Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 101: Ally

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Chapter 101: Ally

Date 23 Mar 2321

Time 10:01

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234

“Correct me if I am wrong… Did you just call me your sis?” Asked Susan acting all chummy while not hiding her playful smile.

“…” It feels so awkward, now that I have said it and Susan has heard it there is no going back.

“It would sound better if you add Big along with it” Susan was acting coy but I knew she was trying to tease me for finally giving in to her pester.

“You know what would sound more appropriate… ‘Sister Big’ don’t you think.” I said as my eyes scanned Susan from head to toe, Susan’s cheeks bulged in anger but soon she reverted to her chummy self saying, “you are not allowed to tease your big sister.”

“*sigh*” I sighed in surrender to Susan’s sunshine attitude, which is good… good for that smuck Frank as I almost planned on taking up massacring him and his friends and family as my next project, thanks to Susan I was no longer enraged enough to go through with it.

If not for Susan and her silly antics I almost forgot my resolution of not repeating the same things I did in my past life. I guess if I had someone like her back in my past life who would force me to enjoy the moment instead of giving in to fear and destroying others so that they will not destroy me first maybe I would not die feeling lonely even though I had saved the world from the hands of the Viltronian bastard.

Right now I was no longer enraged or angry instead I felt clear and level headed and also a little stupid for planning on massacring Frank and his friends and family just because he pestered and tried to blackmail Susan to accompany him for a dinner. In upper management male client asking a female employee to dinner meant that the client’s intentions were not moral. But I can’t blame him, after all, our Susan is beautiful and few flies are bound to pester her. I can not just go around killing them all, it will be like throwing stones in mud, which would only spoil my clothes

This incident with Gore bat ingredients was not a bad thing but a good teachable incident, I learned I cannot just do everything myself I could if I had the time or my influence but I had neither the time nor my influence so the only way I could move forward faster was by making allies. For my ambitions, my ally had to be strong and among the people I knew only three of them met the standards and also be willing to invest in me.

Finding an ally worked both ways and right now I was just a potential stock so why would strong be willing to ally with me who could not provide them anything at present. That is why my list of suitable ally was so short and they were, The Bright family, Fine Gold group or J.K. Elliott. This list was not based on trust or good faith but pure transaction purpose and benefits because I did not trust either of them as they were all big snakes who won’t hesitate to bite me as long as I let my guard down or it favoured themselves. I would not go through this if I had another choice.

If I was not indebted to William for the $100million and the info on dangers in the dark surrounding me, I would have chosen them but I already owe them too much and considering my relation with Corey it would get messy and look like I am misusing her friendship.

As for Fine Gold, in a way, they are best partners for momentary use and throw but for that, I should have considerable power and influence otherwise I will be just walking right into the tiger’s mouth.

At last J.K. Elliott, this one is tricky, he is a generous customer but wasn’t sure if he would make a good partner considering that I was not sure about his intentions for giving me the dungeon calamity seed. But according to him he just wants to be a good friend to me and also considering the current situation in his family and his influence in his family he was the weakest of all the three.

It will be a while for me to form my reputation and influence and until then I will need a big umbrella in the form of an ally to cover me from rain till I grow my reputation and influence to a certain point. Considering my current situation and the strength, Elliott was the best option he may not be strong as the other two but he had enough influence for me to get around till I established my reputation and influence, with him, I will be less on guard of being backstabbed as we both are upstart and need each other’s set of skills to go further along the way.

Yes, it could only be Elliot as I was sure he would appreciate a good card creationist on his side. As for the other two, they have gold grimoire holding card creationist on their sides so they would not appreciate a high school card creationist. But with Elliot, we both required each other’s skills, therefore, lessening the chance of me being backstabbed. So without hesitation, I decided on Elliott.

“Susan contact Elliott and set up a meet, I think he will be of help in our situation.” Recent incidents have made me know that I had to make a mark on this world as soon as possible if I was planning on leaving a peaceful life here, at first it may be a bumpy ride but once I take care of all the obstacles I will enjoy a smooth peaceful ride.

“right way..” Susan beamed at my decision and headed to make arrangements.

Though this world is not tight on conservative ideas, people and families still chose to live within moral limits. People like Susan who hate being monday morning gossip try to lead a moral life and do the right thing all the time. It must have been hard for her to even consider that smuck’s offer, why go to such length for me? I don’t know but if I had to guess I could only think that she feels indebted to me for her sudden fortune. I knew she earned it herself but that naive girl did not know that and still credited her hard work to me and still works harder to prove herself worthy.

“Wyatt, Elliott agreed to the meet and said he will be here by 11…. He sounded very enthusiastic.” Susan was puzzled by Elliott’s enthusiasm because he sounded like a child about to meet his idol.

“Good…” considering Elliott’s history of ruthlessly climbing to power in his father’s company I thought it was going to be harder to ally with him without showing enough benefits but it seems I was wrong he seems to want to ally with me, considering the origin card I created for him his enthusiasm to be on friendly terms with me was not surprising.

This is why I chose these three people as a suitable ally in the first place because they knew of my capabilities and what I had to offer. The other two would not be this enthusiastic if I had gone to them, they would just try to squeeze out the most from me but Elliott, he appreciates what I had to offer but I still had to see his attitude towards me whether he is willing to work with me on equal terms.

Date 23 Mar 2321

Time 10:59

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234

“Your early Mr Elliott” I said looking at the beautiful man and woman that just walked into the warehouse.

“My father always said you can only be late or early and I chose to be early. Here’s a small token of appreciation for our second meeting Mr Wyatt. Please accept it.” Said Elliot as he handed me a small fancy box.

I accepted Elliot’s gift since I was going to ally with him anyway and the exchange of gifts is a basic way to establish a relationship. But opening the box I was surprised and did not know what to say, ” Mr Elliott your gift shows your sincerity and I will accept it shamelessly.”

The small fancy box contained a pair of Gore Bat ear bones and a Gore Bat Core. For someone of Elliott’s status, it was not hard to find out about my current situation and I was prepared for it. I thought Elliott would use it as leverage but to my surprise, he used it to prove his sincerity in this alliance.

“Mr Wyatt like I said yesterday I really want to be your friend and I did not mean anything by giving you the dungeon calamity seed.” Elliott sincerely told his thoughts leaving me with complete power in our relation
