Biohuman-Chapter 76 Team 26 Vs Team 2

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Lee Seng sent a flurry of blows out at Ritsuka who easily blocked them with the black sword. Ritsuka swung forward forcing Lee Seng to create distance. Lee Seng slid backwards. The strange feeling in his stomach was building. Ritsuka dashed forward, lighting up the black sword. The black sword glowed blue and he slashed the air a couple of times. Black-blue energy shot out of the sword with each slash.

The slashes blurred together, closing in on Lee Seng who clutched at his stomach. Lee Seng blurred as he dodged to the side. The energy slashes landed against the arena border, fizzling into nothing as Lee Seng slid to a stop.

'Damn it, what the hell is happening?' Lee Seng wondered. He clutched at his mask. His head was hurting while the injury he sustained in that nightmare burned. He had created distance between him and Ritsuka, but that meant Olivia was open for a double-attack if they were that crafty. Lee Seng took a big sigh and shook his head. 'I gotta make sure to do my best.'

"Hmm, he's fast." Ritsuka nodded his head. He clutched his sword a bit tighter and turned to look at Evan and Olivia. "They must've split their focus because Lee Seng's at a disadvantage as a Glass, so he decided to take me on."

Olivia rushed Evan and sent a flurry of blows straight for Evan. Evan's shield blocked the incoming blows and Olivia started to recognize his patterns. The shield felt like it had actual weight behind it, but Evan lifted it like it was nothing. The shield's aura slowly turned blue as Evan released the aura and shoved the shield against Olivia. The kinetic energy released, sending Olivia sliding a couple of feet. ƒ𝗿e𝘦𝚠𝗲𝚋n𝚘ν𝙚𝗹.𝑐o𝙢

'It's weak. He has to take a lot of blows in order to create a bigger push. I guess I'll have to use it.' Olivia thought as she stood up. She stuffed her hand into her deep pockets and pulled out the red fire potion.

"I was gonna try to see if I could dismantle you too..." She frowned as she held it up.

"Evan, let's do it!" Ritsuka yelled. Ritsuka started to rush over towards Evan. Evan turned and ran towards his teammate. Olivia groaned and threw the potion towards them. The potion flew in the air and made it halfway before it started to fall.

"Lee!" Olivia shouted. "The potion!" 𝗳r𝗲𝙚w𝐞𝚋𝘯𝚘ѵ𝗲l.𝑐om

Lee Seng snapped out of his thoughts and raised his hand. His eyes honed in on a small object falling. He readjusted his hand towards it and gravity flew out. The bottle shattered and the liquid oxidized into flames in an instant. Lee Seng whipped the flame towards Evan and Ritsuka, creating a flame wall between them. The flames shot up high as Ritsuka and Evan came to a stop, covering themselves from the flames.

"What the--" Evan shouted. He started to back up as Olivia ran towards him. Evan turned around and cursed. Lee Seng pulled his bow out and reached behind him and started to pull an arrow out of thin air.

'Arrow.' Lee Seng notched it, quickly and pointed it at Ritsuka. Commandments appeared in front of him. He ignored and shot at Ritsuka. The familiar charge of gravity overtook the bow and arrow as Lee Seng released. He watched the arrow sail straight for Ritsuka. Ritsuka swung his sword to deflect the arrow and Lee Seng smiled.

The arrow shattered and the gravity stored in the arrow burst outwards. The rush of gravity blew flew in all directions. Ritsuka flew backwards while the flames easily split for the gravity pulse. The gravity rushed at Evan and Olivia, pushing them away.

'Arrow.' Lee Seng pulled another arrow behind him and notched it. 'I just need to make sure Ritsuka gets out of this, quick. If I can do that, Evan should be no problem.' Lee Seng pulled the bowstring back and aimed straight for Ritsuka.

"Damn, that hits hard. I wonder if Evan would even get any energy off of that." Ritsuka wondered. The black sword pulsed in his hand and he sighed, flipping the blade to point at the floor and holding the hilt with both hands. "Black Void." Ritsuka whispered in Japanese. Ritsuka let go of the sword. The black sword pierced the floor and flew straight into the white ground. The white ground turned into a black metallic shimmer and in an instant the whole arena was covered.

"Dammit, just what I needed!" Lee Seng shouted. Bow commandments flew out and his eyes raced.



'The archer, that the blood puppet used, usually did rain of arrows or split shot. I wonder if it'll do enough within the Black Void.' Lee Seng pondered.

"Rain of arrows." He whispered. He pointed the arrow upwards and released. The arrows began to multiple and soar through the sky, arcing towards Ritsuka. Black swords rose from the ground and blocked most of the arrows. The arrows started to explode, shaking the arena and sending aftershocks across the gym.

Olivia and Evan quickly jumped up. The two rushed at each other and began to exchange blows. The black metallic flooring beneath seemed to pulse with energy. Olivia slammed her palm into the shield and felt the familiar shock in her brain click. The dismantle palm slam reverberated against the shield and the shield's aura began to shake.

Evan pushed Olivia away and quickly went in for another slam when the shield disappeared.

"What the hell?" Evan muttered. A barrage of black swords shot out of the ground, forcing Olivia backwards from Evan.

"So it does work like I thought it would." Olivia nodded. Black swords began to erupt from the floor. Olivia began to dodge and weave herself away from the swords when a sword flew and sliced her arm. The swords retracted and Olivia glanced around. She could feel the trickle of blood making its way down her arm.

She could see Evan was confused and making his way towards Ritsuka. Ritsuka was being barraged by Lee Seng's rain of arrows. Ritsuka seemed to have a good hold on the sword's power. He could protect himself and his teammate while attacking Olivia. The black swords seemed to not appear near her.

'Could the black metallic flooring be a feint? What if Ritsuka's sword ability can't reach far?' Olivia glanced where she was last. She moved forward and swords immediately flew upwards. She jerked backwards and watched as the swords sunk back into the ground. 'He has a range limit. That explains why it isn't hitting me, but is he barraging Lee Seng too?'

Olivia glanced and watched as black swords flew out of the black metallic flooring and tried to strike at Lee Seng. Lee Seng grunted as he was forced further away from Ritsuka. He had heightened his focus on dodging to prevent the least amount of damage on himself, but was still met with surprises.

He jumped into the air and watched as the blades followed him. He pulled an arrow into existence and notched it. He fired the arrow at the swords and watched as the gravity arrow forced the swords back down.

'Three arrows.' Lee Seng thought. Three arrows manifested as he started to fall back towards the ground where the black swords were waiting. He turned the bow on its side and notched the arrows. 'Resonance shot.'

Lee Seng let the arrows fly and quickly swiped with his right hand towards the ground. Gravity flew out and slammed against the black swords while the resonance shot started to spin closely together and create the familiar drill effect.

"Evan, you have your shield?" Ritsuka asked. He turned to look at Evan who looked at the huge arrow coming at them. Evan grunted and tried to manifest the shield.

"I-I...! Olivia must've disrupted my Dark Matter flow! I can't summon it!" Evan shouted.

"Dammit!" Ritsuka growled. He snapped his fingers and the black metallic void pulled back into him. "Come forth, Angerfang." The air around Ritsuka shook and a huge scythe flew out, landing onto the ground. Ritsuka raised his hand and the red-metal scythe flew into Ritsuka's hand.

"Stay close." Ritsuka told Evan. He readied the scythe and smiled. "Angerfang: Gluttony." Angerfang glowed bright red and Ritsuka swung at the resonance shot. The scythe and arrows collided, whipping energy in all directions. Evan shielded himself with his hands as the white and red energy collided.

Ritsuka grunted as Angerfang began to suck in the white energy. Lee Seng watched as Ritsuka was actually holding up against Lee Seng's powerful bow command.

"What the...?" Lee Seng muttered.

"Lee" Olivia shouted. Lee Seng turned and watched as Olivia closed the distance between them. "I disrupted Evan's Dark Matter flow. If we want to win, we gotta do it now!"

"Ritsuka just whipped out the scythe. It looks like its eating the energy." Lee Seng pointed. "How do we beat that?"