Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 102: Infighting

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Chapter 102: Infighting

Date 23 Mar 2321

Time 11:04

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234

By giving me the Gore Bat ear bones and core Elliott showed his sincerity and how much he valued being my friend. This was totally out of expectation as this way Elliott lost all the leverage he had in this alliance because I only decided to ally with him to get my hands on Gore Bat ear bones and core. Now I had the upper hand as in this alliance because having received what I wanted it was totally up to me whether to continue with the alliance or just thank Elliott for his generous gift and send him packing.

But I knew that the incident with Gore Bat ear bones and core could happen once then it can happen again at that point if I look for Elliott again he would not be as willing as now because of the ingratitude he would have experienced. Therefore Alliance with Elliott would not be a one-time thing, I would need his help procuring ingredients that Susan’s current status cannot procure and seeing his sincerity I would be a fool not to ally with him for now.

“Mr Elliott you have already proven that you meant no harm by giving me the dungeon calamity seed by not reporting our private transaction with authorities. And I am happy to be your friend.”

Elliott paid me with 11 soul jades and a calamity seed for creating his origin card. According to normal norms of any transaction, 34% of what I earned had to be paid as government tax in that way not only would I lose half of my earnings but everyone would know that I had a dungeon calamity seed on me, and gaining me numerous enemies coveting my possessions.

Any normal transaction would involve a grimoire for money transfer and the transaction would automatically get recorded in the respective authorities database making it impossible to skip on government taxes. But my transaction with Elliott did not involve grimoire as Elliott exchanged goods for my services. Normally this kind of transaction would require all the parties involved in the transaction to manually report to the authorities, in our case, there were only two parties involved. The employee that is me and the customer, Elliott. It’s not against the law or something on owning a dungeon calamity seed but if they knew I own a dungeon calamity seed they would add me to their watchlist and monitor me 24/7.

I was not going to rat on myself by trying to be a moral citizen but it was not the case for Elliott he could have reported about the transaction to the authorities and claim to have transferred the ownership of dungeon calamity seed to me but he did not do so proving that he did not mean any harm to me by giving me the dungeon calamity seed but this did not stop him from informing the authorities later, that is why I was wary about him but now seeing he be so amiable and genuinely wanting to be my friend I decided to ally with him because now that I had Gore Bat ear bone and core it was just the matter of time I would create my second origin card using dungeon calamity seed and manually report the private transaction between me and Elliott. Even though I would lose half my wealth I had to do it not to give Elliott a chance to use it as leverage over me.

“Haha, Mr Wyatt this calls for a celebration! It’s too early for liquor now… How about tonight, let me be the host and invite you to my dinner party in celebration of our new formed friendship.” Elliot said enthusiastically.

Now that I have prepared all the ingredients for my second origin core and also mutated my soul enhancing my mental strength I was confident I would successful create the origin card I want, since everything was ready and set I was planning to get started on the creation of my origin card as soon as Elliott left and I did not know how long it would take for me to create the card so when Elliott invited me to the dinner party I was in a bind not knowing how to respond.

Ever since William warned me about the dangers in the dark conspiring against me my survival instincts had become stronger increasing my hunger to grow stronger as soon as possible. Therefore without the slightest guilt, I rejected Elliott’s dinner invitation, trying to sound less rude as possible.

“Forgive my rudeness Mr Elliott I will take a rain check on your dinner invitation. I mean no offence by this but now that I have Gore Bat ear bones and core I have to get back to my work… How about I invite you to a dinner party the day after tomorrow as a celebration of our newfound friendship and as an apology for my rudeness today.”

“I understand Mr Wyatt, an enthusiastic card creationist like yourself is a busy man and I am happy to be of your help. Then let’s continue with your plan and meet the day after tomorrow.” Elliott looked disappointed but nodded in understanding. I was relieved that Elliott did not take offence and was understanding because I hope to have a lengthy and beneficial relationship with him and hurting his feelings on the first day was the wrong way to go. While I was about to thank Elliott out of gratitude and send him out, Susan looked for Elliott,

“Mr Elliot if you don’t mind can you tell me how you were able to get your hands on the Gore Bat ear bones and core. Due to the new law, it is near impossible to procure ingredients of Gore Bat even for the rich and powerful.”

Being involved in sales this info was gold for Susan, being unable to procure Gore Bat ear bones and core she realised an ugly truth that with her current authority and Wyatt’s rate of progress she would soon be of no use to him and be left behind. Realising that Susan grew ambitious and sought to gain more power to not delay Wyatt and be left behind. This was one of the main reasons why Susan was considering ongoing a dinner with Frank Lloyd even though she knew his intention for her was not pure.

“Miss Susan, you have been looking for the ingredients at the wrong place. The new law was enforced so that the Guild Association will see all the ingredients related to Gore Bat to the Card Creationist Association.

Even though both of the associations are part of the government there is still infighting. Guild Association mostly contains adventurers and merchants who like to gain the most profit so they hoard the ingredients to maintain the supply and demand making it only available to the rich as only they can afford it at the price mentioned by the Guild association.

This attitude of the Guild association seriously affected the balance between rich and power in the Card Creationist guild.

Even though Card Creationist is considered rich only the people inside know not every Card creationist is rich as each card creationist has a varying successful card creation rate.

Here’s where the Gore Bat ingredients come into the picture because a Gore Bat ability can increase the success rate of card creation by a very large margin.

But since the Gore Bat ingredients are expensive, Card creationists with humble background have to save up for years to buy the Gore Bat ingredients whereas their colleagues with a rich family background get the Gore Bat ability card at the get-go thanks to their families leaving their poor colleagues in the dust.

This way the balance between the rich and poor faction in the Card Creationist guild broke. Which lead to the government stepping in and making the new law where all the Gore Bat ingredients in the Guild association will be sold to the card creationist association at base price. As for the card creationist association, it will distribute the Gore Bat ingredients among the card creationist of the association based on a merit system tipping the balance to the side of the poor faction as they are the ones who keep the card creationist guild running.” Elliott did not answer Susan as he did not procure the Gore Bat ingredients but his Secretary did, who not only answered Susan’s question but narrated the reason for the sudden change in the law.

“Wow! No wonder… But it is good to know that the government even though a little corrupt is still upholding justice and fairness.” Said Susan

“Hahaha! Haha! …” hearing Susan’s naive words I burst out in laughter. Even Elliott and his Secretary had a hard maintaining straight face hearing my laughter in response to Susan’s innocent take from infighting between the association.

Looking at my uncontrolled laughter and Elliott and his secretary’s weird faces Susan felt like the dumb one in the room and felt embarrassed but pretty soon her embarrassment turned into anger as with puffed cheeks she glared at me. This way she only looked more cutier.
