"Yes, in the morning," Finch rolled his eyes, "Come on, get dressed. Bran is already out on the trail."

The memory of agreeing to Bran's new training regimen returned, and he tried not to cringe as he swung his legs over the bed's edge and stood. Quickly and quietly, he dressed in a black shirt and pants, not wanting to risk wearing anything white after what happened the day before. When he was ready, he walked with Finch past his sleeping Court members and into the cool night. Hollis imagined it wouldn't be so bad if it stayed at this temperature – the slight chill in the air was welcoming.

It didn't last.

By the time eight o'clock hit and the sun peaked through the trees, the humidity amongst the trees made it stifling. The t-shirt Hollis wore stuck to his back; no matter how many times he pulled it away from his skin, it welded back. From his position on the trail, behind Finch and Bran, they had already removed their shirts and were jogging briskly ahead of him.

Bran slowed and stretched his wings out – they were massive, and Hollis wondered if they were enjoyable or more of a nuisance. "Smells like rain." He said, looking up at the sky through the branches above.

Following his gaze, Hollis frowned. "You can smell rain?"

With a light chuckle, Bran nodded. "Yes. You don't feel when a snowstorm is on its way?"

Hollis shrugged, "I suppose so. I don't smell it, though. I feel it. Like an ache in my bones."

"Same premise," Bran nodded, "I imagine the storms will start in a half hour, maybe forty-five minutes."

"I hope it won't last long. I've been looking forward to the bonfire." Finch said as he leaned against a tree and took a swig of his water, chiseled chest slick with perspiration.

Hollis peeled the back of his shirt again and asked, "Bonfire?"

"Right," Bran smiled, "I meant to ask you yesterday, but after the obstacle course, I figured it wasn't the right time. We're having a bonfire at the Windhaven camp tonight. The Illyrian camps get together. Talk and eat. Not a huge deal, but you're welcome to come if you'd like."

Smiling, a tiny thrill jolted through Hollis. He'd never been invited to a get-together like this, not one that wasn't a secret between himself, Nieve, and Kole or some celebration his parents were throwing. The only thing that would make this invitation is if Nieve and Kole were here to go with him.

"You could invite the one that gave you that," Finch gestured to Hollis' neck with a sly smirk.

Hollis reached his hand to where he pointed and frowned.

"Nice love bite." Finch chuckled with a wink as Hollis' ears burned red. Finch continued, "Are you two...exclusive?"

Pursing his lips into a thin line, Hollis rubbed the side of his neck while inwardly cringing. "No."

Bran observed Hollis. He didn't care for Reign. While she seemed to behave just fine in other settings, Hollis acted differently whenever they were alone. Over the years, Bran had watched Hollis grow- he'd grown with him, even.

He knew about the anxiety.

He knew about the panic attacks.

Whenever Reign was involved, they were much worse. But Bran had no idea what happened behind closed doors, and Hollis had never offered him a key to find out. Sometimes, he thought to himself, maybe he should pry the door open, but what would that solve? Hollis would shut it again and seal it tighter than before.

Assuming he'd have had to try the obstacle course again, Hollis was relieved to find out they were jogging back to the camp. He wasn't against improving his skills. He wanted to, but he also didn't want to look like a complete fool in the process.

Hollis was breathless, holding a stitch in his side after running less than a mile, when the sky above rumbled with distant thunder, and the first drops hit his forehead. He breathed in the air and tried to take in the scent Bran had mentioned earlier. There was a damp warmth to the air, something earthy but not unpleasant.

It was gritty- unrefined, and he liked it.

"I need to meet with Ansel," Bran said with a smile and clapped Hollis on the shoulder. "Don't worry. Take it day by day, and it will get easier. I'll see you tonight."

Hollis nodded, finally catching his breath, and watched Bran launch into the sky. The power of his wings ruffled his hair, and he couldn't help but watch in amazement. Do they ever panic in the sky? Hollis was suddenly very grateful he couldn't fly.

"You should bring Reign," Finch smirked.

"Hm," Hollis responded, lips pursed into a thin line, "I'll see you later."

At Finch departed, at that exact moment, he watched Reign walk into the barracks carrying a bundle of freshly washed linens. Not wanting to bring up the incident from yesterday, Hollis opted to perform a task he'd meant to before but hadn't had the chance to do so. Approaching the sandpit Bran had offered as a play space for the little ones, he dropped to his hands and knees, then began combing through to find any stray fragments that might be a danger to little hands. After only a few minutes, a pile of glass and stray pieces of metal sat in a small pile to his left.

"You'll have to be thorough," Kyra said as she approached, "Need any help?"

Hollis glanced up and managed a small smile, "Sure. Thanks..."

A moment later, Kyra took a space opposite him at the square, and together, they rifled through the sand for hidden dangers.

"How have you been adjusting?" She asked, not looking at him as she worked.

"Honestly?" Hollis asked, picking up another shard of glass and letting it clink into the pile.

Kyra smirked, "I do prefer honesty."

With a chuckle, Hollis nodded, "This is the first time I've ever been away. I think I can grow to like it here, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss my home."

"I don't think anyone expects you not to miss the Winter Court," Kyra replied gently, "Just think. Soon, the storms will blow over, and you'll return armed with stories to tell."

Hollis's smile didn't reach his somber eyes. There was no guarantee the storms would end... the crops would flourish, or the sea would provide. He didn't know how much she knew about the happenings in the other Courts. He knew better than to say anything but he couldn't live on false hope. Perhaps their ignorance of the truth was a blessing.

"There you are," Reign's voice raked down Hollis' back. He was almost certain he could feel the stinging pain of her nails.

Forcing a tight smile, he looked over and watched her approach.

"I wondered where you'd gone," Reign smiled before dragging her eyes over Kyra, who lifted her head to address her. "I see you've made a new...friend." Her smile was as stiff as the sudden posture of her shoulders.

Kyra sat back on her heels and weighed a heavy gaze on Reign. "Yes. Hollis and I are friends. Thank you for noticing."

There was something in her tone that sent Hollis' heart skipping. Why did he suddenly have the sense to flee the conversation?

Tilting her head, Reign nodded slowly as she chewed her lower lip. "Well, that's wonderful." She said before closing the short distance between herself and Hollis. Leaning down, she took his chin between her fingers and captured his mouth with her own in a bruising kiss. It lasted for only a moment, but when she pulled away, Hollis' eyes were wide with surprise as Reign said in a sultry murmur, "I'll see you later tonight." She turned to Kyra once more and smiled through clenched teeth, "It was so nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Kyra replied flatly.

Watching Reign retreat should have been a relief, but Hollis caught Kyra's stare. He cleared his throat as she raised her brow at him.

"What?" He asked, his tone a little too defensive, even for his liking.

"Is she always like that?" Kyra asked. "You know, pissing in a circle around you?"

Hollis rolled his eyes and forced an unnatural laugh. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Hm," was Kyra's only response as she returned to sifting through the sand.

They worked the rest of the time in silence, and for that, Hollis was grateful.

The humidity had become less intrusive as closer nightfall crept, and Hollis had anticipated the bonfire all night. As much as he didn't want to agree with Reign, she was right.

His father wasn't there.

Hollis had spent much of his life shadowed by his will. He respected and loved his father, but there were times in his childhood he'd wished he'd had the chance to explore. Meet new people. The weight of the prophecy had taken a toll on everyone, and unfortunately, Hollis had been caught in its center.

Never before had he received an invitation to something like this, and he wasn't about to squander it. He'd showered, dressed in the best attire he could find (simply a black t-shirt and black pants). Hopefully, the color didn't stand out too much, he thought as he combed through the iridescent white while looking into a mirror in the barracks. He'd usually have had it cut by now, leaving it a little thicker than usual and more unruly to manage. Hollis was convinced he'd been born with perpetual bed-head.

"Where are you going?" Reign asked from her seated position on the edge of his bed.

The shared space had been a lovely idea.

"I'm meeting Bran."

"In the woods?" Reign smirked. "In all black...in the night? Hm, I suppose I'm not surprised."

Hollis glanced at her, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Shrugging, Reign observed her nailbed for a moment. "Oh, nothing."

With a sigh, Hollis shook his head, set the comb onto the little nightstand next to his pillow, and turned. "It's different here," he said, leveling a gaze on her, "You're instructed to aid the mothers. I'm forming allies and waiting for word from our Court. We don't need to be in each other's space."

Reign was quiet before she stood and closed the space between them. She placed a hand over his heart. "You and I both know you'll always, at one point or another, get back on your knees for me," her lips twisted into a smirk. "It's what you do, Hollis. You have an emotional breakdown, and I lick your wounds. It's a vicious...delicious cycle."

Remaining silent, Hollis clenched his jaw as her nail traced along the edge of his jaw before she turned on her heels and walked away. What she said was true, and he couldn't deny it. Still, this step into a new group...a new life, maybe it was the push he needed to say goodbye to the things he held onto as a crutch.

With more determination than ever, he pushed off the edge of the nightstand and left the barracks with every intention to return better than he'd been. It would be a long walk to Windhaven, but Hollis didn't mind as it gave him more time to think about what he could discuss. Everyone else would likely have stories and a memory lane to walk down- they'd all been friends for so long. It would be best to be prepared to supply some answers should any questions arise.

In the Winter Court, the nights could be brutal. Here, during the heat of summer, they were pleasant. It wasn't as humid as the day, but not so cold to wear layers. Looking up at the stars, he smiled. The Night Court wasn't so bad.

Though the walk had been long, it had taken nearly an hour to get there; Hollis soon heard the sound of people laughing, and in the distance between the trees, he could make out shadows amongst the flickering flames of a massive bonfire. Grinning, he picked up the pace a little, hands in his pockets as he stepped into the clearing. Looking around, he took it in.

It was mostly Illyrians in attendance, but there were those without wings, too, including Peter. He stood amongst the group Hollis intended to join, including Kyra, Bran, and Finch. Just as he stepped toward them, a shadow cast in his wake, and he stopped in his tracks as Cassian landed in front of him with a frown and firm brow.

Hollis looked up at him and took an instinctive step backward.

"You're not supposed to be here." The General said, crossing his arms over his burly chest.

Blinking with confusion, Hollis slowly shook his head as his heart hammered painfully against his ribcage. "I...was invited."

"By whom?"

Hollis' gaze flickered to Bran but quickly reverted to Cassian. He didn't want to get Bran into trouble if he hadn't been supposed to invite him.

Cassian spoke low, "Nova will be here any moment."

Realization struck Hollis like a branch to the face. "Oh..." He was all he managed as he recalled the conversation he and Rhysand had in the forest on their trip through the mountains. He knew Nova was to have arrived, but it never occurred to him that he'd be invited into a space she potentially would be. Of course, she would...she was an Illyrian. Why wouldn't she come to an Illyrian War Camp bonfire?

"I...didn't know," Hollis stammered quietly, "I'm sorry, I'll leave..."

Cassian didn't argue with him, and after a moment of hesitation, Hollis quietly retreated into the dark shadows of the treeline. Turning, he started up the gentle slope that had brought him down to the clearing to find the path again. He could feel Cassian's eyes boring into his back, forcing the hair on his neck to stand at attention. It wasn't until he was a reasonable distance away, shrouded by shrubbery that Hollis stopped in the center of the path. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he looked over his shoulder and listened to the faint sounds of people talking and laughing. He slowly deflated, shoulders hunching as a new pain seared through his chest.

He had never been invited to a place like this, meaning he had never felt the overwhelming sensation of rejection. Honestly, he'd prefer never to be asked again if it meant he didn't have to feel the swell of nausea through his chest. Hollis stood there for a moment longer before he trekked back to his camp.

It took over an hour to return as he fought the cold numbness that threatened to overtake his mind and body. By the time the barracks were in view through the trees, he had reverted to a quiet shuffle, staring at the ground. He understood that they wanted to have time alone with Nova. A part of him, though he'd never voice it, wanted to stay longer just to catch a glimpse of her. Hollis had spent so much of his life thinking about her- worrying about her. She was so close, yet he was forbidden from even being in the same vicinity.

The worst part?

He wanted to feel anger, but all that would surface was the same paralyzing and desensitized shades of greige that colored his life.

"Bad night?" Reign asked from a tree she was leaning against.

Hollis didn't realize he'd stopped walking until he looked over and met her knowing eyes.

"Hm," Reign pursed her lips and shoved off the tree, moving closer to him, "I thought you'd last a little longer than that. Let me guess," she placed her hands on his shoulders – Hollis stood there, silently, "You arrived and realized you were unwelcome? Did you expect anything less?" Reign asked with a soft sigh. "We aren't meant to intermingle between Courts, Hollis. They have their ways, and we have ours. The sooner you accept that, the happier you'll be."

When Hollis said nothing, she said, "They're not your friends, Hollis. The only person you have here is me. At least when I do what I do, I teach you a lesson."

A tear slid down Hollis' cheek, and Reign lightly dragged her thumb up, catching it as it fell before wrapping her arms around his neck.

"It's okay," she whispered, pressing her forehead against his as his breath shuddered and he closed his eyes. "I can help you feel better."

With a shuddering breath, Hollis accepted the heated kiss, letting her tongue lick into his mouth with a powerful stroke. A soft whine escaped him as Reign moved forward, backing Hollis against another tree. Suddenly, Hollis grabbed Reign by the thighs and hoisted her up. Using one hand to stabilize her back, he leaned forward and pressed her down against the damp earth.

Reign released a soft gasp as Hollis kissed down her throat frantically, trying desperately to let his frustration go as he sucked at a sensitive spot near her collarbone.

"Fuck me..." Reign moaned against the shell of his ear before grinding her hips upwards, searching for friction.

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Snatching the line of her pants, Hollis yanked them down, exposing pale legs to the moonlight, and captured her lips again. Their breathing began frantic pants as Hollis pushed down his slacks next, releasing his already eager cock. Heart in his throat, he reached down and slid her panties to the side before lining his swollen head against her entrance. Hollis slammed into her with a satisfied groan against her mouth.

"Hollis!" Reign gasped. "Don't stop!"

Fingers interlaced with hers, he kept her hands level with her head as he pulled out and thrust back in. Hollis growled softly under his breath as a shiver trilled down his spine. Gaining speed, his hips hit a rhythm as he pistoned in and out harshly. An incoherent curse came from Reign as he lifted her hips, curling his lip as she forced his cock deeper at a different angle. The force of his thrusts sent her moving against the forest floor, entangling her hair in fallen debris.

Without thinking about her release, he chased his own. The disappointment, the anger...the rejection had all wadded into a singular entity of hate, and he intended to fuck it out of himself. Pinching his eyes closed, he ignored her wails of pleasure as he sought out the building pressure. His body tightened, and he snarled against her neck as his cock twitched inside of her. Hollis came so hard darkness clouded the outer edges of his vision, warping his reality to twisted fumes of stardust.

Before he could think clearly, he rolled onto his back and stared up at the night sky, panting heavy breaths as his heart raced. Hollis couldn't stop the tears that trickled down the sides of his face as he glared at the stars that shone so brightly.

How dare they be beautiful as he lay there dying.