Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs-Chapter 348 Agitated Gathering

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It was a new day in Monwac city, a new day in a week which had been filled with celebrations, and jubilation after the return of the Ann hung was announced and his feat of killing Zuroc was made known.

Seth had felt akin to a celebrity these days, his face somehow becoming recognizable by almost everyone, especially when he moved with either Dilise or Minuha.

Different sorts of stories on his engagements came up, but there was never proof or wording of what was truly going on.

Other than enjoying a few outings in the city, Seth spent quite a lot of time with the trio of Flora, Dilise, and Minuha.

With the comfort of a bed and supply of food, fucking was almost akin to breathing for him.

Well, those had been the fun days and in the end, all fun things always came to an end, and this time he was the one who had brought the fun times to an end as he had many pressing matters to attend to.

It was Seth's desires that now brought about the current situation he found himself in.


At the moment, there were four people seated, one of the four people had a casual look, another an unbothered expression, and of the last two, one had a tight curious look while the other had an angry expression, one directed at a certain person.

Of the four people, a man sat down in the central seat, one which let him face three women who were also on their couches, two women to his left and one to his right.

"Good to see that were are all here," Seth said from the comfy of his grand couch without worry, a smile on his face, not minding the angry and blameful gaze Aimy was throwing him, though Irene's pursed lips as she looked at him with curiosity did look succulent.

"Well, I believe at this point we're all done with our matters in this world and are ready to return to our home world."

"If there is anyone who feels otherwise, please indicate," Seth said looking at Irene and Aimy.

A few seconds passed and there was no objection from either woman, but just when Seth thought things might actually be going well, Irene's palm went to her forehead while Minuha smirked.

"Why is she here" the exuberant woman loudly fired, her finger pointing at the dark-haired beauty.

"She had information that I believe would be useful" Seth calmly replied.

"We don't need her, Irene knows everything that we need to get leave, or what, you don; trust Iren anymore, Minuha is now the best…"

Aimy would have gone on speaking had her sister not pulled her down to her seat and given her a glare.

Aimy reactions and resentment towards himself didn't really bother Seth. 𝑏𝑒𝘥𝑛𝑜𝘷𝑒𝑙.𝘰𝑟𝑔

After rejecting Irene, it was a fact that Aimy would come to know of it, and in no scenario did Seth believe that she would be happy about the matter or take it as calmly as her sister.

Perhaps Seth would have been able to get Aimy to understand or temper her anger towards him with time and Irene's help, but his latest stunt had set her off.

There was no way Seth could hide the fact he went on to bang Flora, and then Minuha, and then Dilise, fucking all three woman at the same time.

The thoughts of his rampage through all three women had Seth all giddy and considering having another go, but then he remembered that he was still on the spot.

Seth stared at Aimy, thinking to ruthlessly face the problem and have the woman submissive, but then he thought of Irene and changed his mind.

At this point their time together was almost up, though he wouldn't apologize or feel sorry for having a foursome, while she was still around, he thought to at least pamper her broken heart.

With Iren having silenced Aimy, Seth began speaking.

"First we'll be talking about returning to our worlds."

There was some silence and then Aimy spoke.

"You want us to talk about such a sensitive topic with her present, have you forgotten that she is the enemy" Aimy snarled.

Seth thought Aimy was just being all angry again, but then he saw Irene nod her head to her sister's words.

"Don't worry I trust her "Seth said.

Though just 5 words, while they sent the heart of the only dark hair female in the room fluttering and being filled with thoughts of loyalty and gratefulness, the other two women's emotions were very different.

Dealing with Minuha was easy for Seth, but for Irene, he wasn't sure how she took his words as she remained calm while Aimy, well.

"But we don't trust her "she roared.

"But you trust me right?"

Aimy was just about to answer that question when Irene arrived beside her and closed her mouth.

Aimy struggled at first but then she calmed down, perhaps rethinking the words she wanted to say.

When Irene saw that her sister had calmed down, she released her hold on her, and before anyone could say a word, Aimy turned and bolted, her figure quickly leaving the room.

"Perhaps it's best if she goes, she is very emotional, but don't worry I should be able to handle whatever it is you need, "Irene said with a tight smile.

Watching her trying to explain Aimy's actions, Seth could only internally shake his head at how distant they were becoming.

While Aimy thought her sister stopped her from speaking words she would later regret, Seth was sure Irene had stopped her because of her fear of Seth having a change of mind on his initiation plans for Aimy.

Several thoughts fluttered through Seth's head on how he could alleviate Irene's worries, but in the end, he decided to stay put and leave the woman be.

"There are no worries, I understand her, and I know she can be quite grumpy," Seth said throwing Irene a smile that he hoped helped.

"Now moving onto the issue of leaving Egaroth, how do we do so," Seth asked looking at Irene.

"What do you mean, don't you know the direction to your access point."