A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!-Chapter 96

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96 Ella’s Speech

The tension outside the courtroom got uglier as more fans and anti-fans of both brands arrived in their numbers.

Due to the court proceeding, which was aired live on virtually every station in Amzone city, more individuals stormed the courthouse premises. They wanted to get a feel of the battle at hand.

Some die-hard fans of Chloe Robinson came with hidden weapons, ready to fight to the death. They were enraged by Chloe’s acceptance of defeat. They also vowed to hurt and maim any supporter of the APB brand.

However, the number of supporters of the APB brand grew by the second as more and more people were aggrieved by Frost and Jane’s confession. They finally saw the F&K brand as a corrupt and malicious brand, capable of the most hideous crime. Hence, they didn’t want to identify with it anymore.

Before long, an ugly confrontation broke up between fans.



Sounds of punches, screaming, curses, pain, and anguish filled the air.

Some policemen and security detail who tried to separate the clashing fans got bruised in the process.


Several gunshots were fired into the air and some notorious individuals were arrested before peace and normalcy were attained.

Back in the courtroom, the atmosphere was serene once again and Chloe continued with her speech.

Chloe stared in Frost’s direction and sneered. If only looks could kill, she would have asphyxiated him with her deadly glares.

Frost had claimed that she was one hundred percent aware that the ideas used for the winter collection were stolen. This was a big fat lie and she didn’t know what to do, to correct that statement. From the look of everything happening around her, everyone believed Frost and Jane’s confession.

She took a deep breath and said, “I honestly had no idea that Frost stole the designs I produce. Unfortunately, I have no proof to back up this statement. If I did, I would have gladly shared it with you all; so that you can see that he is a lying backstabbing bastard. All he’s trying to do is make me look bad and drag me down.”

Chloe bit down her lips and stifle the tears that were threatening to escape her eyelid. She looked in her mother’s direction but found no solace in her chilly stares. “I trusted this scoundrel called Frost, as a partner and he took advantage of it. How I wish, I could go back in time and make amends. How I wish, I could place him where he rightfully belongs.” She sighed.

“It is true that I have a personal vendetta with Ariella. My anger and frustration against her had led me to say so many untrue things. However, I would never stoop so low to steal from her. My amazing parents thought me better.” She looked at her mum again, hoping her last statement would soften her heart. Instead of an expected smile, all her mum gave her was an irked expression.

Chloe felt the need to look at someone whose expression wasn’t haunted or repulsive. So, she turned her attention to the cameraman.

“I remain the proud CEO of the F&K fashion company and it is my duty to know everything that goes on in the company. Hence, I accept my mistake and the consequences of my actions.”

“The winter collection ideas my company produced were unfortunately stolen from the APB brand by my lowlife partner. I regret ever working with him and I apologize to the APB fashion brand for whatever my company’s action had cost them.” A brief smile lit up her face when the cameraman gave her a thumbs-up.

She suddenly felt a sense of pride as she lifted her chin and spoke proudly like a fierce war goddess. “My company is ready to comply with the compensation fee of five hundred million dollars and every other charge that awaits us. Thank you all for accepting my apology.” She smiled and left the witness stand with her head held high.

Immediately after Chloe left the witness stand, Anna Robinson stood up and left the courtroom in shame and disappointment. Her reason for being there in the first place had been achieved. So, she didn’t feel the need to hang around.

Anna couldn’t believe her eyes and ears when Chloe proudly announced the compensation fee as though it was a meager change. Chloe had referred to five hundred million dollars as though it was five thousand dollars.

Before Anna left, she gave instructions to her chief security details to bring Chloe back home after the court proceedings.

All through the three confessions, Ella couldn’t stop beaming inwardly with satisfaction. She was even more amazed when Chloe call her by her first name and said she was sorry. She never expected it. She imagined the amount of turmoil and heartache Chloe had to endure to say those four words. It must have been nerve-racking for Chloe.

One thing that pricked Ella’s attention in all three confessions, was when Chloe claimed that she had no idea that the winter collection designs were stolen. Could it be that she was telling the truth? Could it be that Frost used Chloe in order to bring her down?

Ella decided that she would get this truth out of Frost even if it means ripping it out of his heart. Leon had promised her a second interaction with Frost after the court proceeding. Hence, she looked forward to that wonderful encounter. She swore under her breath that she would make Frost pay for every humiliation he had made her go through.

When Chloe had finally taken her seat, Ella stood up and walked majestically towards the front center of the courtroom. She turned around slowly and smiled bewitchingly. Her boss lady-like look coupled with her enchanting smile warmed the heart of everyone in the courtroom except the grieving parties.

Even the judge was overwhelmed by her calmness all through the bitter confessions. He couldn’t believe that people like her still existed, in this crazy society where karma is visited with immediate karma. One thing was certain, if he were in her shoes, he would have strangled all three parties before they made it to court.

Ella stared intently at all three accused with an evil smirk. In her mind, she pictured putting a bullet through their head and smiled at the satisfaction it gave her. She took in a deep breath, before returning her gaze to the camera.

“Good morning, beautiful people of Amzone city. I am Mrs. Ariella Treshvire, the wife of the most handsome man in the world, Leon Treshvire. I am also the humble CEO of APB fashion brand.” She paused for a while and smiled in Leon’s direction. In return for her smile and compliment, Leon blew a kiss to her.

Ella’s smile deepened as she continued her speech. “Fashion designing has been a passion to me since high school. I have stood and fought my ground against all odds to achieve this dream. When I look back at some of the hurdles I had to cross, I thank the stars for being this fortunate to me.”

“It is true that the road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same. However, one distinguishing factor between these two roads is perseverance. This is my strongest arsenal that I always employ when the world turns its back against me.”

Ella’s smile suddenly vanished and was replaced with a straight face as she addressed the matter at hand. “If I tell you that I have been on a fun cruise for the past two days, then I will be the biggest liar on earth. The humiliation and disgrace I received as a result of the scandal that befell my company, is something I will never wish on my enemies. The only reason I’m standing strong is thanks to my husband, friends, and my wonderful fans out there that never stop believing in me. You all gave me hope when there was so much darkness in my tunnel and for that, I say a big thank you.”

Ella turned her attention to Frost. “Do not ever undermine little beginnings. Cherish them! Otherwise, they will come back and slap you right in the face on a day you least expect. You and your cohorts can never stop my shine. Bring on all your evilness and haul them at me! What doesn’t kill me with only make me stronger! I am here to stay and nothing can take that away!”

“Thanks, you all for your confession,” Ella looked into the shameful eyes of all three accused one last time. “I wish you everything you’ve ever wished me and a thousand more.” She took a short bow and returned to her seat.

Silence befell the courtroom for a split second as Ella walked back to her seat. Her touching speech affected everyone present in the courtroom.

Even the judge took time to re-examine himself if he had ever wronged someone in recent times. He mentally recorded all those whom he had offended in the past and decided that he was going to make peace so that karma wouldn’t pay him a visit. f𝔯ee𝘸𝘦𝚋𝒏oѵ𝐞l.c𝒐𝓂

After a few words from the judge, the compensation fee payment was granted and the court proceedings were finally concluded.

“All rise!” The bailiff called out one more time and the judge exited the courtroom.

Immediately after the judge left the courtroom, Leon alerted his men to take heed and get ready to escort Frost and Jane out of the courtroom. He could sense imminent danger and decided that the evil couple should be escorted through the back door of the courthouse.

When Ella, Leon, Denise, and Tom stepped out of the courtroom into the open, they were overwhelmed by a flood of eager journalists jubilating fans, and a lot of security personnel.

The camera flashlights were blinding and the numerous loud questions from journalists were deafening.

Leon’s security details kept pushing the crowd to pave way for his boss and his entourage to leave when suddenly two shots were fired.