Bonded Summoner-Chapter 20Book 6. : Family

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Book 6. Chapter 20: Family

“Hnng…Hnng….gnununu….ahhh.” Berri gave a sigh of relief, and Blood floated their beautiful egg in the air.

“Oh! This one is a different color.” She gave the purple-spotted egg a gentle hug and a kiss, as the black and white hearth in their chest blazed and swelled with pride. Yet another assuredly beautiful, strong child would be developing inside.

“We’ll put you next to the others,” Berri beamed, as Blood floated the egg to the side.

Berri opened the door to their precious incubator. Enhanced by the Hearth of the Refuge, the incubator would keep their lovelies warm and filled with the appropriate amount of magical energy as their babies developed inside.

Placing the purple egg next to the many others, row after row was filled with eggs. Dozens of eggs in total filled the incubator.

Blood gave a smile of bliss, as her hands framed her blushing, beautiful face. “We’ll have to see lord husband yet again.”

Berri’s grin was wide. “Yes! The incubator isn’t full yet. We can have so many more babies! Let’s go see Daddy Jake right away.”

As if her words were a trigger, several eggs began hatching all at once. Despite Echidna assuring them echidnas like Bloodberri would be born of their meeting, terrible chimeral monsters tore themselves out of the eggs with a roar–

Jake woke up in a cold sweat, wrapped around a very satisfied Bloodberri holding him tightly in their tail. He let out a relieved sigh after he double-checked the incubator with his Arcane Eye, rather than teleport out of their embrace.

It was only a dream, though it was at least somewhat based on reality. There was just the one egg in the incubator, for now.

The egg had an interesting design, having overlapping reptilian scales covering it. The scales were covered in swirls of black and white, with flecks of gold on them.

Various energies were sent into the Refuge at an impressive density, thanks to the Divine Hearth. The balance of auril was certainly higher, and Jake wondered what kind of impact this might have on his and Bloodberri’s children.

All their research assured them that the special incubator would monitor the energy levels within the egg and protect it from harmful oversaturation. It would do this while ensuring it was bathed in the energy required for maximum growth of their developing child.

Bloodberri had…laid the egg, just a few days after Fhesiah had returned. It was almost as if her desire to see their child sooner had aided in its growth, and as if they were waiting for their sister-wife to rejoin them for this momentous occasion.

And then, they assured him they would manage to have another egg laid before it was time to arrive at Earth. Fhesiah had given them a clean bill of health, their ability to have another pregnancy immediately a non-issue. Aside from heightened food consumption, Bloodberri was truly a… baby-making machine.

And this was even though the egg was special–Fhesiah noted that this egg had twins, within. The next egg would be smaller, and…perhaps be even faster, to be ready. So Jake was happy to…indulge their request for another child already.

Two months had already passed since then, and so they were already nearly two months pregnant once again, and their baby bump was much more reasonable this time.

Berri stretched with her hands above her head, a big dopey smile on her face. The echidna didn’t require sleep, just like him, but they were happy to enjoy falling asleep with Jake in their embrace.

Her voice was much calmer and more serene than in the past. Taking her time, she spoke with happiness, “Good morning, Daddy Jake. Today is going to be a wonderful day, I just know it.”

In a way, her calmness was a little freaky to him. He was so used to her being so filled with energy and excitement, that this more calm, patient behavior was a little whip lashing. It happened within just a few days of birthing her egg like a flip was switched, and there were other things about her that were quite different.

She spent a bunch of time with the egg in its incubator every single day, singing and talking to both the egg and the growing child in her stomach. Her patience had increased, and it was like her bouts with always needing to be occupied with something exciting were completely gone, replaced with a profound, motherly satisfaction and anticipation.

Her thoughts were always filled with the excitement of her unborn child, like an endless drive and need was at least partially fulfilled. He knew she was a little baby-crazy from the beginning, but he had no idea that giving her what she wanted would make her so contented.

Berri gave him a hug and a kiss, before her eyes glazed over–checking the Refuge map for her sister wives.

Berri smiled. “It looks like Ava is already making breakfast for us. Faye is working on her Alchemy, Lia is smithing, and Tanda is working on her garden.” She rubbed her belly as she looked down, a smile tugging on her lips. “Just a bit more and you’ll be ready, little one.”

Blood stirred awake next, and joined her sister in the pride of motherhood. “Yes, I do think you are right, sister. This food our Faye brought and traded for is quite special, and this one is doing nicely.”

Berri gave a contented sigh. “Don’t forget Ava’s milk. So yummy.”

Jake couldn’t help but chuckle as Blood blushed a little at Berri’s comment. It was a bit weird drinking her milk, but because it was delicious and chock-full of special magics, it was easy to put up with the oddity for the good of their unborn child.

Blood nodded at his thoughts. “Yes… It’s so nice that we have Ava, and that she is so…accommodating. Then, if we are away, that she can take care of the little ones for us is reassuring. I’m happy to have her.”

Of course, his wives didn’t need to drink directly at the source, but he and Ava were okay with that if they were. But while on Highlands, Ava had created a more… normal source of the magical honey-milk, through her special stem in her primary Avatar’s lair.

The girls and Jake all teleported up to have breakfast, the three Avatars happily cooking away.

With Jake’s Hearth Bond, the primary avatar was now able to enter the Refuge. It was a welcome change, and they imagined she had even more freedom thanks to the application of Divine Reinforcement.

Adding the spell to Avalara’s Primary Avatar was crazy expensive when it came to the cost of mana and all the other resources moving around in his hearth. He would only be able to keep it while he was at home and didn’t need his mana for much else, at least for now.

Even adding the spell was only possible once they had formed their hearth bond, the reduction in mana cost for his hearth bonded improving.

Enhancing the primary avatar had a significant impact on the world’s song, and a few other capabilities she had. Her ability to direct the wildlife and alter the world increased, and she was sure the pace of growth toward the world’s maximum energy output had improved.

Which had important effects. In just a few short months, much of the world’s flora and fauna were crossing the threshold and entering the second Tier. It was mainly the predators that were first and a bit ahead, but Ava and the beastkin were busy maintaining the balance in preventing things from running askew, along with something else: the sandreavers from Ankhmar and numerous nethril creatures.

Tanda and her people had felt a glorious vindication when they learned a startling detail: when the nethril returned to the world since the curse was removed, their practice of burying the bones of dead auril beasts and their dead beastkin brethren to return their energy to the world bore fruit.

The many graveyards throughout the world attracted this nethril energy, and Ava’s underground movements shifted these locations. Nethril beings were being birthed from these locations, and they were quickly made a part of the endless conflict that was Highlands.

These creatures instinctually maintained the balance, tempering the living and becoming a part of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Tanda had, if anything, felt that this original practice had made them weak. They learned that the spines and bones of auril beasts were especially useful for ranged equipment, which would have drastically improved their outlook in the war if they had learned this sooner. However, this practice had saved hundreds of years of gathering them, paving the way for their futures.

The beastkin’s ancestors, along with Ava, had definitely planned their culture and put them on a path for a triumphant return, and Jake was more than a little impressed.

Ava was floating in the kitchen, with vines working the implements, while the two avatars busied themselves with setting the table.

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She smiled at Jake and Blooberri’s entry. “Good morning, my love–and Bloodberri. Please have a seat and dig in. The others are on their way, and I have plenty of milk for your little ones.”

Berri nodded, taking a big happy sniff of the foods in front of her, and taking a drink of the honey milk. “Thank you for cooking, Ava. The bed was just so comfy with hubby, it was wonderful to rest for a bit.”

Tanda and Ophelia arrived almost at the same moment. They wore tribal outfits, their bellies big and showing. Despite only being about four and a half months pregnant or so, they looked fit to burst.

“Mmm, that smells really good! Thanks, Ava!” Tanda flew up to Ava’s large avatar, and gave it a hug near the neck, her tail wagging. The larger avatar’s head was nearly as large as Tanda’s full body, especially when considering the antlers it had.

Lia nodded, as she rubbed her belly with a sigh. “The little one is hungry, kicking and kicking. I drank some of Ava’s milk, but it just doesn’t seem to be enough for her today.”

Ava’s large avatar smiled. “Not to worry, Lia. Today’s bounty is plentiful. Unless you crave something special? Would you like to send our mate on an errand again today?”

Lia blushed and seemed to think about it for a moment as she looked at the foods available. “No… I think I’m fine for now.”

Jake chuckled. “Those pickles like the ones from Drengrbjord sure were difficult to find. Still, I’m glad you enjoyed them.”

Lia and Tanda then gave him kisses on the cheek, and found their places at the table. It was then that Fhesiah arrived. She too wore a similar outfit, showing her small baby bump. Even one of Ava’s smaller avatars had one, his entire family of wives pregnant at the same time.

Fhesiah beamed as she looked over the room. “My, such delicacies in my view, a wonderful harvest of succulent delight. The foods Ava cooked look inviting, too.”

Lia just rolled her eyes and started eating, and Tanda giggled, her tail wagging. Ava just smiled over everyone, not desiring to eat for the moment. Her lesser avatar was seemingly undergoing a different type of pregnancy, and was spending a lot more time in front of the Hearth instead, as if standing out in the sun.

Fhesiah kissed Jake on the cheek, greeting him, before sitting down. The family all dug into the wide array of Highlands food, with a few extra special items mixed in. Fhesiah had already been trading for demonic beast corpses from nearby cultivator worlds,

Tanda asked, “So what’s our plan? We’ll have our babies soon, but it’s only a couple of months before we head to Earth for that event, right?”

Jake nodded. “Lord Guan Yu said he would meet with us on the way. He had some extra things to take care of, and…it appears he’d rather us not all be pregnant for it. At least, especially not Bloodberri, Tanda and Ophelia.”

Lia frowned. “Why not Faye?”

Blood chuckled. Berri was eating merrily with her mouth full, so her voice carried over their bond instead, [I think our mentor is a bit of a meathead, being pregnant won’t work well for sparring. If we are, we can’t go all out, and neither can he. Your focus with Lord Guan Yu is probably similar.]

Fhesiah nodded, sipping some of Ava’s milk with her eyes locked on hers. “This is good, but I feel like it’s much better from the source.” She grinned at Ava’s smile, before addressing the table once more, “I believe Blood is right. Brother Zhuge will guide with wisdom and theory more than in individual combat, with less worry or concern about my… motherly situation.”

They talked a bit about what they were doing for a time, trading comments about their trades and their excitement about becoming mothers in truth.

Jake was filled with contentment, seeing all his wives so well rested and pleased. For the last two months, none of them had any form of combat, only embracing rest and relaxation, and pursuing their passions.

He spent each day having alone time with each of them, going on miniature dates, sharing in crafting, playing games, and light magical practice. Jake also met with a few handfuls of Hearthtribe to capture their templates and help many train and research, but most of all, they finally got to relax.

They had now spent almost as much time relaxing as they had fought hard on Highlands, and Jake felt truly blessed.

Suddenly while they were eating, Berri teleported out of the room with a bit of alarm, and a wave of excitement.

[Come, everyone! It’s time!]

The party all teleported above, though only one avatar of Ava’s arrived with them–two of them being nothing but mental projections and not truly in their Refuge.

Berri had already opened the incubator, and Blood had lifted the egg with her telekinesis, placing it on the ground in front of them. The egg had several cracks in it, and was pulsing and shaking. The egg had actually grown slightly from when Bloodberri had laid it, and now Jake thought a grown man, perhaps two, would easily sit inside of it.

Despite the excitement, Berri’s voice was calm and encouraging. “Come on out, little ones. Your many mommies and daddy are here, just waiting to meet you.”

Blood ran her hand over the egg. “Yes, come on out. You two are already so strong. You are ready, it is time to see the world.”

The egg’s shaking accelerated, cracks forming before a clawed hand exited the egg. Another hand pierced through the other side, and then the egg was torn as the two echidnas freed their faces and bodies. The egg collapsed, and then their snake bodies spilled out around them as they tumbled onto the grass covered in blood.

It was two little girls, and if they were human, Jake guessed they would be nearly… three or four years of age. Their snake bodies were around a meter and a half long, with their elf-like bodies a little over half of one meter. One of them had a black snake body and scales with white hair, while the other had a white snake body with black hair.

The two little snake girls ‘stood’ up at the same time, facing Bloodberri, “Mommies!”

Jake’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head at their exclamation as they widened, and the newborn girls were quick to snake forward to hug their mothers as Bloodberri lifted them off the ground to their immense chest. Because of how large Bloodberri was, held up against their chest, the two little girls still appeared barely bigger than infants.

They were covered in fluids from the egg they fought through, but Blood swept it away in an instant with the Clean spell form, and fixed their dirty hair with a wave of telekinesis.

Seeing them held up and clean, he now noticed the little nubs for horns to grow on their foreheads, matching their mother’s. With his Gaze, he saw the cores in their chests, their bodies already brimming with magic and vitality.

Berri beamed, her face lighting up with pride. “There you are! You two are so beautiful, just look at you!”

The two little girls made pleased gasps, as they hugged and were hugged by their mothers tightly for the first time.

Blood added, “And so strong and cunning, we love you very much. Now, go say hello to your daddy. He is excited to meet you too.”

Bloodberri placed the two snake girls back onto the ground, and their serpentine gazes snapped to him right away.

“Daddy!” They both exclaimed at the same time, as they spotted him and surged toward him. Jake was shocked both by their speech, but also their speed. Then, as they snaked up his body and hugged his chest tightly on each side with their arms and snake body wrapped around him, he was caught off guard by their strength.

He hugged them back, not feeling like they were fragile at all with their heads up against his chest, right next to his flame. A special kind of warmth built in him as he gazed at his newly born daughters, large smiles on both of their cute faces. They looked so much like their mothers that it was like looking at miniature versions of Blood and Berri.

Jake was filled with a primal satisfaction, a feeling so profound that he didn’t have words to express how he felt. There was a special connection with these girls, beyond the physical or magical that he couldn’t understand.

He was their dad, and the moment they took their first breath, it was like he knew that he would do anything for them. If he must, he would move heaven and earth.

Lia and Tanda stood near, beaming smiles on their expressions, and the latter’s tail wagging. The valkyrie reached out and patted one on the head, while Tanda did the same with the other.

“Other mommies!”

Tanda and Ophelia each took turns hugging their clan-daughters, greeting them to the world. Then Fhesiah did, wrapping them in her fluffy tails as they beamed with laughter, and Ava and Ira, the family protector, got their share of hugs.

Eventually, Blood and Berri called them back to her arms.

Berri had a wide smile. “Now, what should we name you, little ones? You two are just so beautiful!”

“Does Milord have a preference?”

Jake chuckled. “We talked about this a little. As long as Berri keeps out adjectives and nouns out of their names, I think I’ll be happy with whatever you two decide on. Even if she wants to name them after a princess from a cartoon.”

Tanda giggled. “Aw, so no clan daughters named Ninjablade or Fierce Claws?” f𝐫𝗲eweb𝗻o𝐯el.𝚌o𝗺

The two girls seemed interested, tilting their heads. “What’s a ninja?”

“Oh! Fierce Claws, sound strong!”

Berri noticed the children’s interest, and looked at Jake with puppy-dog eyes, making him feel uncomfortable. She giggled. “I already had a name in mind, and even Blood will like their names.”

Blood hummed. “Very well, you’re right, sister. We shall name you Rena and Nyxa, after the fallen goddesses Eirene and Nyx. Each of you ultimately has pieces of them in your veins, their existence and lineage contributing to yours. Perfect for our first little princesses of the Hart family.”

The girl with the black scales was Nyxa, and the girl with the white scales was Rena.

Berri smiled at them. “What do you say? Do you like your names?”

Nyxa nodded, but Rena frowned. “…Nobody answer me. Ninja sound good.”

Berri whispered something about calling her ninja later when daddy wasn’t looking if she wanted, and Rena beamed. “Okay!”

Nyxa’s eyes fixated on something in the distance of the Refuge forest: a small deer. Licking her lips, she flicked her claws out as she spread her arms and fingers. She began to surge toward it, but was suddenly lifted into the air by Blood’s telekinesis.

“Not yet, young one. You’re hungry? This is not the place for a hunt. We shall eat, but you will also learn proper manners.”

“Awww. But… that look yummy.”

“What manners? Can I eat?” Rena asked.

Berri smiled. “Not to worry, my lovelies. While that deer is yummy, Mommy Ava and daddy’s cooking is even better. Let’s go.”

She teleported the children back to the breakfast table, and the two mothers began teaching the girls to eat the more…normal way, though not for one born minutes ago.

Tanda and Lia both beamed, looking at their own bellies. Lia was first to speak, “Not much longer for us. I hope you are ready for more, Daddy Jake.” She teased.

He joined them, feeling their budding bellies. “I am. I can’t wait to meet even more of our daughters. I know it won’t be long now.”

Jake knew it wouldn’t be too much longer. He couldn’t wait to meet all his children. He teleported to rejoin his new children at the dinner table. While he knew things would be busy once again, this was a type of busy that he would do his utmost to enjoy while he could.

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