As Sukuna in Invincible-Chapter 12: My might is mine, none can withhold it from me

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Chapter 12: My might is mine, none can withhold it from me

The morning after Eve's revelation dawns bright and clear. I wake before my alarm, my mind already racing with plans for the day ahead.

Tonight will be my introduction to the Teen Team - a significant step in building the network of allies I'll need for what's coming.

But before that can happen, there's something more urgent I need to address.

After a quick breakfast, I leave a note for Uncle Kenji explaining that I'll be at the library all day studying for finals - a plausible excuse that will cover my absence until evening.

Then I make my way to the abandoned construction site that has become my training ground.

The place is eerily silent this early in the morning, the skeletal framework of unfinished buildings casting long shadows across the dusty ground.

I find my usual secluded spot - a half-completed basement level, sheltered from view on all sides by concrete walls.

I sit cross-legged on the ground, taking deep, measured breaths to center myself. What I'm about to attempt is dangerous - perhaps the most dangerous thing I've tried since arriving in this world.

For months now, I've been frustrated by the limitations of my power. Despite my growing control over cursed energy, despite my ability to use techniques that should be devastating, my output remains a fraction of what I once commanded as Sukuna.

The Ten Shadows technique has become more accessible, yes, but even that feels muted, restrained.

I've been pondering the cause, and after long months of careful examination of my own soul I've identified the problem.

My soul and this body are not fully aligned. I thought it would be something temporary in the beginning, but it has not fixed itself - at least not at the speed I would prefer.

It's ironic, really. The very technique that the brat planned to use against me in Shinjuku after I killed Gojo - separating my soul from its vessel - is essentially what's happening naturally. My soul, with all its power and memories, is not fully integrated with this physical form.

But now I have a solution.

With the mastery of Reversed Cursed Technique that I've recently regained, I have the means to address this disconnect.

RCT is typically used for healing, for restoring what's damaged. But at its core, it's about reversing cursed energy's natural destructive tendency - making it constructive instead.

And what is Shrine, my most devastating technique, but the ultimate expression of cursed energy's destructive nature? Conceptual cutting that can slice through anything, even the the Limitless.

If I can reverse Shrine - turn cutting into binding - I should be able to forge a stronger connection between my soul and this body, integrating them more completely. In theory, this would allow me to access more of my true power.

In theory.

The risk is considerable. If I lose control of the process, I could damage my soul irreparably, or tear it from this body entirely. I would cease to exist in any meaningful way.

But as I've always believed - as Sukuna has always known - to achieve one's goal, one must be willing to burn everything else away. Doubt, fear, hesitation - all must be consumed in the flame of ambition.

And my goal is clear: I need power. Real power. Not just to survive in this world of superhumans and aliens, but to shape events to my advantage.

To ensure that when Nolan Grayson makes his move against the Guardians of the Globe, I'm positioned to influence what follows.

The thought of the Viltrumite's plans solidifies my resolve.

According to the timeline I remember, the slaughter of the Guardians should occur soon - perhaps within weeks.

Without intervention, Earth will lose its greatest defenders in a single night, leaving it vulnerable to whatever comes next.

I need to present Nolan with a deterrent - a reason to reconsider his timing, if not his ultimate goal. And for that, I need to be more than just a teenager with unusual abilities.

I need to be what I truly am: Sukuna, the King of Curses, the Honored One.

I close my eyes and begin to gather cursed energy, feeling it flow through every cell of my body.

The familiar sensation of power building within me is both comforting and exhilarating. I direct the energy inward, focusing it on the boundary between soul and flesh.

"Reversed Cursed Technique." I murmur, feeling the energy transform, becoming pure and constructive rather than malevolent. Positive.

Now comes the difficult part. I must adapt Shrine - a technique designed purely for destruction - into something that binds rather than severs.

I visualize the conceptual cutting edge of Shrine turning inward, becoming a suture that joins rather than divides.

"Cursed Technique Reversal: Unite," I whisper, the words feeling strange on my tongue.

For a moment, nothing happens. Then pain - white-hot and all-consuming - erupts throughout my body.

It feels as though I'm being torn apart and compressed simultaneously, my very essence stretched to its breaking point.

I grit my teeth, fighting the instinct to terminate the technique. This is the critical moment - the binding is occurring, forcibly aligning my soul with this physical form in ways that nature never intended.

Blood begins to trickle from my nose, my ears, the corners of my eyes. The ground beneath me cracks as cursed energy radiates outward in uncontrolled pulses. I taste copper in my mouth and realize I've bitten through my tongue.

Still, I persist. I can feel it working - the boundaries between soul and flesh blurring, merging, becoming one integrated whole.

My consciousness expands, memories from all three of my lives - my original existence, my time as Sukuna, and my current life as Megumi - flowing together more seamlessly than ever before.

And with that integration comes power. Real power. Cursed energy surges through me in quantities I haven't felt since my height as the King of Curses. The sensation is intoxicating, a rush of pure capability that makes my previous state seem like a half-sleep.

Just as I feel I might lose control - that the power might overwhelm me entirely - the process completes itself. The pain recedes, leaving behind a humming energy that permeates every fiber of my being.

I open my eyes and see the world anew. Colors are sharper, details more defined. I can sense the cursed energy within and around me with unprecedented clarity.

When I extend my hand, cursed energy flows from my fingertips effortlessly, forming a red aurora before dissipating.

Experimentally, I whisper, "Dismantle."

A wave of cutting force erupts from my hand, slicing through a concrete pillar twenty feet away as if it were paper. The top half slides off at a perfect angle, crashing to the ground with a sound that echoes through the abandoned site.

I smile. This is more like it.

Rising to my feet, I test my enhanced abilities further. The Divine Dogs materialize at my command without the slightest strain, larger and more substantial than before.

I summon Nue next, the massive bird-like shikigami appearing in a swirl of shadows, its form more detailed and powerful than in previous manifestations.

I consider calling forth Mahoraga but decide against it. Even with my increased power, that particular shikigami would require a ritual and preparation I'm not ready for today.

Besides, it would require a more open area, one far from civilization.

Instead, I focus on my core techniques. Dismantle and Cleave respond to my will with precision and power that approaches what I remember from my days as Sukuna.

The Sacred Flame forms in my palm with ease, ready to be shaped and launched.

For nearly an hour, I test the limits of my restored abilities, careful to contain the more destructive aspects within the confines of the construction site.

By the time I finish, I'm sweating but exhilarated. I haven't regained all of my former power - perhaps 70% of what I once commanded as Sukuna - but it's a vast improvement over my previous state.

Most importantly, I now have access to the full range of my techniques, not just the limited subset I could manage before. And with continued practice, I should be able to approach my former levels of power.

As I prepare to leave, I pause to consider the implications of what I've done. With this level of power, I could potentially challenge even a Viltrumite - not in direct physical combat, perhaps, but through strategic application of techniques.

The thought is satisfying, but I remind myself to remain cautious. Power is meaningless without the wisdom to apply it properly.

Nolan Grayson has centuries of combat experience - that even dwarf my own - and the raw physical might to crush planets.

I must not underestimate him. The best time for confrontation is on that Alien planet - the one called Flaxans if I remember well.

There I can defeat him, subdue him with force, and attempt to convince him from his mission.

I have plausible enough excuse for my knowledge of his intentions of conquest with my ability to see the soul, the fact that his conflicted, bloodlusted spiritual energy is rousing above the planet like a death cloud.

Enough of that for now.

Tonight's meeting with the Teen Team will be the first step in the direction of my plans.

With Eve's support and my newly enhanced abilities, I can begin to establish myself within the hero community - building connections that will prove valuable when the crisis breaks.

I clean away the blood from my face using a water bottle from my backpack, checking my reflection in a shard of broken glass.

Despite the internal changes, I look much the same externally - perhaps a slightly harder set to my jaw, a more confident posture.

As I make my way back toward the city, I feel a sense of satisfaction I haven't experienced since arriving in this world. For the first time, I feel truly prepared for what's coming - not just reacting to events, but positioned to shape them.

The King of Curses has returned. And just in time.

I spend the remainder of the day recovering from the morning's exertion and preparing for the evening's meeting. The integration process, while successful, has left me physically drained.

I rest in a quiet corner of the public library, ostensibly studying for finals while actually allowing my body to adjust to the enhanced flow of cursed energy.

By late afternoon, I feel sufficiently recovered to head home and change before meeting Eve. I choose my clothing carefully - dark jeans, a fitted black t-shirt, and a lightweight jacket.

Casual enough not to seem like I'm trying too hard, but well-fitted enough to allow freedom of movement if a demonstration of my abilities is requested.

At precisely 6:45 PM, I arrive at Eve's house. She answers the door immediately, as if she's been waiting by it.

"You came," she says, relief evident in her voice.

"I said I would," I reply simply.

She's dressed in casual clothes, but I notice she's wearing her costume beneath them - the pink collar just visible at her neckline.

"Nervous?" I ask as she leads me inside.

"A little," she admits. "This is... new territory for me. Bringing someone from my civilian life into my hero world."

"I appreciate the trust," I tell her, and mean it. Despite all my calculations and strategic thinking, I've come to genuinely value Eve's friendship. Something as Sukuna I never would've.

Friendship as Sukuna was impossible. None was my equal - which makes me wonder, if Satoru Gojo and I were to have been born in the same era, could we have become friends?

An interesting thought, though in the end, completely pointless.

"The headquarters isn't far," she says, checking her watch. "We can walk there in about twenty minutes. It's in an abandoned subway station beneath the old Parkview Mall."

"Sounds appropriately clandestine," I observe with a slight smile.

She returns the smile, some of her tension easing. "Rex's idea. He has a flair for the dramatic."

As we walk through the quiet residential streets toward the more commercial district where the mall is located, Eve briefs me on what to expect.

"Rex can be... abrasive," she warns. "He's talented but has an ego to match. Dupli-Kate is more level-headed, though she tends to defer to Rex on most matters. Shrinking Ray is the tech expert - brilliant but socially awkward."

"And Mark?" I ask, curious about how she perceives him in his hero persona.

"Invincible?" She shrugs. "Still finding his footing. Powerful, obviously, being Omni-Man's son. But inexperienced. Eager to prove himself."

Her assessment aligns with my own observations of Mark's development. Despite his Viltrumite heritage, he's still very much a teenager learning to navigate his newfound abilities.

"What have you told them about me?" I ask as we approach the abandoned mall.

"Just the basics," she replies. "That you can manipulate energy in unique ways, primarily for cutting and destruction. That you're highly intelligent with good tactical instincts. And that you're trustworthy."

The last part catches me slightly off-guard. "You vouched for my character?"

She nods without hesitation. "I did. I believe in you, Megumi."

The simple statement carries more weight than she likely realizes. In all my lives - original, Sukuna, and current - few people have expressed such uncomplicated faith in me.

We enter the mall through a service entrance, Eve using a key card to bypass the security lock.

The interior is dark and dusty, retail spaces long since emptied of merchandise, leaving only the skeletal remains of display fixtures and signage.

Eve leads me to what was once a maintenance corridor, then to a service elevator that surprisingly still functions.

We descend two levels below the mall's main floor, emerging into a dimly lit tunnel that must have been part of the planned subway expansion that was abandoned years ago.

After a short walk, we reach a heavy steel door with a sophisticated electronic lock. Eve places her palm on a scanner, and the door slides open to reveal a surprisingly well-appointed space beyond.

The Teen Team headquarters is a converted subway station, its original architectural features preserved but enhanced with modern technology.

The main platform has been transformed into a combination of training area, lounge, and command center, with computer stations, comfortable seating, and what appears to be state-of-the-art exercise equipment.

Three individuals are already present when we enter. Rex Splode - recognizable by his distinctive red and yellow costume - is lounging on a couch, feet propped up on a coffee table.

Dupli-Kate stands nearby, multiple copies of herself engaged in different activities - one reading a magazine, another checking something on a computer, a third practicing what looks like martial arts moves.

Shrinking Ray sits at a workstation, tinkering with some device I can't identify.

They all look up as we enter, their expressions ranging from curiosity to wariness.

"Hey, guys," Eve says, her voice taking on a confidence I haven't heard before - her hero persona emerging. "This is Megumi, the friend I told you about."

Rex stands, eyeing me with undisguised assessment. "So you're the energy manipulator. Don't look like much."

If only you knew. If you met me before this life I would have fed you your own tongue and strangled you with your intestines for such insolence.

Yet, currently, I don't have the drive for such effort.

"Rex," Kate admonishes, her duplicates merging back into a single form as she approaches. "Ignore him. He's like this with everyone new." She extends a hand. "I'm Kate. Nice to meet you."

I shake her hand, "Likewise."

Ray approaches next, adjusting his glasses nervously. "Your energy manipulation - Eve says it operates on a molecular level? Fascinating. I'd love to run some tests if you're amenable."

"Maybe later," Eve interjects before I can respond. "Let's not overwhelm him right away."

Rex circles me slowly, his posture deliberately intimidating. "So what can you actually do? Eve was pretty vague on the details."

I meet his gaze steadily. "I can manipulate an energy within me for various effects. Primarily cutting, but other applications as well."

"What kind of energy?" Rex scoffs. "Sounds like mystical bullshit to me."

"I'm not sure what to call it," I explain calmly. "It's a form of energy that seems to exist within living beings. Most humans have it in small amounts. I can generate and control it in much larger quantities."

"Prove it," Rex challenges.

This insolent brat. If your challenge benefited not my own plans... Maybe I should cut off his tongue later, and heal it after a week. It would benefit him greatly to know how not to speak with his betters.

No, that wouldn't beneficial for my future plans right now. I'll put him in his place and humble him eventually. I know he has valuable potential after all.

With careful precision, I extend my hand toward an empty soda can on the coffee table.

"Dismantle," I say softly.

The can splits perfectly in half, both pieces remaining exactly where they were, the cut so clean it looks like it was done with a laser.

Rex's eyebrows rise slightly - the first sign of genuine interest. "Okay, that's something. What else?"

Before I can respond, the door slides open again, and a familiar figure enters - Mark in his Invincible costume, the blue and yellow design bright against the subdued colors of the headquarters.

He stops short when he sees me, his eyes widening behind his mask. "Megumi? What are you doing here?"

"He's Eve's guest," Rex explains before I can answer. "Apparently, he's got some kind of energy cutting power. Just demonstrated on a soda can."

Mark looks between Eve and me, confusion evident in his expression. "You two know each other? Like, know know each other?"

Eve steps forward, her posture slightly defensive. "We've been working together on understanding his abilities. Similar to how I've been helping you adjust to yours."

"But-" Mark gestures between us, struggling to find words. "How long has this been going on?"

"A couple of months," I answer honestly. "Eve has been incredibly helpful in providing a scientific perspective on my energy manipulation."

Mark turns to Eve, his expression shifting from confusion to something closer to hurt. "You knew about his powers all this time? And you never mentioned it?"

"It wasn't my secret to share," Eve replies firmly. "Just like I wouldn't tell him about your abilities without your permission."

Mark processes this, then turns back to me. "And you knew she was Atom Eve? Since when? Dad just told me like - today!"

"I suspected for some time," I admit. "She confirmed it yesterday."

The tension in the room is palpable, the other Teen Team members watching this exchange with varying degrees of interest and discomfort.

"Well, this is awkward," Rex comments, seeming to enjoy the drama. "Sounds like everyone's been keeping secrets from everyone."

"Not helping, Rex," Kate mutters.

Mark takes a deep breath, visibly collecting himself. "Okay. So you both know about each other's powers. And now you're here because...?"

"Because I invited him," Eve says. "His abilities are unique and potentially valuable. I thought he should meet the team."

"And what, join up?" Mark asks, his tone skeptical.

"That would be up to all of us," Eve replies. "Including Megumi. This is just an introduction."

I observe Mark carefully, noting the conflict playing across his features.

He's struggling with multiple revelations - that Eve and I have been working together, that we've both been keeping secrets from him, that his two separate worlds are suddenly colliding.

"I think a demonstration is in order," Rex announces, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Let's see what the new guy can really do. Training room, five minutes."

Without waiting for a response, he strides toward a doorway at the far end of the platform. Kate follows, giving me an apologetic look as she passes.

"Is that really necessary?" Eve asks, but Ray is already nodding enthusiastically.

"Actually, a controlled environment would be ideal for observing his energy manipulation capabilities," the scientist says, gathering a tablet and what looks like sensing equipment. "I can take baseline readings during the demonstration."

As Ray hurries after the others, Mark, Eve, and I are left alone in an awkward triangle of unspoken questions.

"I should probably explain," I say, breaking the tension. "My abilities weren't fully manifested when we first discussed them, Mark. What you saw at the museum was just the beginning."

Mark crosses his arms, his posture defensive. "And you didn't think to mention that you were working with Eve? Or that your powers were developing?"

"Just like you didn't mention you were meeting with the Teen Team," I counter calmly. "We all have our reasons for discretion."

"Yeah okay, that is hypocritical on my part I admit it - but man, I have a blueprint on my powers, what if yours were dangerous?

You should've given me a heads up, maybe I could've asked Dad to help and see if you wouldn't get hurt.

You yourself said your powers are destructive, so them changing could've been destructive too!" Mark retorted, concern evident in his voice.

Eve steps between us before I can reply. "This isn't the time for this. Megumi's here because I believe his abilities could be valuable to the team - and because I trust him." She turns to me.

"Are you ready for this demonstration? Rex won't go easy on you."

I smile slightly, thankful for the change of topic. "I'm counting on it."

We follow the others to the training room - a large, reinforced chamber with high ceilings and walls lined with what appears to be impact-resistant material.

Various training equipment is arranged around the perimeter, with a clear space in the center for combat practice.

Rex stands in the middle, arms crossed, with Kate and Ray positioned at observation points. Several monitoring devices have been set up around the room.

"Finally," Rex says as we enter. "Thought you might have chickened out."

I ignore the taunt, taking in the room's dimensions and features with a tactical eye. Adequate for a controlled demonstration, though not for my full capabilities.

"Before we begin," a deep voice announces from the doorway, "I'd like to observe this demonstration as well."

I turn to see Nolan Grayson - Omni-Man - entering the training room, his white and red costume immaculate, his presence immediately dominating the space. Mark's posture straightens instinctively at his father's arrival.

"Dad," he says, surprise evident in his voice. "I thought you were handling that situation in the Netherlands."

"Resolved more quickly than anticipated," Nolan replies, his gaze fixed on me. "When I heard Mark was meeting a friend with unusual abilities, I thought it prudent to assess the situation personally."

The room's dynamic shifts instantly. What was to be a simple demonstration for the Teen Team has suddenly become an evaluation by Earth's most powerful hero - and secret threat.

"Mr. Grayson," I say, keeping my tone respectful despite the sudden tension in my muscles. "I wasn't expecting you."

"Clearly," he replies with a slight smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "I hope my presence doesn't... unsettle you."

"Not at all," I lie smoothly. "An experienced perspective is always valuable."

Nolan moves to the side of the room, positioning himself where he can observe everything. The Teen Team members exchange glances, clearly not accustomed to having Omni-Man supervise their activities so directly.

"Well," Rex says, recovering quickly, "let's see what you've got, new guy. Standard assessment - display of abilities followed by light sparring."

I step into the center of the room, centering myself. With Nolan present, I need to be particularly careful about what I reveal. Enough to impress, not enough to threaten.

"I'll start with the basics," I announce, extending my hand toward a training dummy positioned against the far wall.


A thin line of cursed energy extends from my fingertips, manifesting as a slight distortion in the air. The dummy splits cleanly in half, the cut so precise that the two pieces remain standing for a moment before sliding apart.

"Molecular separation," Ray murmurs, staring at his readings. "The energy signature is unlike anything I've recorded before."

"That's the same thing you did to the soda can," Rex points out, unimpressed. "Just bigger."

I smile slightly. "That was a controlled application. The technique can be... less precise."

I turn toward a rack of weighted training equipment, focusing my cursed energy differently, extending it to touch it.


A broader wave of destructive force erupts from my hand, tearing through the equipment rack and leaving a jagged path of destruction.

Metal bends and warps, weights split apart, the entire structure collapsing in a controlled demolition.

"The difference," I explain as the dust settles, "is that Dismantle cuts with fixed parameters. Cleave adapts to the target's durability and resistance."

I notice Nolan's posture shift slightly - the first indication that he's genuinely interested in what he's seeing.

Good, it is going as expected for now.

"And those are just words you say to focus?" Kate asks, having moved closer to examine the destruction.

"Mental triggers," I confirm. "They help channel the energy appropriately."

"What else can you do?" Mark asks, his earlier frustration giving way to curiosity.

I consider how much more to reveal. With Nolan watching, I need to establish myself as valuable and also a little threatening.

The Ten Shadows technique is my ace in the hole - despite wishing to be seen as a threat, it is better to keep it hidden and focus on my physical enhancements.

"The energy also allows me to enhance my physical capabilities," I explain. "Strength, speed, reflexes, durability - all can be amplified significantly."

Rex looks skeptical. "How significantly? We talking Olympic athlete or superhuman?"

"Why don't you find out?" I suggest, maintaining a neutral expression despite the challenge in my voice.

Rex grins, clearly eager for the opportunity. "Now we're talking."

"Actually," Nolan interjects, "I'd be more interested in seeing how these enhancements compare to Viltrumite abilities." He turns to his son. "Mark, why don't you test Megumi's capabilities?"

Mark looks startled. "Dad, I don't think that's a good idea. I could hurt him."

I notice the subtle shift in Nolan's expression - a flicker of assessment, perhaps even disappointment at Mark's hesitation.

"Your friend may surprise you," Nolan says. "From what I've observed, his abilities are... substantial."

Mark glances at me uncertainly. "Megumi? Are you okay with this?"

I nod, understanding the opportunity this presents. "I'm willing if you are. We can keep it controlled - basic strength and speed assessment."

"I'll monitor the energy output," Ray offers eagerly, adjusting his equipment. "This could provide valuable comparative data."

Mark still looks hesitant, but steps forward into the center of the training area. "Just... tell me if I'm going too hard, okay?"

"I will," I promise, though I have no intention of doing so. This is my chance to demonstrate capabilities that will make both Mark and Nolan reassess their assumptions about me.

We face each other in the center of the room, the others backing away to give us space. I can sense Mark's discomfort - he's never had to control his newfound strength against a friend before.

"Start with basic strength assessment," Nolan instructs from the sidelines. "Push against each other, gradually increasing force."

Mark and I position ourselves, palms raised to meet in the middle. As our hands connect, I channel cursed energy throughout my body, focusing particularly on enhancing my physical strength.

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"Ready?" Mark asks.

"Ready," I confirm.

We begin pushing against each other, slowly at first. I can feel Mark deliberately holding back, afraid of hurting me. I maintain a neutral expression, allowing him to believe he has the advantage.

"More pressure, Mark," Nolan calls out. "He can handle it."

Mark increases the force slightly, still well below his capabilities. I match it easily, the cursed energy flowing through my muscles.

"More," Nolan instructs, his voice sharper now.

Mark reluctantly applies more strength, enough that a normal human would be struggling. I remain steady, my feet planted firmly on the ground, my posture relaxed despite the increasing pressure.

"You can push harder," I tell him quietly. "I won't break."

Something in my tone - confidence without arrogance - seems to reassure him. He increases the pressure significantly, now using strength that would crush concrete.

I channel more cursed energy, my muscles hardening with supernatural resilience. Our hands remain locked in position, neither giving ground.

"Full strength, Mark," Nolan commands, his voice carrying an edge of authority that brooks no argument. "I want to see what he's truly capable of."

Mark hesitates only briefly before complying. The pressure against my palms increases exponentially as he finally unleashes his Viltrumite strength - force that could shatter moons.

I pour more cursed energy into my body, drawing deeply from the well of power that my soul integration has unlocked.

A faint red aura shimmers around me momentarily as I match Mark's full strength, our hands remaining perfectly stationary.

The floor beneath our feet fractures, cracks spiderwebbing outward in a six-foot radius. The air between us seems to vibrate with tension.

Mark's eyes widen in disbelief. "How are you-"

I maintain my position, not yielding an inch. The effort is tremendous, requiring more cursed energy than I've channeled since arriving in this world, but I refuse to show any strain.

From the corner of my eye, I see Nolan's reaction. His composed expression barely changes, but I catch the slight narrowing of his eyes, the almost imperceptible straightening of his posture.

It's the look of a predator reassessing potential prey - or perhaps a potential rival.

"Enough," he says after several seconds, his tone perfectly controlled despite what must be considerable surprise.

We break apart, both unharmed despite the tremendous forces we've just exerted. The others stare in stunned silence at the destroyed floor beneath us.

"Remarkable," Nolan says, his voice carrying a careful neutrality that contrasts with the intense calculation in his eyes. "I've never seen a human match Viltrumite strength before."

There's something in the way he studies me now - a new quality of attention that goes beyond mere curiosity. It's the focused assessment of someone categorizing a potential asset... or threat.

All according to plan.

"The energy enhances my physical capabilities significantly," I explain modestly. "Though maintaining this level of output is taxing."

"Indeed." Nolan circles us slowly, his movements deliberately casual yet somehow still dangerous. "Most enhanced humans show specialized abilities - super strength or speed or durability. Rarely all three, and never at levels comparable to Viltrumite physiology."

He stops directly in front of me, meeting my gaze with an intensity that would intimidate most beings. "You're quite the anomaly, Megumi."

"I'm still learning the extent of my abilities myself," I reply, maintaining a respectful tone while returning his gaze steadily.

A ghost of a smile touches his lips. "Let's test your speed and reflexes next."

Mark looks at me with new respect. "You're a lot stronger than you look."

"So are you," I reply with a slight smile.

For the next test, we position ourselves at opposite ends of the training area.

"Mark will move at increasing speeds," Nolan explains. "Megumi, your task is to track and react to his movements. We'll start at human baseline and escalate."

I nod, centering myself and channeling cursed energy to enhance my reflexes and perception.

Mark begins moving across the room at normal human running speed - easy to track. Then he accelerates to Olympic sprinter velocity, still well within my enhanced capabilities.

"Faster," Nolan instructs, his voice carrying an undertone of anticipation that wasn't there before.

Mark blurs into superhuman speed, moving faster than any normal human could possibly track. To the others, he must appear as little more than a colored streak.

But with my cursed energy enhancing my senses and reflexes, I can still perceive his movements - not with perfect clarity, but enough to react. As he passes by me, I reach out and lightly tap his shoulder, demonstrating that I can track him.

Mark stops, looking genuinely shocked. "How did you-"

"Again," Nolan interrupts, and there's no mistaking the intensity in his voice now. "Maximum speed this time."

Mark hesitates only briefly before complying. This time he moves at true Viltrumite velocity -a speed that would be invisible to normal human perception.

I channel cursed energy to - not its limit per se, but still a significant amount compared to what I can currently do, pushing my reflexes and perception to near their absolute peak.

The world seems to slow around me, though not enough to fully track Mark's movements.

It seems Viltrumites exceed me in speed still.

As he approaches, I can perceive only a faint distortion in the air. I react on instinct, enhanced by decades of battle experience as Sukuna, and manage to shift just enough to brush my fingers against his costume as he passes.

Not a direct hit, but enough to demonstrate capabilities far beyond anything conventional.

Mark skids to a stop, staring at me with undisguised astonishment. "That's impossible. No one can track me at that speed except Dad."

I allow myself a small, satisfied smile. "The energy enhances perception as well as physical capabilities."

"Extraordinary," Ray mutters, frantically recording data. "His neural response time is orders of magnitude beyond human baseline."

Nolan has gone very still, his expression carefully neutral but his eyes calculating. When he finally speaks, his voice is measured, controlled.

"One final test, I think. Durability."

Mark immediately shakes his head. "No way. I'm not hitting him."

"A controlled impact," Nolan clarifies. "Just enough to assess resilience."

I meet Nolan's gaze, understanding the real purpose of this test. He wants to know if I could survive a Viltrumite attack - information that could be valuable to him for very different reasons than the others might assume.

"I'm willing," I say calmly. "With appropriate limitations."

Mark still looks uncomfortable. "I don't like this."

"It's necessary to understand the full scope of his abilities," Nolan insists, his tone carrying that subtle note of authority that seems to compel obedience. "For proper team integration and tactical planning."

There's something more in his voice now - a clinical detachment that reminds me of a scientist preparing to test a hypothesis. Or perhaps a general evaluating a weapon's capabilities.

Eve steps forward, concern evident in her expression. "This has gone far enough. We've established that Megumi has enhanced physical capabilities. We don't need to risk injury."

"I agree with Eve," Kate adds. "This is supposed to be an introduction, not a combat trial."

Nolan's expression hardens slightly, but before he can respond, I speak up.

"A compromise, perhaps," I suggest. "I'll demonstrate my durability against a non-living target." I turn to Rex. "Charge something with moderate explosive force. I'll absorb the impact."

Rex looks to Nolan, who nods after a moment's consideration.

There's a hint of disappointment in the Viltrumite's eyes - he wanted to see me tested against Mark's strength directly - but he conceals it quickly.

"Fine," Rex says, picking up a small metal sphere from a training equipment rack. He charges it with glowing energy. "This would normally dent reinforced steel. Ready?"

I position myself in the center of the room, channeling cursed energy throughout my body to create a protective layer just beneath my skin. "Ready."

Rex throws the sphere directly at my chest. I make no attempt to dodge or deflect it.

The impact is decent. The sphere detonates on contact, creating a small explosion that momentarily engulfs me in smoke and flame.

When the smoke clears, I'm still standing in the same position, my clothing not even singed, my body unharmed.

The floor beneath my feet has cracked from the force I absorbed and redirected downward.

"Holy shit," Rex mutters, clearly impressed despite himself.

I brush some debris from my shoulder, maintaining a calm demeanor despite the exertion required to withstand the blast.

"As I said, the energy provides significant defensive capabilities as well."

Nolan studies me with an intensity that's no longer disguised.

"Most impressive, young man," he says, his voice carrying a weight of consideration that wasn't there before. "You've demonstrated capabilities far beyond what I expected to see today."

There's something in his tone - not quite suspicion, but a deeper curiosity that borders on wariness.

Good, he must be wary. I need to delay his killing of the Guardians.

Nolan is no fool, he must realize that he can get substantially injured during his act of killing - but in canon never cared since even in such a weakend state no one could hurt him.

No one, but Mark who is his son and would never believe anything bad about him till he sees it before his very eyes.

Now it's different. I exist. If Cecil or anyone found out about his actions, and wanted him dead, and showed it to me then with proper motivation I could easily kill him at his weakest.

Mark approaches, concern evident in his expression. "Are you really okay?"

"Perfectly fine," I assure him. "Though I'll need to clean my shirt."

This draws a small laugh from the group, breaking some of the tension.

"I believe we've seen enough for an initial assessment," Nolan announces, his authoritative tone bringing the demonstration to a close.

"Megumi's abilities are clearly substantial and versatile. Energy projection, physical enhancement, precise control - all valuable assets for a hero team."

He turns to address the entire group. "I believe he would make a valuable addition to your team, on a trial basis of course. His tactical mind and unique abilities would complement your existing capabilities."

Rex looks like he wants to object but knows better than to contradict Omni-Man. Kate and Ray seem genuinely pleased, while Mark appears conflicted.

Eve steps forward. "That was our hope in bringing him here today. To introduce him to the team and assess potential compatibility."

"Then it seems we're in agreement," Nolan says with a finality that brooks no argument. He turns back to me, and for a brief moment, the mask of the benevolent hero slips just slightly. His eyes meet mine with a penetrating intensity that communicates volumes.

"I look forward to seeing how you develop, young man," he says, his voice carrying layers of meaning. "Your potential is... intriguing."

The word hangs in the air between us, loaded with implication.

This is the strategic assessment from a being who has conquered worlds.

What does he see me as right now besides a threat? A potential asset? A potential breeding horse for Viltrumite women? A human male that evolved to the point of rivaling Viltrumites.

With that though, he moves toward the door. "Mark, I'll see you at home. We have training scheduled for tomorrow morning."

After Nolan leaves, the room erupts in excited chatter. Ray rushes over with his monitoring equipment, babbling about energy readings and neural response times.

Kate congratulates me on holding my own against both Rex and Mark, while Rex himself maintains a sullen distance.

Mark approaches me, his expression serious. "That was... not what I expected."

"Which part?" I ask.

"Any of it. My dad doesn't usually take such an interest in new heroes. And I've never seen anyone move that fast or hit that hard except for him."

I shrug, downplaying my performance. "The energy enhances my physical abilities significantly. I pushed myself harder than usual because, well, it was an important demonstration."

He studies me for a moment, then nods. "I guess that makes sense. Still, he seemed really impressed."

"Your father is difficult to read," I say truthfully.

"Tell me about it," Mark sighs. "Anyway, welcome to the team, I guess? This is weird - my school friend and my superhero colleagues mixing."

"Life is full of unexpected intersections," I reply. "We'll adjust."

Eve joins us, her expression a mixture of relief and concern. "That went... differently than I anticipated. I didn't expect Nolan to show up, let alone take such an active role in testing you."

"It worked out," I say reassuringly. "Though I'll be feeling that workout tomorrow."

"You matched Mark's strength," she says, lowering her voice. "Do you realize how significant that is? He has Viltrumite genetics."

"I channeled a lot of energy," I explain. "More than I've ever attempted before. It's not something I could maintain indefinitely."

"Still," she insists, "it was impressive. And a little concerning, honestly. I've never seen you display that level of enhancement during our practice sessions."

I meet her gaze steadily. "As I explained to Mark earlier, my abilities weren't fully manifested when we began working together. They've been... awakening gradually."

"Awakening," she repeats, her scientific mind clearly processing the implications. "We should run some comparative tests, establish new baselines."

"Always the scientist," I say with a small smile.

The rest of the evening is spent discussing logistics - training schedules, communication protocols, equipment needs.

Rex gradually warms up after his initial sullenness, even offering tactical suggestions for how my abilities might complement the team's existing capabilities.

By the time Eve and I leave headquarters, it's well past ten o'clock. The night air is cool and refreshing after the intensity of the training room.

"So," Eve says as we walk back toward her neighborhood, "official Teen Team member, with Omni-Man's personal endorsement. Not bad for your first hero meeting."

"It wasn't what I expected," I admit. "Nolan's presence changed the dynamic considerably."

"He seemed very interested in you," she observes. "More than I've ever seen him show interest in a new hero."

I consider this. "Perhaps because my abilities are unusual. Different from most powered individuals."

"Maybe," she says, though she doesn't sound entirely convinced. "Or maybe he sensed something in you that the rest of us haven't fully recognized yet."

Her perception is uncomfortably accurate. I change the subject slightly. "How do you think Mark feels about all this? His friend suddenly joining his superhero team?"

"Confused, probably. But he'll adjust. Mark's good at rolling with unexpected developments."

We walk in companionable silence for a while, each lost in our own thoughts. Eventually, Eve speaks again.

"That was quite a demonstration today," she says. "I don't think I've ever seen Rex so impressed - though he'd never admit it."

I smile slightly. "He does seem the type to guard his approval carefully."

"The team's dynamics take some getting used to," she admits.

"Rex likes to position himself as the leader, Kate mediates, and Ray gets so caught up in the scientific aspects that he sometimes misses the social cues."

"And where do you fit in this arrangement?" I ask, genuinely curious about how she perceives her role.

She considers this for a moment. "I suppose I'm the pragmatist. I try to keep everyone focused on what actually matters - helping people, solving problems efficiently."

"A valuable perspective," I note. "Teams need that grounding influence."

We continue walking, the conversation shifting to more practical matters - communication protocols, the logistics of balancing hero work with our academic responsibilities.

"Speaking of balance," Eve says as we near her neighborhood, "how are you planning to manage all this with your probation requirements? You still have community service hours, right?"

"For two more months," I confirm. "But Mr. Washington's program is flexible enough. And my uncle works so many hospital shifts that my schedule is fairly open."

She nods thoughtfully. "Just don't overextend yourself. Even with enhanced abilities, everyone has limits."

The statement carries more weight than she likely realizes. I've spent decades pushing past what others considered limits, redefining the boundaries of power and possibility.

But in this new context, with this body still acclimating to my soul, prudence has value.

"I'll pace myself," I assure her.

And I shall for there is much at stake here.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the Chapter!

So, finally, Sukuna has regained a substantial amount of strength.

I would place him around 15 fingers at this moment of his original strength.

So yeah, do tell me how you found it, as well as Sukuna's plan and I hope to see you all later,


Read The Regressor Can Make Them All