Academy’s Genius Swordmaster-Chapter 258

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 258: Clash (9)

“Lower your swords. We mean you no harm now.”

The Dragon King spoke. The voice was a bizarre blend of male and female tones emerging from one mouth. Ronan had expected him to appear like a two-headed ogre when polymorphed into a human, but the reality was different.

Ronan scoffed and gripped his sword hilt tighter.

“How do I know I can trust you?”

“You must not have heard my proclamation.”

Ronan didn’t respond. In truth, neither he nor his group had heard the Dragon King’s proclamation, being on the outskirts of Adren. Aselle, who had seen the Dragon King get shot down by Duaru, stammered a question.

“How… how are you still alive? You were definitely…”

“The advice of an old friend and a bit of grace I extended saved me. Many things have happened in a short time. Now, my purpose and that of my followers is to eliminate that intruder.”

The Dragon King looked up at Duaru. His bloodshot eyes lacked their former arrogance and composure.

It seemed something significant had happened. However, Ronan wasn’t about to lower his guard just because of his words. He had suffered too much to be so easily convinced.

After all, most of the disastrous events in Adren had been orchestrated by this two-headed creature before him. Suddenly, Naransonia, who had been quietly listening, interjected.

“If it’s alright, I can explain that part. May I, Your Majesty?”

“Permission granted.”

With the Dragon King’s nod, Naransonia stepped forward. Her clothes were still stained red from the severe injury she had sustained when her wing was cut off.

She had been near death when they found her, but she had miraculously recovered enough to move around briskly. Standing in front of Ronan’s group, she began to speak.

“First, I must thank you. You saved my life. Valgenia’s Steel, Naransonia, extends her gratitude to you.”

“Why the sudden formality?”

“One must give credit where it’s due. As for our situation…”

Naransonia calmly began to explain the circumstances. As Ronan listened, his eyebrows raised. Their plan was surprisingly similar to his own.

They had polymorphed into humans to launch a surprise attack on Duaru. While they could have transformed into smaller animals, their current forms were optimal for dealing with the giants of light and rescuing citizens.

“His Majesty has fully awakened. I guarantee it.”

“Don’t you think you’re overestimating yourself? Frankly, you’re not someone I’d easily trust.”

“My pride would not allow me to lie to those who saved my life.”


Ronan snorted. Naransonia’s ice-blue eyes were steady and unwavering. After a moment of holding her gaze, Ronan lowered his sword.

From the earlier gratitude and her demeanor now, it was clear she was sincere. A dragon, especially one in the Dragon King’s inner circle, wouldn’t lie about something like this without a very good reason.

Besides, Ronan had once defeated her, adding to her credibility. Putting his sword away, he addressed the Dragon King.

“Then it seems we have the same objective.”

“Indeed. It’s fortunate, as we were short on strength.”

The Dragon King nodded. Ronan’s gaze turned to the dragons behind him.

“That’s what I wanted to say.”

There were far more of them than he had initially thought. The line of polymorphed dragons stretched deep into the forest. Over two hundred dragons had gathered after hearing the Dragon King’s call.

Admittedly, they didn’t look to be in great shape. They had all suffered significant damage, either directly or indirectly, from Duaru.

But their vertically slit pupils burned with determination to eliminate the intruder and protect their homeland. Normally, such emotions would be foreign to the immortal dragons. Ronan’s expression brightened.

‘With this force, we might have a chance.’

There was a slim hope they could break through that damned defense line. He organized his thoughts and then spoke.

“I understand your plan is also a surprise attack. So, how do you plan to break through that defense line? Let’s say we can handle the minions.”

Ronan pointed at Duaru with his index finger. Hundreds, if not thousands, of giants of light swarmed like clouds.

Behind them, the Protection of the Stars surrounding Duaru was far stronger than anything the Nebula Clazier could muster. This was the real deal. After a pause, the Dragon King shook his head.

“To be honest, we don’t have a solid plan. But if we concentrate all our firepower on a single point, we might break through.”

“Damn it, do you plan to start a barbecue joint? If that would work, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

Ronan spat out a curse. Their resolve was matched only by their recklessness. The expressions of the subordinates around them grew hostile, but the Dragon King restrained them.

“…Then what do you suggest?”

“There is one way. It’s very dangerous, though.”

“It doesn’t matter. Tell us.”

The Dragon King insisted. Orsay, watching the scene unfold, chuckled dryly. The absurdity of the situation had dulled his irritation.

Is this really the Azidahaka he knew? Naransonia’s claim about him having fully awakened didn’t seem to be a lie. Ronan nodded heavily and began to speak.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

“Alright. Everyone, gather around.”

An impromptu alliance was formed. The main forces gathered around Ronan. The unprecedented disaster of Duaru’s descent had even suppressed the dragons’ innate arrogance and superiority complex. Ronan began to explain his plan as clearly and concisely as possible.

“Is that even possible?”

“You’re not joking, are you, human?”

There were murmurs of disbelief throughout the explanation. But Ronan’s serious expression, along with the support of the Dragon King and Naransonia, quelled the confusion. Not to mention the ferocious killing intent emanating from Orsay’s shoulder.

“Finally, not everyone can go. We need some to stay back to manage the situation if the floating stone is destroyed or things go wrong.”

“Hmm, we’ll need to split into two groups.”

There was no time to waste, so the meeting ended quickly. The humans and dragons split into two groups: the assault team to attack Duaru and the support team to handle the aftermath.

Even as they prepared, Duaru’s spear continued to strike the floating stone with a thunderous roar. With everything ready, Ronan took a deep breath and spoke.

“Let’s begin.”


The Dragon King’s voice echoed in everyone’s minds. At the same time, the dragons in the assault team began to swell. Various scales covered their skin, and horns sprouted from their heads, creating a grand spectacle.

Suddenly, another head grew from the Dragon King’s shoulder. Ronan squinted at the dragon’s transformed form.

“…Where did you sell one of your heads?”

【At a great cost-】

【I removed it.】

The Dragon King laughed, a hint of fatigue in his self-deprecating smile.

As a human, it wasn’t apparent, but the wound Duaru inflicted on his side was far more severe than Ronan had imagined. It was a wonder he was still standing. Ronan held back his words and chuckled.


Ronan murmured, lightly cutting his forearm with his sword. Blood welled up from the thin wound. The two people beside him drew their weapons as well.


Duaru looked down at the ground. Each flap of his four wings generated a powerful wind that pushed away the surrounding clouds.

From his high vantage point, the entire view of Adren was visible. The City of Dragons, engulfed in flames and screams, was heading towards destruction.



Over a thousand giants of light surrounded him like a moat. They acted as sentinels and executioners, taking care of the defenses while Duaru focused on destroying the floating stone. New giants of light were continually being born from the feathers that fell from him.

Boom! The spear he threw landed on the floating stone with a deafening roar. Duaru mechanically checked the damage and extended his arm again.

Light particles gathered in his hand, forming another spear. He aimed at the same spot and threw it, the spear striking the floating stone like a bolt of lightning.

Boom! Another flash of light erupted. As the light and smoke cleared, a larger crater and more cracks appeared on the floating stone.

It looked like it would only take a few more strikes to break it. The sinking ground of Adren testified to this.

Light gathered in his hand again as he prepared to throw another spear. Just then, a deafening roar echoed across the sky.


Duaru paused momentarily. The giants of light began moving restlessly, unable to pinpoint the direction of the sound.

As they searched for the source, torrents of different colored elements shot out from the surrounding forest. Boom! Fire, lightning, ice, and other elemental attacks hit the startled giants directly.

“Goooot!” f𝗿𝐞ewebno𝚟𝚎𝗹.𝗰𝐨m


The sheer firepower was overwhelming. The giants that couldn’t evade or defend themselves were annihilated, their forms dissolving into light. The sky, painted in various hues, was filled with fiery heat waves and frost-laden winds. The giants barely had time to recover.


The Dragon King’s booming voice shook the night sky. Hundreds of dragons burst through the forest canopy, their shadows stretching across the ground under the moonlight.

【Expel the intruder from Adren! Protect our home!】

【Leave none alive!】

Boom! The dragons roared as they unleashed their breath attacks once more. Elemental torrents rained down on the giants from all directions. This time, the giants were better prepared. They formed ranks, using each other as shields to block the attacks.


The giants roared back, their outlines distorting violently with rage. Although the ambush had reduced their numbers, there were still countless giants left in the sky.



Neither side showed any signs of slowing down. The dragons knew their breath attacks were only mildly effective, and the giants had no reason to retreat. Light spears and swords formed in the hands of the giants.

【Kill them all!】

Mahakadia, known as the second fastest dragon in Adren, folded her wings and increased her speed. She spearheaded the melee combat by piercing through a giant’s chest with her horn.

Boom! In the sky over the Adren, where doomed was approaching, the two forces clashed.

[Translator – Peptobismol]