Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy-Chapter 752 The Holy City

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Chapter 752 The Holy City

Meanwhile as the Demon Lord's Avatar was roaming the city, there was another powerful figure who had just appeared in the heart of the Holy City, where the divine and the mundane danced in an eternal embrace…

Thud… Thud… Thud…

There walked a figure of grace and mystery.

"Ahh~ I'm fully recharged! Let's do it again!" She exclaimed.

She was known to the city's denizens as Lady Fara, a noblewoman of enigmatic origins, whose presence brought whispers of fortune and the faintest hint of Arcane Energy.

Yet, beneath the guise of Lady Farah, she was none other than the Avatar of the Fortune Goddess, a deity who wove the threads of fate with a gentle hand.

Her true appearance was a vision of ethereal beauty, with eyes that shimmered like the morning dew and hair that cascaded down her back in waves of liquid gold. Her attire was always impeccable, a blend of the city's high fashion and otherworldly elegance, adorned with subtle symbols of her divine patronage.

However, while in her Avatar, she moved through the city similar to the human nobles, her every step was completely different from a true Fortune Goddess.

"This city's faith in me is really overwhelming… They should really be blessed…" Farah muttered with a smile as she felt the faith of the people reaching out to her.

Anyway, Lady Farah's days were spent wandering the myriad sides of the Holy City. Each corner was like a chapter in a book that filled her with information that she would never obtain unless she stopped using her Avatar.

She frequented the bustling marketplaces, where hawkers called out their wares with boisterous charm. Here, she would pause to admire the intricate craftsmanship of local artisans, her touch infusing their lives with a spark of inspiration and prosperity.

Yes, she liked providing information or tips to these locals to increase the quality of their works.

The auction houses knew her well, for her bids were always placed with a knowing smile, as if she could see the true value of things beyond their mere material worth.

Her presence at these events was a coveted blessing, for it was said that any item she vouched for would bring its owner a great fortune.

Even the gambling dens, shrouded in shadow and thrill, felt the light of her gaze. Lady Farah would grace these establishments with her presence, her laughter was mesmerizing and terrifying as her bets always placed with a playful wink.

It was rumored that the games she joined would always end in unexpected windfalls for the lucky few.

Yet, her explorations did not shy away from the city's less savory aspects.

The brothels, with their whispered secrets and veiled desires, also received her attention. There, she moved with a compassionate air, offering words of solace and hope to those who sought her counsel. Her presence was a silent promise of redemption and new beginnings.

As soon as she became famous, she knew she would have to change her identity…

As night fell upon the city, Lady Farah would retire to her abode, an old mansion that stood at the farthest side of the. Its architecture was a harmonious blend of the city's style and otherworldly motifs, and its gardens were a sanctuary for creatures, both mundane and magical.


Within the walls of her home, Lady Farah would shed her mortal disguise, revealing the radiant splendor of the Fortune Goddess.

Here, she would commune with the spirits of luck and chance, weaving the destinies of those she had encountered throughout the day.

Her life was a delicate balance, but it was filled with fun!

It was because, with her current strength, she had no issue having the role of a goddess and having fun working as a noblewoman!

"Unfortunately, these fun days would soon be over…" Farah muttered with a sigh as if she could already tell what the future holds.


'So that's the Holy City… I wonder why the Demon Lord specifically sent me to cause chaos here?'

A Demon General that had a command to a huge number of demons muttered in confusion.

The Holy City, a bastion of light and faith, stood serene even after the invasion that the Abyss Realm had started...

It was as if they were protected by a stronger force!

"Whatever… I'll soon learn what's special about this Holy City…" He muttered.

From his point of view, he could see its citizens, protected by the divine barrier and the vigilant Holy Knights around the city. There were too many of these Knights, and he didn't bother counting them anymore.

"Let's begin!"

While all the citizens of the Holy City were continuing with their daily routine, that peace was shattered when the sky darkened with the ominous beat of leathery wings.

Gargoyles, creatures of stone and malice, appeared above the city in a swarm that blotted out the sun.

Indeed, the Demon General that the Demon Lord had control over the thousands of Gargoyles that were sent to this Human Realm!

"So they've finally started…" Lady Farah watched from the high balcony of her sanctuary as the Holy Knights rallied to the city's defense. Her eyes, usually warm with the glow of providence, now reflected the flames of battle that erupted below.

Previously, the Holy City was attacked by a swarm of low-tier Demons. It was a terrifying sight, but because of their possession of Arcana and their natural strength against the Demons, they were able to hold them back almost without any casualty.

"About ten thousand Gargoyles, huh… It will be tough, but it's not impossible." Lady Farah muttered after seeing the number of enemies outside the castle.

She then shifted her attention to the strongest Holy Knights outside, who had been waiting to show their might!

"Commander Aldric, to arms!" Sir Gavriel bellowed. He was the Holy Knight Champion of the Holy Knights Order!

Although he was alone, his voice cut through the chaos.

His armor gleamed with sacred runes, and his sword, Lightbringer, was like a sliver of dawn against the encroaching darkness.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

More than three hundred Gargoyles dived down to the barrier of the Holy City and activated their self-destruction!


Just like that, the barrier was destroyed and everyone had to fight!

Commander Aldric, a veteran of countless battles, stood at the forefront, his shield raised against the onslaught.

"Knights of the Holy Order, let our blades be swift and our courage steadfast. For the city, for the people, we stand as one!"

He shouted, and these weren't mere words of encouragement! It contained a trace of a spell, providing an incredible boost to everyone's courage, skills, and speed!

The Gargoyles swooped down, their claws like daggers of obsidian, their eyes glowing with a hunger for destruction.

Sir Gavriel suddenly noticed something off with the first group of Gargoyles descending to meet the Holy Knights!

"Not good…"

With a wave of his Lightsaber, he swiftly released another dome of light that protected them from harm! It wasn't a city-wide protection but enough to cover the descending Gargoyles!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Once again, these Gargoyles self-destructed!

They crashed against the dome, a shimmering dome that had always saved him from critical situations! With each impact, the barrier shuddered, its light flickering like a candle in the wind.

"Cowards!" Gavriel complained but he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't let the other Holy Knights die in such a pathetic way!

"Transfer your Holy Energy to me to the Knight Champion to maintain the dome!" Cried one of the Untainted Sentinels, Arcanists of the Holy Order whose grasp on the Holy Arts is reaching its peak.

Their hands moved in intricate patterns as they soon started helping the Holy Knight Champion!

Luckily, only about a hundred more self-destructed, and the other Gargoyles soon descended!

But the Gargoyles were weak!

As soon as the Holy Knights reached them, they fell, defeated by their swords!

The only problem was these Gargoyles would detonate themselves in bursts of dark energy! Their self-destruction was their final act of spite.

The Demon General looked satisfied at this result as he soon left the remaining Gargoyles to cause chaos… Winning or losing wasn't his priority.

It was only his mission to cause chaos!


In the meantime, the chaos he left hadn't ended yet.

"Fortune Goddess! We need your blessing!" Shouted by a young knight.

He was injured. His armor was dented, but his spirit was undimmed.

"Guide our hands and grant us victory!" He shouted with everything he had.

However, the Fortune Goddess couldn't seem to answer his prayer as another Gargoyle dropped on his head, splattering all his brain matter.

Similar scenes occurred because, for some reason, the Fortune Goddess failed to grant them a fortune!

They didn't know that Lady Farah, the Avatar of the Fortune Goddess tasked to live in the city, was in trouble!

'The Demon Lord is here!' Farah's eyes widened as she realized that Halvor, the Eminence of the Sea, had truly betrayed the human realm!

Although she couldn't see the Demon Lord yet, she knew that the latter was blocking her Divinity from blessing her people!

With such a powerful enemy on her doorstep, she had no other choice but to call for assistance!

The source of this c𝐨ntent is fre𝒆w(e)bn(o)vel